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Old 21-02-02, 08:19 PM   #4
yea, it's me.
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U.N. announces music piracy pact
A groundbreaking international pact to protect musicians and the multibillion-dollar recording industry from Internet piracy will finally go into effect in May, a United Nations agency announced Thursday. Over five years after the treaty was signed, the needed number of ratifications for it to be enforced was achieved Feb. 20 when Honduras became the thirtieth country formally to join, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) said. The treaty, the WIPO Phonograms and Performances Treaty (WPPT), bars the unauthorized exploitation of recorded or live performances on the Web.

I found this one especially creepy!!!

Yep - the RIAA (musicians placing a deep 2nd I'd bet) goes international -

Whadda Buncha Bungholes!!
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