Thread: What's! .DAT?
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Old 23-01-02, 01:07 PM   #5
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the entire p2p community lost countless posts of hard to come by programming tips when streamcast abruptly and pointlessly closed the forums at morpheus.

what we needed was a warning so some of us could've scoured the threads and saved the most important info, and it's so easy too with "clicking, caching and copying". when i think about all the caches filled w/morph tips i emptied...

well we didn't get that warning from streamcast, which is indeed bull****(watch language guys, please) and now the opportunity has passed. there may be some originators who saved their own threads and i'm looking for them but the community has dispersed rapidly and while i may pick up one or two more coders i think we're going to have to recreate most of them ourselves.

i remember that post on dat editing miuf and will check if i've saved it to disc but i don't think i did. of course if anyone can come up with more info or names it could make the results more successful.

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