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RDixon 27-02-07 07:36 AM

And God Said Let There Be Smiting
and there was smiting

You can bet that Cheney needed a change of underwear after the attempt at exploding his fat ass.

Drakonix 27-02-07 08:51 AM

I think it’s “interesting” that some tout big death numbers in Iraq/Afghanistan as being bad and then react rejoicingly when Americans are killed by the enemy.

RDixon 27-02-07 09:39 AM

Sadly, there was no rejoicing:
Cheney survived and I do NOT consider him to be an American.
Saddam was more of an American than Cheney is.

albed 27-02-07 09:55 AM

There's no limit to how warped some people can get.

I have to wonder what the fuck happened to produce that.

Sinner 27-02-07 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by RDixon (Post 254470)
Sadly, there was no rejoicing:
Cheney survived and I do NOT consider him to be an American.
Saddam was more of an American than Cheney is.

Please explain yourself. How is Saddam more American then Cheney and are you saying you would rather have someone like Saddam as you leader? This is the Problem with liberals, a fellow AMERICAN is attacked and could have been killed and they think it is a good thing, please explain your post because you sound like a liberial nut extremeist when you say something like this.

albed 27-02-07 12:13 PM

Do you honestly think there is an explanation for his mindset?

Probably some childhood trauma fucked him up good.

RDixon 27-02-07 10:23 PM


albed 28-02-07 05:58 AM

Ah, notice how he's avoiding posting his own opinions now.

He's learning to conceal his true nature.

RDixon 28-02-07 09:29 AM

And Rummy's Ghost Said Let There Be Smiting

TankGirl 28-02-07 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Sinner (Post 254475)
Please explain yourself. How is Saddam more American then Cheney and are you saying you would rather have someone like Saddam as you leader? This is the Problem with liberals, a fellow AMERICAN is attacked and could have been killed and they think it is a good thing, please explain your post because you sound like a liberial nut extremeist when you say something like this.

Maybe it's more like why many Germans have thought and continue to think that it would have been better both for their own country and for the whole humanity if one of the attempts on Hitler's life would have been succesful. Such wishes may be extereme but they are not necessarily unpatriotic - they may stem from the simple humane wish to get rid of disasterous leaders that are taking one's country towards an obvious catastrophe for highly dubious reasons (like oil industry profits).

Drakonix 28-02-07 11:47 AM

Let’s see....

First the word “smiting” is used to suggest the United States and specifically it’s Vice President is being punished by God. Further, there is more than shallow inference that Vice President Cheney deserves to die. This is almost worthy of a visit and question/answer period by the FBI.

Then, this same word “smiting” is used in reference to military chain of command issues and military quarters inspections.

Needless to say, the correlation between these events is not apparent.

Of course I do not have inside knowledge regarding reasons for any sudden perceived changes in military procedure, but I can come up with some plausible presumptive conclusions.

Fact #1:
Overall, direct contact with the mass media in the military or even in business is through designated official spokespersons, not rank-and-file individuals. This is not unusual, it is a very common and well-known practice.

Fact #2:
The article mentions problems such as help with paperwork, and observations of mold and rodents. Such concerns would better be directed where help can be obtained via the chain of command (in business or the military) instead of involving the press.

Fact #3:
Given that a large portion of the mass media likes to trash the President, trash their own Country, and do not seem to care if their political agenda causes more soldiers to die, one can easily understand why military commanders do not want rank-and-file soldiers speaking with the media.

It sounds like this is a general clamp-down and appears to be the result of an ongoing investigation into reported problems. To wit (bold emphasis added):

The Pentagon also clamped down on media coverage of any and all Defense Department medical facilities, to include suspending planned projects by CNN and the Discovery Channel, saying in an e-mail to spokespeople: “It will be in most cases not appropriate to engage the media while this review takes place,” referring to an investigation of the problems at Walter Reed.
It sounds like a serious problem has been noted by military commanders and the issue is being taken care of.

A “smiting”? I really don’t think so. Just a problem that the military brass is clamping down on, exaggerated with a liberal anti-U.S. spin in a discussion forum.

albed 28-02-07 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by TankGirl (Post 254526)
Maybe it's more like why many blah blah blah...

And maybe it's more like you don't know wtf's going on in dixies sick little head and you're just using him to channel your own opinions like a cowardly eurosnob.

If you have something to say about the U.S. then say it yourself instead of hiding behind some pathetic little freak.

Sinner 28-02-07 01:24 PM

Ok – I will not even spend a second of my time discussing Nazi Germany, it is completely irrelevant,

Quote-- disasterous leaders that are taking one's country towards an obvious catastrophe for highly dubious reasons (like oil industry profits).

Oh please, the only reason it will be catastrophe is because unfortunately, there are weasels on both sides of the aisle in Washington that care more about their power than the country’s survival. Joe Lieberman asked in The Wall Street Journal, what ultimately matters more to us, the real fight over there or the political fight over here? Americans will have to answer that question.


From CNN -- we have gotten so fat and lazy, we haven’t been asked to sacrifice anything in this war since 9/11, and the fact that we have a volunteer army has allowed us to fight this war from our living rooms and to delude ourselves into believing that we can stop fighting this war any time we want. Wrong. We can’t. We’ve got to finish it. Kill them before they kill us, and here how I got there.

You know, it seems kind of weird to me that we have forgotten that this war is still going on in Afghanistan. Even more bizarre is our collective belief that we won that war, which is wholly untrue, and that we lost the war in Iraq and that we should leave, which is also wholly untrue.

There’s only one war going on, and that’s the war against Islamic extremism. And the final outcome is far from being decided. It was started by our enemies, not on 9/11, but in Beirut during the Reagan administration, and we’ve been making mistakes and denying it ever since. It’s been going on ever since, and it’s happening in Afghanistan. It’s happening in Iraq, and soon it will be happening in Iran or right here at home.

We have no choice. The only way to stop this war from spreading over the whole globe is to fight it to win, but we’re running out of time.
Problem is the USA does not fight wars to win any more, Republicans and Democrats, what is happening in Congress is all the proof you need, The USA will lose these Wars going on because the people in Washington are more concerned about their jobs then what is best for the Country. Do you want to have real courage and fight to win or do you cut the funding and pull out? They beat the Russians in the 80’s and Washington seems to want them to beat the USA in Iraq and Afghanistan. How do you think the Muslim extremists are going to feel? Knowing they defeated not one but to two super powers.

The USA better fix the border problem quick.

theknife 28-02-07 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Sinner (Post 254535)
Problem is the USA does not fight wars to win any more, Republicans and Democrats, what is happening in Congress is all the proof you need, The USA will lose these Wars going on because the people in Washington are more concerned about their jobs then what is best for the Country. Do you want to have real courage and fight to win or do you cut the funding and pull out? They beat the Russians in the 80’s and Washington seems to want them to beat the USA in Iraq and Afghanistan. How do you think the Muslim extremists are going to feel? Knowing they defeated not one but to two super powers.

The USA better fix the border problem quick.

all the Muslim extremists had to do to win, in both cases, was not lose.

perhaps the problem begins with declaring war on a concept, for which there are no clear metrics to define victory, let alone achieve it. "war on poverty", "war on drugs", "war on terror", "war on Islamic fundamentalism" - fundamentally doomed concepts and blanks checks for government excess, each and every one.

albed 28-02-07 02:04 PM

That's called "politics" not "war" and it's just a way of manipulating the simpletons, not defending the country. And if you don't understand what victory is than no "metric" will help you.

Blank checks my ass. Whatever happened to the "overstretched" military without the funds to do its job, equip its soldiers, etc?

theknife 28-02-07 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by albed (Post 254537)
That's called "politics" not "war" and it's just a way of manipulating the simpletons, not defending the country. And if you don't understand what victory is than no "metric" will help you.

really? we committed the military to the "war on terror" - that's war. so, define victory for us - specifically. and if you can't provide a metric - a clearly defined achievable, measurable set of objectives - then don't bother. because that means you don't know what "victory" is either.

albed 28-02-07 02:53 PM


vic·to·ry (vĭk'tə-rē) pronunciation
n., pl. -ries.

1. Defeat of an enemy or opponent.
2. Success in a struggle against difficulties or an obstacle.
3. The state of having triumphed.
Are you really so screwed up by liberal propaganda that you can't even understand basic concepts anymore?

pisser 28-02-07 02:57 PM

If both bush and cheney got taken out, the country would have a woman pres.

That would stir up your infected intestines now albed, wouldn't it?:scared:

albed 28-02-07 03:28 PM

I was a Jean Kirkpatrick supporter way back when you were still male.

theknife 28-02-07 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by albed (Post 254541)

Are you really so screwed up by liberal propaganda that you can't even understand basic concepts anymore?

i knew you couldn't do it. next case.

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