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butterfly_kisses 04-05-02 10:33 PM

This does not belong anywhere else...so...
Hi, all I am working on my own fasttrack client and I'm really having a lot of fun with it. I've been asking for help...i need people who are familiar with C++ programming, windows API calls and just generally windows API in general and plug-ins for it.

Also need people familiar with Java programming too and perl.

If you are interested in helping me out on this unpaid, labour of love project please PM me and let me know.

Now then for the rest of you who get sick and tired of me posting bits and pieces of the new client in other threads i've decided to keep them confined within the restrains of this one thread

so if you are interested in seeing a work-in-progress then enjoy if not then well, that's too bad...don't look at it ;)

First pic a customised dialog that pops up if Adaware uninstalls the dummy cd_clint.dll file that my software needs to run. I tried to find a way to bypass the necessity of the dummy cd_clint.dll file by downloading the Cydoor SDK (developer's kit or pack)

but haven't gotten around to doing anything with it yet.

anybody thinks that they can make a kazaa-client without the cydoor dependency...please try and release it to the public.

Until then its a dummy cd_clint.dll file for me ;)


butterfly_kisses 04-05-02 11:08 PM

Please forgive me if i get over enthused about this but it makes m so happy to be able to bring you all a client that will actually improve you overall enjoyment and p2p experience

In this version i did away with the Surfola.com although it is still available if you want to surf the web anonymously while using "metamorphesis" (the name of my new client which will surpass and replace KaZaLite as the number one p2p client for windows....or as least i hope it will :D

look at this screenshot (remember this is a work in progress)

btw if you surf to Napsterites through surfola you can't post to the forum unless you register as a member of the surfola website so i figured well that's gotta go so now you can post here just like normal from the metamorphesis client (a hacked version of KaZaA)


look below:

Mowzer 05-05-02 12:40 AM

Based on the past timmay, I can't wait to see what kinda spyware you come up with for your program.


Either way, best of luck. Congrats on the initiative.
Remember dont hire jason as your PR guy.


butterfly_kisses 05-05-02 07:52 AM

i have been in contact with jason recently and he declined my offer :(

however, I may take the advice of Jack Spratts and so many knowledgeable others whom have suggested that i realease a new spyware with hidden p2p capabilities.

I think that would make for a more attractive headline on cnet...don't you?

hehe :)

twinspan 05-05-02 10:16 AM

best of luck with the FT client (no offer of help from me as the last time I coded was about 4 lines of Basic on a BBC-B).

One question: will you be including IP bouncing?

it seems far too easy right now for some 'copyright enforcer' to run an IP trace by d/ling a file from you (leading to nasty 'cease & desist' letters to people's ISPs) and apparently Filetopia has managed to combat this with IP bouncing.

I think end-to-end anonymity is becoming a big concern for p2p users, and would look forward to an FT client that could provide that.

butterfly_kisses 05-05-02 01:04 PM


paraphrased from TwinSpan:

One question: will you be including IP bouncing?

This is a VERY excellent point TwinSpan and right now the answer is no...however I do have another article i intend to do for the Napsterites to show you all just how dangerous and how vulnerable we all are....and yes

i can't hardly wait to write it...i hope it will be enjoyed as much as my previous article on using the Getright browser to connect with Supernodes now that parts of the fasttrack network have been changed to act and behave differently and older clients [1.4 and below) have been rendered useless by changing the protocol (language that is spoken of the internet) by the current Fasttrack clients.

Without giving too much away...KaZaA or at least the network has its own form of DNS (domain name service) meaning you type in a name like :

www.google.com and it gets translated into its numerical form of

try this:

click this link and see if it doesn't also take you to the Google search engine website.

This is normal and its a natural part of the way the internet works

From my findings (based on the works of Indiana Jones and Scyth) i've been able to determine that fasttrack clients (KaZaA is the only one I've studied but this should apply to Grokster too, possibly Imesh [but I don't know about Imesh--i'm trying to take one thing and do it well instead of knowing a little bit about a LOT of things i'd rather know a LOT about one thing ;)]

Anyways, I've learned that KaZaA through its DNS service (encrypted of course to "normal eyes" but not to my pioneering private eyes , lol) does associate your ip address with your UserName@KaZaA its quite remarkable how this works and as far as I know no one else has documented this...

I'm a little reluctant too document this for the following reasons:

A)I want to better the user's experience with Fasttrack....open sourcing would be the BEST WAY to do that...until then all we have our independent studies (like those being made by me and others who will share their findings with others) by doing this it helps to furthur the research and would be considered a form of "reversing" the network (reverse-engineering) only because the fasttrack protocols have not been made known and are kept a tightly guarded secret from the world in general. :(

the downside of documenting discoveries made is:

B)The RIAA now has information which they need to track down offenders and do exactly what you said

and or

C)people will misuse these findings for harmful intents and purposes(defrauding the network, other clients, peers, etcetera) such as compromising a vulnerable client ran by a naive user. :(

However knowledge in the right hands his power in the wrong hands it can be a very lethal and destructive force. Its sad that my research is the only research that is currently being made available.

AYB 05-05-02 02:13 PM


I think I may be qualified ;) As I've said b4, my p2p app will include fasttrak support. Once again I'm sorry (and quite frustrated) I can't spill the beans on everything I have planned, but for legal reasons I need to wait until I have a company set up so I am not personally liable. If it is as xplosive as I anticipate it will b, legal concerns are an issue :D So I'd be happy to help. There is not much I can offer at the moment bcoz I am in the middle of exams, aside from answers to any questions you may have about: x86 assembly, win32 API, C++, C#, java, disassembling :RS: you can direct those to mospum@hotmail.com . In a week's time tho, when my exams are over, I will have nothing better to do all day xcept code my p2p app and hack FT :)

Mowzer 05-05-02 02:44 PM

Thats really good to hear AYB.

Hopeflly it wont be too long till everyone can try your p2p app.

Setting up a small comapny to take any legal fall out is also a smart move.

AYB 05-05-02 03:03 PM

The name alone should make RIAA want to wring our necks, and u guys pee urselves ;)

Bored of revision so I'm going to try my hand at removing cydoor. First time I've ever touched kazaa (have adaware waiting on standby :)) and immediately I'm struck by wat a bad idea to have the installer download the program via the actual network, far too slow and fickle in comparison to a good website.

Mowzer 05-05-02 03:29 PM

Yeah round up that cydoor and put it through a head splitter.

I think Fast Tracks cloud load is a total joke. Not the best way to get version of a program.

But if I was able to plug in any file name into cloud load, such as tmd-whatever-cam(part 1 of 2).avi then it would be a neat tool.

Low on system resources too.

Then you could also distrubute the fuct cloud load to friends etc, or from a site and they would also be able to get the movie.

butterfly_kisses 05-05-02 03:35 PM

Thanks, AYB....good luck on those exams!

and hopefully we can collaborate some in the future here, shortly.

now then a note for h@xor

h@xor do you remember what we discussed on the "PM" about the hidden resources inside of a bitmap?

well here is some interesting reading for you...

i hope it helps ;)


butterfly_kisses 05-05-02 03:47 PM

Oh and update on the tools I'm using.

right now Resource Hacker is very user-friendly and helpful

although I've noticed that there are some bitmap (mainly icons)

that I can replace without getting an error message from

"kazaa" about a "missing dll" being required....this made me

wonder if fasttrack was somehow hiding dll files in their bitmap

images or "resources" within the compiled KaZaA executable?

There are a few other items that when a change is attempted

to be made will also crash the Resource Hacker program.

Another note. I WAS WRONG when I mentioned earlier that

Kazaa.exe is compressed using PECompact 1.67 (this information was not based on my own first hand experience but on that of a cracker by the name of ReaLiStry.)

When I tried using various different "unpacking" tools on it like unpecompact , etcetera...i got the message that "this executable is not packed using PECompact...so either ReaLisTry was mistaken OR this was a different version he was unpacking but

I was unsuccessful with using unpecompact to uncompress the executable.


There is some check made by the kazaa.exe that looks for the prescence of SoFtICE being run on your system and if it detects it then it will refuse to open or run the executable...

anyone know anyways around this.

and of course their is the cydoor dependency which hopefully the Cydoor Developer's kit will provide some answers and or solutions for it.

This is also another example of what happens when too much is known about a work in progress....the people who are protecting their software are able to learn as well and put safeguards like the one's mentioned above into affect.

Anyone remember RefoSearch?


MiRRoRman, where are you!?!


butterfly_kisses 05-05-02 04:50 PM

any feedback on the icons for the system tray and My Shared Folder?

here are the samples so far:

Mowzer 05-05-02 05:41 PM

Are u for real timmy? Those are the most ugly icons i have seen.

Aside from KaZaA's original ones. Please understand Pink, is one color that doesnt blend well with everyones color schemes.

Use something more neutral.

ssj4_android 05-05-02 06:27 PM

Are you looking at any of the old gift source code?

butterfly_kisses 05-05-02 08:14 PM

re: ssj4_android

yes, anything I can get my hands on would be helpful. If you have any info please post it here or in a link and if necessary you may email me at harbynger1901@hotmail.com

and thank-you.

re: ethen

if you have something you'd like to submit please do so via one of the methods mentioned above.

thank-you all


butterfly_kisses 05-05-02 08:48 PM

More Icons to Vote For

please vote for your favourites or if none of these suit you

submit your own! :D

BTW I'm using MicroAngelo 5.0 to make my icons and here

is a website I'm getting information from:


Mowzer 06-05-02 12:01 AM

You have me curious timmy.
From your little drawings, u look to be about 3.
How old are you any way?

I guess there is only one way to find out.

Also, try http://www.deviantart.com for tips on designing icons, etc.

AYB 06-05-02 04:24 AM


I can't begin to remove cydoor without unpacking kazaa. I tried unsuccessfully all of last nite, then once you identified PECompact I had another go using specific tools but still no joy. Where did you get the info from ReaLiStry? :)

Programs are able to check for debuggers such as SI by checking for INT3 (interrupt 3) which is a breakpoint. i.e. stops program execution so you can examine registers, memory etc. Kazaa is one of those which will not run if it detects it. I will read up more on this to see if there is a way around it.

butterfly_kisses 06-05-02 10:17 AM


I can't begin to remove cydoor without unpacking kazaa. I tried unsuccessfully all of last nite, then once you identified PECompact I had another go using specific tools but still no joy. Where did you get the info from ReaLiStry?

I found out about ReaLiStry from reading a post to the original message boards for kaZaALite under the developer's forum someone suggested...why not remove the dependency for the cd_clint.dll file altogether?

And they pointed to a crack's site called Cracks.AM (be warned upon accessing this page you are prompted to download and executable that tells you it will help you look for mp3's this "program" that loads when you access this page is nothing more than a "browser hijacker" and it attempts to put an automated dialer on your 'puter either for an irc channel or for some porn thingy in europe it also does other nasty things like add porno links to your favourites and put tons of shortcuts on yourdesktop and also changes you default desktop background as well as adding extra desktop "skins" or bmp's to the directory where background images for you desktop are stored)

Now then the gentleperson whom suggested this crack may have mentioned several different programs. I went to astalavista.com and did a search for the word "kazaa" (try it with each of the different search engines they have there and see what you get)

Anyways to shorten this story. The crack by realistry was supposed to set up an automatic loader for the Kazaa program that bypasses the need for cydoor so this interested me. If you need the link to the program or want me to email it to you let me know.

My friend h@xor says all it does is just replace the dummy cd_clint file...however its been a while since I actually tested it (this was for version 1.51 of kazaa) and if i remember correctly...I think it actually did create an uncompressed copy of kazaa...

Now then as far as compression/uncompression goes. You are right it needs to be either A)decompressed or B)unencrypted (whichever is the case...maybe even both)

I've had a lot of success using Hview (hacker's view) it gives me no problem looking at the full dissembly and also Borland C++ is good and I love the windows Spylog (it's phenomenal)

*disclaimer* although I have Borland C++ and Hview does not mean I know what I am doing or how to use either one* hence my "disability" is concerned but remember:

"...my only disability is your perception of my ability. ;) "

Programs are able to check for debuggers such as SI by checking for INT3 (interrupt 3) which is a breakpoint. i.e. stops program execution so you can examine registers, memory etc. Kazaa is one of those which will not run if it detects it. I will read up more on this to see if there is a way around it.

Programs are able to check for debuggers such as SI by checking for INT3 (interrupt 3) which is a breakpoint. i.e. stops program execution so you can examine registers, memory etc. Kazaa is one of those which will not run if it detects it. I will read up more on this to see if there is a way around it.

Cool, AYB in the meantime check all the tutorials on this page:


[you too h@xor please check it out and http://rstone.cablebg.net/Cr_tut.htm these too <- ]

p.s. I heard you get something called either Icedump and or Frogice that works either with SoftIce or in place of it that was made just for this very reason [to get around protections like these--i post this info for the people who know how to do these things and use these programs I myself have no knowledge of any of this activity whatsover :| ]

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