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-   -   A MILLION and ONE Thanks to AYB and Indiana Jones (http://www.p2p-zone.com/underground/showthread.php?t=10948)

butterfly_kisses 04-05-02 07:56 PM

A MILLION and ONE Thanks to AYB and Indiana Jones
I just wanted to give a WELL-DESERVED shout out to a programmer by the name of AYB for his wonderful invention:

Morpheus-X (thanks also to "smokes2much" for unknowingly teaching me how to use it properly through a post of his i read in the help forum on AYB's site http://go.to/morpheusx)

First off I did not know what it was fully capable of DOING until just recently...let me explain for anyone who DOES NOT KNOW what this is and or does....

MorpheusX is an invaluable addition to KaZaA/Grokster which will automatically "find more sources for downloads that are currently in progress or have been paused.


A SIDE EFFECT of this wonderful program is if you type something into the search box and you get meager results say 70 results returned....well friends leave morpheus X running

and don't do anything else

come back in about 30 minutes after morpheus-X has been searching for more sources behind the scenes and hit <ENTER> in the search field again on the same search and you will be totally FUCKING amazed like I was of how many RELEVANT and substantial hits you get

In my experience i could never find a RARE and yes i mean REALLY rare unreleased movie (whose name i will not mention UNTIL my download completes *hehe* [i don't like competition ;)]

well using the method outlined above of running morpheus-X and doing a search (getting little or no hits initially) i came back after morpheusx had been running for a bit (approximately 30 minutes) did my search again (just pressed enter on the search box) because what I had typed in earlier was still there and

BINGO! i found the file I needed to complete my movie collection.


and to Indiana Jones his invention the SiG2Dat will allow you to use "quicklinks" this is similiar to the feature that goes with Edonkey (i think) where you can click on a weblink and start a VALID download in your FASTTRACK client e.g., Grokster/KaZaA

Thank-you gentlemen for these wonderful inventions

and thank-you also for sharing them with us and for open-sourcing the code on your software this has already led to furthur developments and improvements where Morpheus-X is concerned.

Needless to say, I am very happy.

Yes, I am

Cheers, and Congratulations on your successful endeavors

past, present and those that are yet to be!

:beer: SALUT!

napho 04-05-02 10:55 PM

What he said.:AP: I'm a lazy bastard so I don't program anything.:N: And good luck on your project too Harby.

BuzzB2K 04-05-02 11:28 PM

Hey, I'm even lazier... I just wait to see what napho finds next. ;)

And I join Harby in congratulating AYB & indy (vlaibb) in what they have done to improve the operation and use of the FastTrack Clients. :tu:

Mowzer 05-05-02 12:46 AM

Yes, both those programs rock.

Morpehus X is especially great if your on a high speed conection.

Indy's sig 2 dat works wonders aswell, especially to help get correct movie files.

Now if only those 2 great minds would work together and create a p2p app.

butterfly_kisses 05-05-02 07:57 AM


Now if only those 2 great minds would work together and create a p2p app
now THAT would be a winner!

(please note...i said winner ;) )

theknife 05-05-02 08:38 AM


Originally posted by BuzzB2K
Hey, I'm even lazier... I just wait to see what napho finds next. ;)

.....and I just glom onto all of you people coz I dunno shit and you guys are all fucking brilliant and I get great shit just by being here....:W:

twinspan 05-05-02 10:04 AM

yup, thanks from me too to AYB & Indy.

getting easier & easier to make/use links for files on FastTrack with Sig2Dat. And that's starting to boost files posted over in FastTrack Central.

And MorheusX really gets downloads moving on my DSL line.

And thanks to Harby, too. Didn't know that MorfX also improved search results, gotta try that.

goldie 05-05-02 12:25 PM

:AP: :ND: AND:V: from me too!!


indiana_jones 05-05-02 01:18 PM

hey AYB
please write some words to express our gratidude for all this friendliness!
:J: i cannot, because of the tears in my eyes:J:
:beer: indy :beer:

AYB 05-05-02 02:00 PM

Aww shucks guys :BL:

Also didnt know that MX helped with search results ;)

theknife 06-05-02 08:00 PM

hey, just noticed it also clears out completed downloads automatically - is that just a byproduct of the search command?

AYB 07-05-02 04:48 AM

Some ppl (altho I never personally experienced this) had a problem whereby a completed download would somehow be resumed causing it to become corrupted. After downloading a 700mb video for hours if not days I imagine they would have been quite frustrated :) So MX issues a clear downloaded and erroneous command before refreshing.

twinspan 07-05-02 03:27 PM

couple of side-effects I've noticed re MX:

- can crash Explorer/Win98SE if I'm editing a file's details in My Grokster when MX 'refreshes'.

- I tried to get round the 'no pause' issue by restricting to 1 upload only. But still MX starting d/l'ing more files despite that limit.

I know it's not being developed anymore :( , just a heads-up to fellow users/fans.

PS I'm waiting for the day when I can start using Sig2MetamorphSecretKickArseName FT !!!! Lite !!!:D

TankGirl 07-05-02 08:08 PM

I have been very pleased to see Napsterites with programming skills coming forward and sharing their p2p knowledge and software with all of us! Kudos to all of you! :AP: :AP:

IMO what is happening here at NU is representative of a new phase in the p2p revolution. More and more people have realized that commercial p2p ventures are not the best bedfellows in filesharing and community formation. They are simply too selfish, too unpredictable and too unreliable in their relations to their clientele. They cannot be trusted to provide the infrastructure for something as precious as the global p2p ecology. And being inherently just moneymaking machines they will always remain an easy prey to the copyright nazis. At the end of the day we will be much better off by providing everything we need ourselves in the form of open protocols and open source p2p software. We want no commercial strings attached, no spyware embedded, no hidden networks lurking in our computers - just a safe and enjoyable peer to peer experience to enrichen our life. It's a fair wish and I have no doubt that given some time the technically gifted 'supernodes' in our brain-to-brain network will provide us just that. :tu:

- tg ;)

butterfly_kisses 07-05-02 08:33 PM

re: twinspan

THANK-you for adding that (haha....could see AYB's head

beginning to swell...a little [tha Big One i mean :D)

but seriously its good to also note the bugs because its the only

way we can know that they are there...AYB's current projects:

e.g., a)Life b)Exams c)New P2P client

are taking precedence in that order...i believe which is how it should be...i am more interested in his "new company"

and the new p2p client rather than the enhancing and continuing

of developments to Morpheus-X (which is still wonderful and yes

there are room for improvements but considering he did all of this

with limited amount of resources, e.g., "no source code provided to him"

I'd say we have a phenomenal enhancement with what exists (any bugs that may be found and all)

and re: Tankgirl

with encouragement and support like that...how can we fail?

and I love the way you put it about the supernodes in our "brain to brain" network....that was awesome!

thanks for that TG

for more on my project please see:

"doesn't really belong here....so" thread


allaces10 08-05-02 12:47 AM

MorpheusX complains the fasttrack client can't be found. I am using the latest kazaa lite 1.6. Any suggestions on this AYB? I have already changed exe. file to kazaa from kazaalit. Thanks.

AYB 08-05-02 02:34 AM

Taken from my messageboard:

The issue is missing registry keys. For Morpheus it should be of the form:


with a string value nammed DatabaseDir which is something like c:\program files\morpheus\db

For Kazaa it should be of the form:


with a string value named ExeDir which is something like c:\program files\kazaa\

For Grokster it should be the same as Morpheus, except clearly the string value is more like
c:\program files\grokster\db

If its complaining about the lack of a fasttrak client, make sure you have one of these keys, according to whichever one you choose to load using MX

As for my head swelling...

Mowzer 08-05-02 04:12 AM

I will admit I went a few days with out using Morph X. But now that I had a chance I was able to reinstall.

I have no clue how people use any of the FT type programs with out Morph X.

I was getting a ton of more sources needed, on a hard to find file, now though it has picked up ,and coming down quick.

I am using the 1min:5sec ratio, with a high speed connection.

Thanx once again AYB. Its also cool you put up the source code.

allaces10 08-05-02 07:00 AM

AYB - I have been to your board and saw that post. I do have that registry key already. Mine is as follows...

Exedir "C:\progra~\kazaal~1/kazaa.exe"

This is of course under cloudload. Anything else to look for?

AYB 08-05-02 10:06 AM

The ExeDir is just that, it doesnt need the kazaa.exe tacked on the end. Change it to C:\progra~\kazaal~1\

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