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-   -   When Kerry gets asked a hard question.... (http://www.p2p-zone.com/underground/showthread.php?t=19300)

Nicobie 27-04-04 06:23 PM

When Kerry gets asked a hard question....
Why is it that he can only answer, "let the voters decide".

(hard ball tonite w/ Cris Mathews).

I pretty much made up my mind to go with the Warrior. However I thought I'd be wise to at least listen to Kerry.

Sorry, he doesn't do anything for me. Sounds worse than Clinton. His rich french wife won't even post her income tax return for this year. Even Hilary did that.

Kerry's wife married into the Heinz money. And Kerry married into her dead husband's bucks.

What is the meaning of is...? sounds like the whole campaign.

floydian slip 28-04-04 01:16 AM

kerry = bush

they are both from yale and the skull and bones.

I guess I'll be voting for Nader or LaRouche

albed 28-04-04 06:54 AM

All I see him do when asked a tough question is say: "That's not important...Look at Bush. He did blah blah blah....".

He's got too much recorded on video. Seems every time he says something about where he stands an old video clip surfaces of him saying the opposite.

Fantom 28-04-04 08:33 AM

even if kerry was the antichrist you just couldn't consider voting for dubya, he's been clearly exposed as the idiot son of an asshole.

Ramona_A_Stone 28-04-04 11:28 AM

If Kerry was the Antichrist I'd be all the more enthused about voting for him. ...I mean we tried The Christ and that sucked.


As long as we're judging the candidates by their ability to answer tough questions here, let's remember Bush has an inability to answer them, a luxury no contender could support.

Some recent examples of Bush hitting the tough-answer-ball out of the park:

"I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference, with all the pressure of trying to come up with an answer, but it hadn't yet. You just put me under the spot here, and maybe I'm not as quick on my feet as I should be in coming up with one."

Honest ignorance or evil genius? Both?

Further, Bush enjoys being in a position where his supporters don't want or need him to answer tough questions, because they know good and well there's no justification or excuse for his actions and policies anyway and they don't want any damned acknowledgment of logic spoiling the party.

We have, as in every election in living memory, two choices: Change or More of the Same, and as usual the Official Change candidate is More of the Same.

Still, I'll vote for Change because I subscribe to the simple idea that in this Peter-Principled Muppet Show we should never give any of these perverts more than four years. Plus, if we keep the turnover rate at full throttle, the odds are more in our favor that one of them might eventually turn out to be human.

...OK, I'll admit that's ridiculously idealistic.

miss_silver 28-04-04 02:25 PM


Originally posted by floydian slip
kerry = bush

they are both from yale and the skull and bones.

I guess I'll be voting for Nader or LaRouche


Down the rabbit-hole, Alice in wonderland

I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here: Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?:no: The matrix

theknife 28-04-04 04:59 PM

while Kerry is the presumptive nominee, there are faint rumblings of a "Dump Kerry" movement in the works. his performance on the campaign trail is lackluster, at best, and lots of the Dem establishment is nervous about his prospects. for example:


The Torricelli Option: Will Dems dump Kerry?

There is palpable fear among Democrats as they contemplate their presumptive nominee, John Kerry, the candidate who couldn't keep his lies straight.

Kerry followed a week made disastrous by his military records fiasco with a Monday morning performance with Charlie Gibson of ABC's Good Morning America that will live in TV history alongside the 1980 Roger Mudd-Teddy Kennedy exchange through which it dawned on America that a senator in search of a verb wasn't really equipped to be a president.

Gibson's refusal to be deflected by Kerry's rambling incoherence led to a post-interview denunciation of ABC by Kerry. "They are doing the work of the Republican National Committee," Kerry muttered. Yeah, that's the ticket. Jennings et al., are working for the GOP which is working for Fox News' Roger Ailes who is, of course, working for Halliburton. Hillary's vast, right-wing conspiracy just got vaster. Like the Borg, the VRWC has absorbed Disney-owned ABC. Who knew?

There are powers in the Democratic Party, and they cannot be pleased. Tom Daschle, for one, has got to be thinking through the impact of a presidential contest that is over once the polls close at 6 in the East. That sort of wave in 1980 took out George McGovern and a lot of famous liberals just like Daschle.

Streisand's got to be worried as well. She knows what happens when the movie tanks in the first 10 minutes. People return her phone calls, even though she doesn't make any sense at all. Rob Reiner knows a thing or two about stiffs as well. Remember 1994's "North"? Neither does anyone else. Reiner knows that hopes and dreams do not a success make.

And the Clintons-in-Exile, they must hear the music. Forget their ethics and policies, they have a well-deserved reputation for perfect pitch when it comes to politics. Imagine Bill and Hill watching Kerry strangle himself. How they must laugh ... then cry. Hillary gets the nod in 2008, but what will be left after the wipeout?

Another movie analogy: Jim Carrey in the bathroom scene from "Liar, Liar" when he tries to injure himself. That's John Kerry over the past six weeks, throwing himself against walls in front of the national TV audience with the effect of inflicting maximum damage on himself.

It has worked.

Too well, I am afraid. Dems know he's a loser. But can anything be done?

Who knows? Don't bother looking up the rules governing nominations. There were rules in Florida, and the Florida Supreme Court tore those up when Gore needed help. There were rules in New Jersey, but when Torricelli flamed, the New Jersey Supreme Court tossed those aside. There were rules in California, and three judges ordered a halt to the recall that only went forward because the luck of an en banc draw brought sanity to the review panel.

No, the rules won't stop Kerry's recall. Only Teddy can, and the weight of the senior senator from Massachusetts shouldn't be underestimated. The Kerry campaign is his last hurrah, and the convention's in Boston, for goodness sake. What kind of a reception would follow a party that tossed Kerry onto the tracks?

Does Daschle care? Does Patty Murray? Barbara Boxer? Any of a half-dozen endangered Dem incumbents in the Senate and a score in the House? So the receiving committee is a littlie frosty and Teddy dumps them from the Christmas card list – they'll still have jobs.

And Dean – what's he thinking when he can get the voices to quiet down? He was robbed, you know ... by the same people now conspiring against Kerry. Dean doesn't forget, and there's not enough Ambien in America to get him a night's sleep. What if, with another yell, he decides to demand an open convention. "Let the delegates vote!" isn't a bad slogan. Bring back all the orange hats and the blog and all that. Quite a party could be had by all.

Bill Clinton just announced the publication date of his new memoir: Late June. How unfortunate for Kerry – Bill has to do a book tour for the month running up to the convention, sucking the air right out of an already spent balloon. Sorry, couldn't be avoided. Publisher deadlines and all.

So as Kerry melts away, there – on every television screen in the land – will be Saturday Night Bill, playing his sax, blowing his own horn, saying stuff. All sorts of stuff. Looking incredibly large, opposite the incredibly small Kerry.

Tick, tick, tick. The Torricelli Option. Coming to theaters near you this summer.

Nicobie 28-04-04 06:45 PM


Originally posted by Fantom
even if kerry was the antichrist you just couldn't consider voting for dubya, he's been clearly exposed as the idiot son of an asshole.

after that rant I was expecting a hottie [picture].

Nicobie 28-04-04 06:51 PM


Originally posted by Ramona_A_Stone

Still, I'll vote for Change because I subscribe to the simple idea that in this Peter-Principled Muppet Show we should never give any of these perverts more than four years. Plus, if we keep the turnover rate at full throttle, the odds are more in our favor that one of them might eventually turn out to be human.

...OK, I'll admit that's ridiculously idealistic.

I agree 100% with what RAS wrote, it is idealistic, but shouldn't we try for good changes?

albed 29-04-04 10:35 PM

Idealistic? Just change it and hope it gets better?

Idealism is getting pretty lame.

floydian slip 30-04-04 01:00 AM


Originally posted by miss_silver

Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?:no: The matrix

I took both and now everything has a purple tint to it. :D

Ramona_A_Stone 30-04-04 09:55 PM


Just change it and hope it gets better? ...lame
I know it doesn't make sense to you because you LIKE Bush and you think he's done the right things and, I assume, you can stand to look at him and listen to him without projectile vomitting.

You don't want or need an option, so I can hardly expect you to empathize with how miserable that option is, or to how it is still more desirable in spite of its miserableness.

However, lol, calling my idealism lame when the only options given me are dumb and dumber is sort of like whacking me with your own crutch.


albed 01-05-04 08:16 AM

Once again its all about you...in your own mind. Notice that my post was after Nicobie's with his own use of "idealistic". And the complete sentence:

Idealism is getting pretty lame.
I thought labeling a concept like that "idealistic" was lame. If that really was your idealism, I've overestimated you severely.

You need to realize your not the center of everyone's universe.


Originally posted by Ramona_A_Stone
I know it doesn't make sense to you because you LIKE Bush

It makes perfect sense to me...I said it was lame not confusing. And at least give a quote of mine to show I like Bush. You've already got too much of a reputation as a liar for someone to believe what you say with no evidence at all. Normal people of all opinions really can watch him without vomiting so you can only assume that I'm normal.

JackSpratts 01-05-04 12:26 PM


Originally posted by albed
Normal people of all opinions really can watch him without vomiting...
well that's true. i'm normal and i can watch him w/out hurling, but it usually takes so much effort it's just not worth it. :PX2:

- js.

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