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Old 18-01-02, 12:53 PM   #1
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Default Kazaa Halts Client Downloads

- As reported yesterday by the Walktalker Press and other outlets worldwide.

"Netherlands-based Kazaa has temporarily suspended downloads of its file-swapping software from its Web site, pending a decision by a Dutch court expected Jan. 31.
Kazaa said Wednesday that it took the step to avoid paying a fine that stems from a November ourt order, which requires it to bar people from swapping digital files of copyrighted music or face a fine of $39,620 (45,000 euros) per day. The fine was supposed to take effect in December, but it has yet to be enforced.

By halting downloads, "Kazaa took the most drastic measure it can imagine," the company said in a statement.

The decision to block downloads of the current software doesn't stop people from using previous versions to trade files. Nor does it stop people from downloading essentially the same software from other licensees of the technology and tapping into the same file-swapping network."

full article on yahoo.

yes some of us can still use the massive network but this is in no way good news by any definition.

now more than ever - where the f**k is version 2?

- js.
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