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Old 12-02-02, 12:57 PM   #1
JackSpratts's Avatar
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Default streamcast speaks! sort of.

wow! here's actual streamcast correspondence from an actual streamcast bot! they actually reply. who woulda thunk it? of course this reply has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH MY QUESTION!

"#I'm sorry for the late response and the form letter format.# We are really backed up with email here at info@ <mailto:info@>. Thank you for your patience.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com: office: office" />

For ALL general errors, player errors, and missing components#PLEASE go to <>. Click on the product updates button on the left hand side of the screen, this function will make sure you have all the current updates for your windows product. Remember that Morpheus runs on Windows Media Player 6.4 or higher.
Cost; remember Morpheus is FREE! StreamCast Networks brings you Morpheus at no cost to the end user. The best place on the web to download Morpheus is and look for a red button that says QUICK START for our NEWEST downloads.

Passwords; forgotten or wrong username/password, we have no way of knowing your password here at Info. Just reregister as a new user and enter a new, unique username and password.

Currently there is a limit of one user per computer, we are working on this.

To uninstall simply go to start--settings--control panel--add/remove programs.# From there click on Morpheus and uninstall.# Make sure you have completely exited Morpheus first (including the icon in the system tray), or you will get an error message.

Auto Start; to disable in windows go to your start menu, run, and type "msconfig", then go to the start up tab, and disable Morpheus from the start up programs. Also you might try Tools Options then uncheck the Launch Morpheus automatically box.
Connecting Problems. When you get connected look at the bottom center of the program there should be several hundred thousand users connected. If this is not the case shut down Morpheus completely, no Icon in the task bar, then restart the program. This also applies if you find that your Morpheus never seems to connect.

Parental Control; will be in the next version of Morpheus which will come out shortly.

128k Limit. To search for content higher than 128k, go to your start menu, run, type "regedit", then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Morpheus there is only one option you can change ... LimitBitrate. Setting this to 1 will limit the bitrate to 128 kbps. Setting it to 0 (zero) will set the bitrate back to normal (320 kbps limit)."

- js.
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