Thread: Musical Fits
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Old 05-01-02, 06:08 PM   #4
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yea, happens to me all the time, last was...ummm, either Rolling Stones - Exile On Main St. or Weather Report - Night Passages, dont remember. when you said musical fits, i thought you were talking about something more like this...

few years ago i saw The Pretenders, was a pretty good show except for when Crissy Hinde threw a fit after the first couple of songs. first? time she stopped singing after a few lines, the band stoped playing with puzzeled looks on their faces, and she said "hey security guards, let those people come up front and dance, now!!!!" the security guards at this place were nazis, and would not let anyone out of their seats. so now they did. then few minutes later she stops again, this time says "hey i see people looking at me with binoculars, stop it!! no binoculars!!" then she chucks her tamborene into the stage and it breaks, then she picks up a nice sharp piece and chucks it into the crowd.

she then paces back and forth for a bit, then the concert resumes without any more weird chit. and hey, the lead guitarist was doin this cool thing where he would be playing then would bend down one of his guitar stirngs with the pick, then let it fly out into the crowd. i caught one, blue, says pretenders on it.
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