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multi 23-01-02 11:41 AM

What's! .DAT?

WELCOME TO WHATS .DAT....some ideas i was thinking of had to do with............
Some posts lost
that where good topics
@SC was stuff on editing
the .dat files
i ask :1./I use editplus a bit would it be ok or something else like emacs whats a good 1 ? ne body-n e tips on why u would want to bother (a resume of large d/l maybe)- witch leads me 2 my second question......
2./I remember someone saying a while back u could del them and morpheus would generate new 1's
coz this might be bullshit
n e way its easy to install :)
do they store the info for resume?
eg.packet info MAC-address and data info or stuff(i might have me jingo a bit mixed up there:)......... )
i think i mean .dbb files
but any of these sorts of files in all& N E of the other FS programs around
*some ideas on the latest spy ware getting round:CU: )
*dont start the shareing not sharing thing....please(but u can mention th@ u r sick of hearing about it :CG:
*:WC: If u like u can talk about your cat....:WC2:
:BHD: :dunno:*:dir:JOIN THE:SHO: MORPHIA :uzi: HERE * multiinteruserface@hotmail.com :S: :BSD: :TY: :S::V: :PCA: :BHD:
*recomend some good ware or tool(or technique 4) looking/modifying/fixing@stuff
*ls some linux stuff(?)
any thing about a certain a linux gui(ex-kaza)4morpheusnetwork
*Bitch about ya girl/boyfreind,nextdoor neighbor,computer whateva
:beer:CHEERS @ ALL
N E WAY just some ideas 4 ya :beer: -multi

Maze 23-01-02 12:11 PM

Could you repeat the question? ...lol:BL:

Nevermind, I'll ask you one. What's editplus?

As far as the .dat files... they are of course the unfinished downloads in Morpheus in your download folder. I've found it's good to copy/paste them somewhere else (sometimes) right in mid-download ...or if it's nearly finished ...as you can lose the data totally if Morpheus crashes or some other problem occurs.

Then you can paste it into the download folder and resume it later ...but this doesn't always work and Morpheus will simply delete the file on startup. If you've ever almost completed a huge movie or something, lost it and had to start over, then you know what I mean. You can also rename the copy of the .dat file to temp.mpg or temp.mov or temp.mp3 or whatever it is and take a look at it.

This is not always a nessessary thing to do of course ...but it's saved my ass a couple of times from having to start over. When you've completed the download successfully, just delete the copy of the .dat file you made ...as it's no doubt rather large.

greedy_lars 23-01-02 12:48 PM

:help: :er: :sus: :cr: :BP: :con: :love: :m: :RE: :cool: ;( :SP: :FB: :PO:

multi 23-01-02 01:04 PM

damn that was quick!
sorry if i was a bit unclear
yes but but the kind of info i like thx :AP:
Yeah like i had this a major system reshuffle (due 2 trying to install linux 7.2)yesterday
has a big down load in edonkey(just renamed it to prora~1\easshead.....reinstalled and del the new directory named it back)
*i wish there was a shorter way of saying th@*

which also leads me to ask is the installer availabe 4 mopeus still i got the original of a shareware/cover cd and cant find it
damit here

it is URL NE way
4 th@ reply


JackSpratts 23-01-02 01:07 PM

the entire p2p community lost countless posts of hard to come by programming tips when streamcast abruptly and pointlessly closed the forums at morpheus.

what we needed was a warning so some of us could've scoured the threads and saved the most important info, and it's so easy too with "clicking, caching and copying". when i think about all the caches filled w/morph tips i emptied...

well we didn't get that warning from streamcast, which is indeed bull****(watch language guys, please) and now the opportunity has passed. there may be some originators who saved their own threads and i'm looking for them but the community has dispersed rapidly and while i may pick up one or two more coders i think we're going to have to recreate most of them ourselves.

i remember that post on dat editing miuf and will check if i've saved it to disc but i don't think i did. of course if anyone can come up with more info or names it could make the results more successful.:tu:


multi 23-01-02 01:34 PM

congrats on post 1985
*u caan also use this as a test page *NOT*
or feel the wrath of :
:CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG:
:CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG: :CG:

BuzzB2K 23-01-02 01:46 PM

Re: Deleting *.dbb

Originally posted by multi inter user face
...witch leads me 2 my second question......

2./I remember someone saying a while back u could del them and morpheus would generate new 1's
coz this might be bullshit...

i think i mean .dbb files


Some users of Morpheus (myself included) del the *.dbb files "just to get it to run"
I'm running XP and Morph will crash on restart if I don't delete the *.dbb.
Of course this means Morph must rebuild it's database everytime I use it... :f:
It's also pointless for me to edit anything in My Media because none of that information is written to the file (MP3) but is cached in the *.dbb files... :bsh:

Buzz aka xp_rulez:shk:

multi 23-01-02 01:56 PM

i didnt know about Knot swearing
i did'nt think th2 happened here
gee? i sorta wanted ppl to be able to swear
what an absolute bugger(used in TV ad's here)
as 4 bullsh......
well ,i guess u better have me moved to unmoderated?
but pretty please jack could we not swear a lilttle just in here?
i sorta mean if its in good taste or in jest....lalala
Come on have a fLIkEn Beer!:beer:
was sorta starting to enjoy myself here tho
:con: oh well?:con:
*Rule number #1 Dont mention the rules*

:) an oldie but a goodie !


JackSpratts 23-01-02 02:04 PM


just remember, a little goes a lllloooonnng way!:tu:

- js.

multi 23-01-02 02:20 PM

CHEERS to jack:a:
yeah i dont like when people swear in UCASE
is usually off tap ....and unnessecery 4 a forum
or for a chat room 4 th@ matter
we must remember jack is master threadstarter !
ah ha i get the XPBuzz2k connection thx 4 telling me
i later told indy when he woke up
heres 1 of my favorites
for cutting the crap..........

thx 2 whois th@posted this

like the idea of regrouping some of the old SC4um© posters in a relaxed a n d comfortable atmosphere
To view ads over the web, your browser needs to retrieve them from the ad server; to do that, it needs to find the ad server. If you can stop that from happening, you don't see the ad, and your precious bandwidth is not wasted.
How can I do that, you ask? Simple. Create a text file c:\windows\hosts (or wherever you have Windows installed), and put a line in it telling your computer that the ads are stored on *itself*. Your computer's internal address is ""; put this at the start of the line. You can get the addresses of ads by right-clicking, selecting "Copy Shortcut", and pasting it into notepad (you only want the part between "http://"; and the next "/"); put these after it. Windows looks at this file before it looks things up on the internet; if you try to access a server you've "blacklisted," let's say ads.musiccity.com, your computer will try to log on to itself, fail, and say something like "Action canceled."

A good start for this file is shown below. Try this, it really works and you have nothing to lose. Tell your friends. ad.doubleclick.net mediaserv.247media.com media.fastclick.net servedby.advertising.com www.copernic.com ad.musicmatch.com connect.247media.ads.link4ads.com ads.musiccity.com ads.servethis.com www.directvdsl.com

lingo slang and tomfoolery:
-multi :dunno:

indiana_jones 23-01-02 03:57 PM

.dbb files:
for each file, imported into "My Media", a record is added to one of the .dbb files.
It contains filenames, all the info extracted from media files and -
whats really important - a long signature, which is calculated from the file.
I think, the signature together with the file size is the main parameter for
identifying files - all other things are only used for searching for files.

.dat files
as all others already stated, these are waiting downloads.
at the end of the file is the search information, containing also the findings
and of cource the :SH:signature:SH: and filesize.
it may also contain some pointers for ongoing downloads

this part is protected by a 4 Byte checksum, which has to be updated accordingly.
unfortunately this part contains a 16 bit pointer on a large array, which can overrun
after a while, then the checksum cannot be computed correctly anymore.
(there was a post from AYB at the Morpheus forum, who had made a repair tool)

Since :was: in case the checksum processing goes wrong, when you start Morpheus, the
file is brutally deleted.

but if you lucky and the download finished, this info part is ripped of and the file
is renamed to its final name.
(maybe it's copied, then it will use temporary double the space, which can be much
if it's a movie - anybody knows?)

that's it - at least a part of it :SH:


want to know more?
then please talk an english which's also understood in the far Alps!

multi 25-01-02 10:33 AM

i speak only engglish as far as i no
sorry if im hard 2 understand indy
but thanx 4 th@ post N E way :RE:
and now th@ i have read yr thread on startfiles
this all becomes a little clearer still reading some
of the stuff from kewbase's page's

while tyring 2 get this damn video card installed in RH7.2
(and nmb would not work)
so i am stuck in text mode there
N E way hope 2 catch u guys in the chat ther downbelow sometime


indiana_jones 25-01-02 12:10 PM

:a:2 not take th@ 2 serious, 4 i will learn it:RI:
:beer: :beer: :beer:

multi 25-01-02 01:36 PM

:no: me seriuos?:RS:

multi 27-01-02 02:10 PM

here is some
instructions for using indy's dbb2dat
i personaly am only a lilttle knowlagable on this(see my initial question) but this looks like a good tool
so any 1 out there whos out there ...........:AP:
there's more on the d/l page @morphia and in the file
(link below in sig)-multi

1. these programs must be run in command window
if you have little time again you can try this
open a command window
it should be in menu
start-programs-command window (or so - maybe it has that MSDOS symbol)
(unfortunately i have a german NT4.0 and dont know the english names)

then enter the drive and change the directory where Morpheus installed i.e.
cd \programs\morpheus

there you type

....then it prints some help or
dbb2dat "pattern"
... then it searches your dbb for entries with filenames containing pattern
... its case sensitive and the wildcard character is the dot "."
... it makes 2 files for each entry - a dat which is a startfile and a .txt ... which you can edit and which contains name, size and signature of the files
... Morpheus must be totally closed when you do that, because otherwise it locks
... the dbb files.

... works in a similar way - but it just asks you to enter name, size, signature
... manually (filename and size are not really important, only the sig counts)
or enter

sig2dat sig-file
... with sigfile the same format as the output of dbb2dat
... then it puts a startfile into you "My Shared Folder"
... you have to restart Morph afterwards

multi 18-12-03 10:03 PM


Originally posted by multi
:no: me seriuos?:RS:
haha! i couldnt resist.. :o


i think i was smoking something at the time..;)

what happened to buzz?

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