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Old 19-02-02, 05:32 AM   #7
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Location: Sydney, Australia
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Hi, Snark, long time no see!
The new skin for dB poweramp audio player is pretty functional - it resembles a conventional component amplifier, and has all the necessary control buttons, including the one you so greatly missed - an OFF button (red) conveniently located in the top right hand corner. There is a selectable, matching, graphic equaliser which can be hidden or made to apppear by a button on the amplifier face. All in all, they've done, IMO, a very nice job.
What's more, as I think I've said once before, the dBpoweramp forum is most useful, and any problems attended to with an absolute minimum of delay (always allowing for time differences, of course, but that wouldn't bother you, Snark, cos you're on the same island!!!). Let's know if you think it worthwhile - me, I love it, and the converter as well. (A codec for mp3Pro is now available).
Finally, I suppose I should add, I have no connection with these people, I just like to share anything good that I discover, especially when its free!

"You are old, father William," the young man said,
"And you hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on you head -
Do you think, at your age, it is right?"
Lewis Carroll.
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