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Old 20-01-02, 07:57 AM   #5
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Originally posted by theknife

Watching the industrial/entertainment complex eat itself would be my idea of a good time
I've always found Sony's attitude somewhat puzzling - it's almost as though the top echelon of directors just allow those below them to decide what they do regarding copyright/piracy.

The attitude of their record publishing wing is at constant odds with the attitude shown by the electronics people.

The electronics division's inability to make the original PSX chip proof, despite something like 30 odd motherboard revisions proved that they are either ultimately incompetent, or are making token gestures to stop piracy, but are in fact not bothered at all, as all they want to do is to sell units...what people actually do with them (i.e. play legit games, or "backup" copies) isn't really their concern.

In some ways, I guess this attitude is the same as those shown by gun manufacturers, or even the tobacco industry - all they want to do is make money, they don't really care who gets hurt or exploited to do so....

Sony, our ethical friend ?
"Under the Geneva convention it is illegal to do things with Prisoners of War that are humiliating to those individuals." Donald Rumsfeld, not discussing the "detainees" at Camp X-Ray.
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