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-   -   What do you do with people who don't share? (http://www.p2p-zone.com/underground/showthread.php?t=9057)

napho 09-02-02 09:28 AM

What do you do with people who don't share?
Or maybe you're one of them :shk:
I cut them some slack if they don't try to get too much but if I ever see them again and they're still not sharing...cut 'em off :m:

Dawn 09-02-02 09:33 AM

I send them nasty IM's :BL:

daddydirt 09-02-02 09:43 AM

i don't do anything anymore. i used to browse or whois and then get angry and cut em off

too much trouble and bother.......leeches will always be with us...:f:

Crankygirl 09-02-02 03:00 PM

I never used to give a rat's ass. Then I got to checking one evening, and discovered that 4 out of 4 who were uploading from me were 100% leeches. That got me to thinking that someone waiting to u/l from me who was also sharing in return was getting shafted. I do have some sympathy for those who are u/l at a snail's pace, but those with T1, Cable, ADSL etc who are grabbing files at lightening speed.......hmmm. I then went through a phase where I checked just about every u/l happening, but that made me mental. I was cancelling most of the u/l because they were leeches. I am now going to therapy, and taking my meds regularly,;) . From time to time I may catch a leech or two and give them a punt, but it's too frustrating and difficult to keep up. I don't know what the solution is, but I do know if we all took their position on sharing, this whole thing would be worm bait.:hmm:

TankGirl 09-02-02 05:19 PM

Re: What do you do with people who don't share?

Originally posted by napho
Or maybe you're one of them :shk:
I cut them some slack if they don't try to get too much but if I ever see them again and they're still not sharing...cut 'em off :m:

My leech policy is pretty similar: if the leech is not greedy and if there is bandwidth available I may allow the download. If the bandwidth gets too tight leeches are the first ones to get throttled or kicked.

Some tolerance in leech control is well in place IMO. More than once a 0-sharer has turned out to be ok after all. Some unshare temporarily due to technical reasons. Thousands of new people keep flowing into p2p networks every day so there are always genuine newbies around who need just a little education on how to share and why it is important. There are also good folks behind corporate firewalls who cannot share from where they are but may share from home or even be willing to send you mp3s in snailmail if you have a word with them. But of course there are always also a few diehard leeches to whom the ignore list is the only rightful place... :CG: :BL:

- tg ;)

JohnDoe345 09-02-02 05:31 PM

I was wondering when this debate would show itself here at NU. The problem I have with leeches is that it ruins it for the nice people who are sharing. You know the users that share 10 gigs or more but are always in que for downloads. I've been in this situation myself and have found it frustrating to see my uploads busy with activity but my downloads are taking a vacation.

I try to take a sane approach to this leeching matter and just check my uploads for leechers whenever I come back to check on my downloads. I'm sure that several leeches have gotten something off of me, but some programs like Morpheus makes it very inconvenient to stop leechers. Within the realm of sanity, I do what I can to help the poor bastard sharing gigs of data so that he/she doesn't have to wait to the end of time to start their downloads from me.

Although, I do give some slack to users downloading very slowly from me. I guess the leeching wouldn't be so bad if it was a smaller percentage, but come on, the last time I checked it was roughly over 60% of users on Morpheus....that's too much. A lot of them are broadband users too. I guess that's one of the reasons why Morpheus/Kazaa/Groskter are so popular...the leeches can reasonably get what they want without sharing. I've heard some users complain about other programs requiring that everyone shares.

We could always make the RIAA happy and just all leech and not share with each other. (sorry about the sarcastic comment, had to get it out) ;) Although, I agree with TG in that there are some users who have legitimate reasons for leeching. Just hope that percentage doesn't climb to 90% or we'll all have a fun time trying to download anything.

Marius 09-02-02 06:35 PM

That's one of the joys of Audiogalaxy. You queue the songs the want on the website and no one has any idea who's downloading what from who. The "satellite" program automatically downloads from the fastest connection available and there are no "hotlists", so no leeches can target your hard drive because you have a fast connection or a lot of files.

Lowly 56k modem users like me don't have to feel guilty about the time it takes us to download files, either. There's none of that sense you had with Napster that the user you were downloading from was getting pi**ed off with you. It's all blissfully anonymous and any broken downloads are automatically resumed. There's no chat program, which is sometimes a shame, but on the other hand, you don't get leeches screeaming obscenities at you because their download failed through no fault of your own.


Smoketoomuch 10-02-02 08:39 PM

and it's also the joy with eDonkey. Virtually there are no leeches on that network. Everything you download is automatically shared, even the smallest chunk - and luckily, there is no way you can turn this off. First I didn't even think how effective this can be, but when I got 80% of a file from people who had only partially downloaded it (were in the process of downloading it), I reconsidered. And they can't even cap their upload to a crawl, since your download speed depends on your upload speed. When using morph (less and less since they nuked forum) I pursue the same policy as Tank Girl and JohnDoe345 - for the same reasons.

Best wishes.

multi 11-02-02 06:54 AM

who was that sharer turned leech advocate ,lol yeah !169mm
it was a pretty hot topic! it is hard some times like i couldnt use morph on my box so i had to put it on another on the network
but of course as a new install of it i had no files in MSF even tho i had sharing turned on i could not get a file until chucked a few files in from the shared folder on my box(oh well fair enough i thought)
:RS: i agree S2M about donkE sort of like forced sharing but since doing some big files 500&780M well for me any way (on dialup)
the speeds improved alot of the time when i had an upload as well other times it was a tad unbalanced ,like i would look at the sent/recived totals for a 4 hr session and it would be like say 23M in and 40+M out
have only used morpheus a few time since the great purge of '02
PS. i also smoke 2 much because of it : )now suffering delusion that every time i go back to a forum all posts will be gone : (


nanook 11-02-02 03:32 PM

i know u guys are all big-time Morpheus users, and i tried morph, but didn't like.
i use winmx. and 99.9 of all the users are sharing something. and if they aren't, i assume they are new to the app.
get this though.
i'm 56k. and i don't usually check out how many files one is sharing, i'm more interested in how many are being down/uploaded, to see what kind of speed i'm gonna get.
and yes, i'm always tempted to cancel someone to get a better speed for myself, but i don't.
but the other day i was downloading ONE song, which we all know will take me approx. 20-30 min. to get, when this guy/gal started uploading a song.
no problem, right?
wrong. i "whois'ed the person and found that they were downloading 31 songs with 2 uploads.
i though, damn!
so i sent him/her a message and i quote:

"you've got to be kidding, me, right? 31 songs downloaded and 2 uploads and u think ur going to suck all the speed out of my ONE song that will take me 25min. to get.........NOT!!!!"

and i proceeded to cancel. of course he tried again, but i cancelled him again.
was i wrong????????? am i mean????????
i thought, why can't they go to a dsl or cable and get it faster, why come to me, a 56k??
anyone know why????????

JackSpratts 11-02-02 08:51 PM

you encountered a "heavy user" nanook, someone who may pull in 1-300 files a day. heavy users must try multiple d/ls of the same file, 10 or more (sometimes 50), to get around the constant queuing and server overlap that handicaps winmx. it works like this: keep clicking until you get a file that actually starts to download and then cancel the ones that don't. then click a bunch more until you get some that d/l FAST, then dump the slow ones and so on until you have some decent double or triple digit speeds. run 2 or 3 in case you lose a few or get one with digiburps. this way you're guaranteed at least one good file. this has been a strategy that's worked well for months. until now. lately the pipes are so clogged that even this doesn't work and power users find themselves having to settle for a slowpoke upload from a 56ker.

as someone who utilizes this tactic on certain occasions (but who also uploads 700 songs a week) i know from first hand experience that winmx is quickly becoming the last place to go for a "quick feed". i'm employing the services of 56kers much more than i'd like. it's either that or wait hours or days to come off queue. why it happens on one app and not another is explained perhaps by the multi-source downloading employed by some clients and not others. of course if i could find the songs in the faster apps i'd just use them but alas you have to follow the files...wherever they lead.

- js.

Malk-a-mite 11-02-02 11:13 PM

Seen this debate since the first napster client came out.

Since there are lots of reasons people might not be sharing running from 28.8 modem to they're just mean. Whatever the reason, I don't care.

It's not normally worth my effort to sit around checking what people are sharing and kicking them off if I don't like what I see.

I share what I can and don't worry about the others.

multi 12-02-02 12:12 AM


Originally posted by JackSpratts
run 2 or 3 in case you lose a few or get one with digiburps.
until now. lately the pipes are so clogged that even this doesn't work

- js.

digiBURRRRP! :beer: (is this like a dropout?)
clogged pipe ! :bong: (is this like heaps of traffic?)
scuse my ignorance JS :help:
curious and allways learning still some tecspeak
&havin some fun @ya

JackSpratts 12-02-02 09:14 AM

right on both miuf! :p

- js.

nanook 12-02-02 09:47 AM


Originally posted by JackSpratts
you encountered a "heavy user" nanook, someone who may pull in 1-300 files a day. heavy users must try multiple d/ls of the same file, 10 or more (sometimes 50), to get around the constant queuing and server overlap that handicaps winmx. it works like this: keep clicking until you get a file that actually starts to download and then cancel the ones that don't. then click a bunch more until you get some that d/l FAST, then dump the slow ones and so on until you have some decent double or triple digit speeds. run 2 or 3 in case you lose a few or get one with digiburps. this way you're guaranteed at least one good file. this has been a strategy that's worked well for months. until now. lately the pipes are so clogged that even this doesn't work and power users find themselves having to settle for a slowpoke upload from a 56ker.

as someone who utilizes this tactic on certain occasions (but who also uploads 700 songs a week) i know from first hand experience that winmx is quickly becoming the last place to go for a "quick feed". i'm employing the services of 56kers much more than i'd like. it's either that or wait hours or days to come off queue. why it happens on one app and not another is explained perhaps by the multi-source downloading employed by some clients and not others. of course if i could find the songs in the faster apps i'd just use them but alas you have to follow the files...wherever they lead.

- js.

i'm sorry jack, but u make these "heavy" users sound like it's a matter of life and death to download 31 songs at one sitting, or even 300 in one week. like some addict or something.
i'm lucky if i have the "time" to get maybe one song a day, 5 per week.
and u make it sound like i should have sympathy for this poor soul.
well, i don't!
i will download only "one" song per user and limit myself to maybe, 2 downloads for myself, at one sitting, if i don't mind sitting there waiting and will be online. but i have to remember that while i download, everything else i do on the computer takes 10 times longer to load and respond.
but i set these conditions for myself, out of respect for other users, who i know, are being pretty patient with my 56k, and allow me the 20-40 minutes, it will take to get ONE song.
so i find it pretty lame for this "heavy user" to have no respect of me or any other 56k.
to make our 30 minute song now take friggin 60 minutes.
i don't sit and look at every user, like i said, 99 % of all the users, when i had looked at "whois" for other reasons were sharing, even if only 30 files. i figure they're new to the app.
and i always allow them to upload, and i know it's going to take all atleast 20-30 minutes. it comes with the territory of the 56k.
i use the same tatics u refer to, but still only come right down to one download and i allow one upload.
that's it.
mr. 31 downloads can
:f: :f: :f: :f:

JackSpratts 12-02-02 11:49 AM


Originally posted by nanook
i'm sorry jack, but u make these "heavy" users sound like it's a matter of life and death to download 31 songs at one sitting, or even 300 in one week. like some addict or something.
they've got monkies on their backs alright!:f:

- js.

indiana_jones 12-02-02 12:27 PM

sometimes i look, what people upload from my computer. if it's a song that i really like, then i simply enjoy the feeling, that somone on the other side of the earth may now listen to it and then i look in my shared folder and play it for myself.

but if one downloads 700 songs in week, maybe there is no song anymore, he really likes. because his ears got stuck from the whistleling and whining sounds of bandwidth and bitrates.

@nanook .. if you eventually have a morpheus session and meet my sharing alter ego - (eventually using the startfiles from my hompage :) feel free to download a whole album ... statistically it doesn't really matter :)


multi 14-02-02 09:29 AM

:spin: thx jack just guessing
I cant use morpheus any more (-BIGTIME no more morphia user)
seems it dont run on certain OS's ;) there is plenty of alternatives :ND: NE way
is there NE body who knows of FSclient for linux or how to get the kazza program for linux working on the fast-track net work with morpheus username?-
can wE(users) reverse hack the above mentioned ?
then get it to a makefile stage of development then get servers (gnutella open nap as well?) to add to the executable or something? or am i dreaming again......la la soz got of the subject a bit:spin:
(i think i got this in the wrong post)
I got give up the ol' :bong: :BB: :AF: :rofl: :TY:

Mowzer 14-02-02 12:06 PM


napho 14-02-02 12:31 PM

I think Direct Connect is worth a try if you have Linux. It has more data on it than even FastTrack.


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