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Old 21-02-02, 08:36 AM   #13
JackSpratts's Avatar
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If Morpheus (or some other app) queries all nodes on every search and then completely “annonymizes” sharing (perhaps by proxies) so that actual IP #s are hidden, it will be the most powerful distribution system in history. If this is done efficiently and searches & D/Ls are fast, and no longer relegated to specific ports, it will become the worlds' standard client, and the amount of files accessible will make the original Napster look like a small town record store.

How close are we to that ideal? It's hard to say these days. Most program creators are out for a quick buck and couldn't care less about political/social issues. But somehow, somewhere there must be someone cooking something up like this right now. I just hope s/he makes it sometime soon!

And wouldn't that be sumpin?

- js.
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