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Old 04-02-02, 10:20 AM   #17
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Well as the hours pass unfortunately it looks more and more like this is the real thing. Sources at the BBC tell me that they've done their own research and the hack is real, it's different from the old one, it works, and they deliberately withheld salient details in the article to protect their sources and perhaps to keep new hackers from exploiting it -


... as you can understand, we could not give out specific details of the hole in Morpheus. This security hole is different to the bug you mentioned, which relies on a specific computer port. This one involves the use of [a] simple computer command which has now appeared on several websites.

Let me know if you need further details

So...I've asked for further information - I'd like to find those sites! (anyone?) - We might want to step up the effort on this.

- js.
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