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Old 26-01-02, 12:45 PM   #2
The local newspaper man
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Pac-Man's Trek From Arcade to PC
Chris Kirmse loves video arcade games. Love might be the wrong word. He's obsessed with them. He's been a part of the loosely organized Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) project since 1996. The group, numbering around 100 people, writes software applications called "emulators," which enable archaic arcade games like Pac-Man and Tempest to run on personal computers.,2101,49969,00.html

The Art of the Meal
Belgian artist Wim Delvoye has created what could be the most universal human portrait ever made: an assembly line simulacrum of the human digestive system, an endless conveyor belt of food sucking and expulsion. Sound like anyone you know? To create this perfect representation of humanity, Delvoye says he thought long and hard, until it dawned on him. "I thought, 'Shit!' That's it!" he said. Delvoye has created Cloaca, more human than some might like to admit, and named it after the ancient Roman sewer, Cloaca maxima.,1284,49606,00.html

Death Knell to Cloning Movement?
When the news broke this week of a so-called ultimate stem cell discovered by University of Minnesota researchers, advocates of reproductive cloning panicked. The discovery, they believe, could be the death knell for their movement. Their best hope in someday making it legal to clone a human being was to marry reproductive cloning to therapeutic cloning; that is, cloning embryos to research medical treatments.,1286,50042,00.html

Turning Macs on Thievery
Every year about 400,000 computers are stolen in the United States. Only 3 percent are ever recovered. But after his sister's iMac was taken during a burglary, a Houston man was able to get it back using remote-control software, expert help from friends on the Net, a large dose of luck and some incredible naiveté on the thief's part. In a story that is probably unique, R.D. Bridges recovered his sister's stolen iMac using Netopia's Timbuktu Pro, a program that allows computers to be remotely controlled and is widely used by computer-help technicians.,2125,50025,00.html

Broadband backers want federal help
Faced with tepid customer response, some of high tech's largest firms now want federal help expanding the high-speed Internet service on which their futures depend. A public policy group that includes the top executives of Intel Corp., Dell Computer Corp. and the Hewlett-Packard Co. called for a national policy yesterday to extend broadband Internet service to most American homes.

French prepare powerful eye in sky
Engineers in France are putting the finishing touches to what they say will be the most powerful civilian observation satellite ever. Spot 5 will be able to pick out an object the size of car from over 800 kilometres above the earth's surface when it is launched in April. In the past such high-powered technology has only been available to the military. The satellite will be used to track the effects of natural disasters, as well as to survey crops and forests and for planning purposes, France 2 television reported.

Dept. Of Education To Gauge Tech Role In the Classroom
Department of Education Secretary Rod Paige today said it is time to shift the focus of his agency away from closing the digital divide in the nation's schools toward a review of how technology can enhance learning in the classroom. Speaking at a national summit on technology in education, Paige said educators and school boards need to refocus their agenda on using technology to improve the quality of education that students receive.

Canadian Authorities Condemn 'Hate-And-Run' Webmaster
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