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JackSpratts 25-03-04 07:55 PM

The Zer0share Project
The Zer0Share Project

Here at Napsterites of the Underground the members are no strangers to file sharing. With a name like Napsterites I may be running the risk of stating the obvious but the familiarity with peer-to-peer networking goes beyond that of the committed enthusiast. Indeed were it not for our members there might not be any peer-to-peer at all. Their lists of accomplishments in the industry is substantial, from work on the original Napster and KaZaa right up through new systems still in the lab. That the boards here reflect mostly social activities is much like a lake on a bright summer day. The water sparkles with invitation but is hard to see through, so it's not until one plunges in that one gets the full measure of the environment. Things in other words are happening beneath the surface. Don't get me wrong. I'm not implying that The Underground is some hot bed of file sharing intrigue, quite the opposite. Once one gets to know the members they can be very forthcoming about their work, it's just that like many things in life, there are levels of existence that at first glance may be somewhat obscured by more prosaic activities.

I've been thinking about this lately in relationship to file sharing and specifically in relationship to a program called Waste. While not to my knowledge developed by anyone at Napsterites it has been invited and accepted by NU members with enthusiasm, running virtually non stop since the first week it was released in June of 2003. I can't count the number of networks we have connecting members here, not so much because of the sheer volume of them, and there are plenty, but because Waste is a program designed from the start to be stealthy, and unless you're invited into a specific network called a "mesh," you're not going to know of its existence, even if you're already operating on another one. This is a big departure from file sharing programs and as you can imagine, it's one of the most important features Waste offers the user, particularly in these days of uncontrolled legal weaponry aimed at file sharers by an increasingly pathological media industry. Imagine pockets of resistance populated by content rich, free-sharing users hidden from view and scattered across the globe and you'll have some idea what Waste is about. Though small, with each mesh maxing out at some 50 members, the aggregate is surprisingly vast. But there's the rub, it is by design a disconnected aggregate and to a large extent socially balkanized. Nobody knows what anybody else is doing on these meshes, which from a security standpoint is reasonable, even laudable, but from a societal standpoint it is in my view a step backwards, and a shortcoming I'd like to address.

As of this writing I am a member of an even dozen meshes, most of them small and only occasionally active, but there are four that I connect to each day, and of those four one is of a fairly substantial size. I'm about to add another. Or more specifically, with your assistance, we're about to create another. One with a very different mission.

As someone who has become familiar with this program over many months of usage a couple of things become apparent. The first is that most meshes are simply too small to catch fire. Initial excitement at being able to connect at all leads to determined content mining which leads inevitably to content exhaustion, and one reaches that point in time fairly quickly, when one has transferred all the material worth acquiring from the various mesh members. I am on some fairly substantial ones, content wise, yet I can close my eyes and see all the folders each member has and the names of the files contained therein. It's not to say that new material isn't added, it is, but in the course of human events it's slow process, this adding of stuff, and one can easily become distracted from the quest. Which brings me to the second point. After a while you stop looking. It's true. Unlike gigantic file sharing systems with hundreds of thousands of users and multi terabytes of material, a humble Waste mesh may have a few hundred gigs at most, or perhaps a terabyte or two. After plumbing the depths on a daily basis for a few weeks one can become attuned to the natural rhythms of the acquisitional cycle of the membership and realize from an efficiency angle anyway, you can't really check in each day with a folder by folder census and expect any kind of major payoff. In other words without the excitement of the always new, one can get well, bored. This of course is not news to experienced Waste users and they all seem to do the same thing about it no matter what mesh you happen to find yourself in. As a matter of fact it can happen the very first time someone uses the program. Waste happens to have excellent, encrypted decentralized chat. It's all but uncrackable and it's under no one's control. This isn't lost on Waste users and they immediately put it to fantastic use notifying fellow file sharers of any new content they may have recently added. Conversely users also post requests for content as well. There's a lot of back and forth when the itch gets bad. This brings up another observation. Like an iceberg, most content in the hands of Waste users is not actually on Waste, but parked elsewhere in other files, discs, folders harddrives or machines otherwise inaccessible by the network search function, but not entirely by members. A simple query will bring about the transfer when one member responds by putting online something that had been parked off, in essence filling an order. This is how it should be in any network where storage and bandwidth are rationed, and indeed name me a network that isn't. The difference with Waste is that the chat functions are so efficient and so good they become dependably a part of the file sharing scheme acting like an uberdrive for the entire network. The interface is human of course, one has to query the owner directly, but it is no exaggeration to say you can get it faster using this system than with fasttrack or, and I hate to say this, Soulseek, my favorite regular file sharing program. I'm not kidding. In my experience if it's available anywhere in any mesh member's possession, online or off, you can get it faster with Waste than with any other program.

What this means is that for all practical purposes after a certain amount of time has passed, one doesn't need to share anything anymore in the normal sense, with folders bursting with tons of content instantly at the ready and hogging untold gigs on pricey harddrives. You don't have to because nobody needs it. If it's up they've either 1, already gotten it or 2, they don't want it. Either way, it's taking up space unnecessarily. It becomes like the famous dog in the Sherlock Holmes story, important for it's absence. We know the goods are offline, we don't need to see what's on. We do need to know when something new arrives and as long as we can get access we don't need to know if the folder it comes in is offline or on. All things being equal of course you might say well so what, you have to put the stuff somewhere so why not just leave it online, members can at least get it faster that way and besides, what difference does it make if it's online or not? Hardrives keep getting bigger and cheaper too, it's not like Waste charges a storage fee by the month. Well, if keeping it online didn't make any difference you'd be right, but as we're finding out, it makes a huge difference, in the eyes of the law. Due to some albeit temporary legal pathology that hasn't worked itself out of the collective cultural consciousness it turns out some poor bastards have been finding themselves in quite a financial spot just leaving digital stuff lying around for any and everyone to stumble over. I know it sounds funny, blaming the victim and all but the copyright laws have been interpreted to suggest that in matters of information, if somebody comes into your house and copies your copyrighted stuff without the permission of the copyright claimant, you’re violating a statute, not the copiers. This is a somewhat simple explanation for a maddeningly complicated issue that even experts have trouble following but basically if you had a store and every time somebody shoplifted your stuff the cops sent you to jail it would be a pretty good analogy how the law - so far - treats downloading. Unfair? You bet. But that's the way it is at the moment. Suffice it to say, for our purposes, there is a huge difference between keeping files instantly available online and keeping them generally available off. It's not that the law appreciates the difference mind you; it's just that if one is going to participate in file sharing the tactical advantage enjoyed in keeping an offline archive is profound. Which brings us back to Waste.

My proposal is a simple one. I would like to start a file sharing network with no files. A sort of nullwork if you will for Waste users. More specifically, I would like to start a Waste mesh that does not contain any remotely accessible copyrighted content that is not under the ownership of the membership. No songs, no movies, no warez. It can actually contain gigs and gigs of downloadable material as long as it's member created or is distributable with permission. If not, it won't belong. Leave that material on the other networks, and there are plenty of them out there believe me. I might be responsible for helping kick off a few of them. But this one will be different. Depending on member’s ambitions it can have rooms, chat, 24 hour socializing, quiet corners and rowdy saloons, but it won't have any copyrighted content. None. It'll have so little content that if the RIAA happens to stop by they'll leave at the first opportunity because their presence will be a complete waste of time.

If there's no content, why bother? Well first of all it just so happens you can do a lot with a mesh even if you're not sharing the latest songs. Users new to Waste can become familiar with the program in an open environment free from any controversy, which in itself is a kind of liberation. They can introduce others to the program in a neutral way, and walk themselves through the steps that enable them to create their own meshes for friends and family. They can use the chat functions like any other system, free in the knowledge that no one's looking over their shoulder reading every word. More experienced users can use it for more complex things. Developers may find it useful for new projects and to test newer versions of Waste, which is now open source. It can become a clearinghouse for all sorts of information, from politics to local events. Since some Europeans have erroneously concluded links are the same as content, link sites are falling by the wayside, so it can and probably will become a place to exchange them. It should although I'm not sure that it will, become a place for artists to announce and distribute their own works. It's been five years since Napster proved conclusively that artists can control their destiny and do their own mass distributing, yet to this day artists still cling tenaciously to outdated media company models and in doing so help perpetuate a system that at once enslaves them and corrupts any and all it touches. This mesh will not end the practice, but it may show some artists there is another way, and they in turn may become emissaries to the larger creative community, and that may prove to be an important step in their own emancipation. In laymen's terms Waste is not a "resource hog", people can and do leave it on all day long, even several meshes simultaneously without experiencing a drain on their computers. It may be that this new mesh becomes a sort of permanent community ticker, like the news zipper at Times Square in New York City, idling quietly in a corner of the screen and occasionally announcing events of interest, unmanipulated by corporate profit machines. A true people's network. I can't even begin to think of all the things this mesh might be capable of in the weeks and months ahead, and it's not from lack of trying. I just realize the futility of competing with a million minds.

I know that the time has come to start something new. Something a lot bigger than file sharing, and maybe something a little bigger than ourselves.

To that end I’ve gotten the ball rolling as it were. I’ve started the mesh and given it a name. I've also placed in my share folder some 600 works from the public domain.

Waste may be a funny name for a program that is anything but, that brings together people from all over the world in a corporate free, protected cybersphere. Justin Frankel its creator is said to have chosen the name after the underground mail system in Thomas Pynchon's book The Crying of Lot 57. In a society of extreme repression this was how members were forced to communicate if they wanted their words to remain unmolested. That was fiction of course. Still, without rearticulating the planet's immediate geopolitical history and headlines it probably wouldn't be the worst idea in the world if more of us became familiar with such a system, and one that's actually real. Well, here's our chance.

Pass it on,

Jack Spratts.

The Zer0share Project

The details~

Please note: There are two client platforms. They both have their advantages but are incompatible and will not connect to each other. We run unique meshes for each. When you’ve settled on a client and created a profile, you may announce it at the end of this thread.

The Clients: v1.4 and earlier

The Network Name: zer0share (Copy and paste exactly as written. Note the numeral zero. Open Waste, go to File | Preferences | Network | Network Name and paste.)

The Port: 11150

My Public Key:

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 jackspratts

The Clients: v1.5 and newer

The Network Name: zer©share (Copy and paste exactly as written. Note the copyright symbol. Open Waste, go to File | Preferences | Password and paste.)

The Port: 11350

My Public Key:

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 jacksback

In order for this project to have any hope of success we will need a few regular users with static IP addresses. These act as seeds or hooks allowing others to connect. Anyone and everyone with a static IP who wishes may volunteer his or her IP in this thread.

There is some debate in the community as to how many people can reasonably populate a mesh before it stalls. The prevailing theory puts that number between 50 and 100. Not a lot to be sure but more than it might seem at first. To put that figure in some perspective it should be noted the average node on the giant Fasttrack system was not all that much bigger (Kazaa, Groktster etc). Each had about 350 users. If in the future the original zer0share mesh becomes overloaded, new meshes will be added to absorb the growth. The next mesh will be called zer0share1, then the naming scheme will continue with zer0share1a, zer0share1b etc, until at zer0share1z, it will resolve to zer0share2, and continue with the alphabet as needed. I have no idea if that is even remotely likely, but just in case, technical solutions that enable these meshes to combine can be explored.

This is an all-access, fully open mesh. No one will be turned away, not even by me. There will be no administration in the usual sense, no one looking over your shoulder making sure you don't miss the spittoon, but with that freedom comes some responsibility. Indeed self governance is a major point of the program so there won't be any appealing to higher authorities when boorish behavior becomes a distraction. We are on our own here in this little community. If it gets too hot, delete the key of the member who's irritating you or shut the mesh off altogether.

Try not to get too caught up in any dramas. There are real people behind the nics, but their actions may not be. Try to have some fun, try to do something new and try to use this project as a way of exploring things that may be just outside your reach.

Above all, enjoy it.

- js.

Use this moderated thread to post your ideas, your information, and your public keys. I'll be checking in on a regular basis, loading keys and reading your comments.

Email – thezer0shareproject (at) lycos (dot) com

Please join us here at NU.

Mazer 25-03-04 09:34 PM

Sounds fun, I'm in.

I'll offer up my IP address to start this thing going, though I must forewarn everyone that I might not always be on the network but I'll try to keep it running as much as possible. As more users volunteer their addresses the mesh will become more robust and will stay up 24/7. I'll also answer any questions that come my way via PM, Waste chat, or in this thread so if anyone gets stuck or can't connect then don't be afraid to ask me.

I will set my computer to accept broadcasted keys (this setting is in the Preferences/Network/Pending Keys dialog), but keep in mind that this setting is optional for everyone. You decide your own level of security. And also for the sake of convience I will also set Direct Connections option (in the Preferences/File Transfers dialog) and I urge everyone to do the same. This will reduce the load on router nodes when file transfers take place, but again it is only optional.

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 Mazer

My IP address is

To connect, setup Waste with zer0share as the network name, generage a public key and post it in this thread, import my public key into the Preferences/Public Keys dialog, and then input my IP address into the Network Status window. As soon as I import your public key you will be able to connect (but be patient, I'll try to check this thread often to import new members' keys).

Presently I already have keys for Chupacabra, DaddyDirt, Bladdy@Grokster, and Jack is already connected; you all should be able to connect to me immediatly.

Nice job Jack, I hope it works. :tu:

pod 25-03-04 11:25 PM


WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 2048 pod

beatniak 26-03-04 05:07 AM

Great idea
Great idea

Here's my key:

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 2048 Beatniak2

ip =

Will try to keep this one up 24/7

beatniak 26-03-04 05:08 AM

@ Mazer: could you please add me?

Mazer 26-03-04 07:33 AM

Nice, now we have two entry points. Welcome aboard beatniak.

I've started a chat room called #zerochat in case anyone is wondering what to do first.

beatniak 27-03-04 07:49 AM

now also my key at home:

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 2048 Beatniak


could someone add me? i won't be back at work (my other key) till monday.


Mazer 27-03-04 10:31 PM


Originally posted by JackSpratts
It should although I'm not sure that it will, become a place for artists to announce and distribute their own works.
I'm not really a musician but I have made some music that some might find interesting. It's techno so it's not for everyone, and it's not that good, but if you're interested I have it in my shares right now. Give it a listen and tell me what you think.

JackSpratts 27-03-04 11:44 PM


Originally posted by Mazer
I'm not really a musician...
you're better than you think you are and you show improvement with each new song. when i was producing radio commercials i was always buying "production music" for the beds, it was either buy it or not have it all because i can't blow a note. that stuff isn't cheap either. let me tell you something mazer, yours is just as good. it could be marketed to tv and radio stations and it would sell.

"the cave" and even "timeline" remind me of kraftwerk.

as for the sound quality, it's clean, warm (good bass) and professional.

this is good stuff, make more please. ;)

- js.

Mazer 28-03-04 10:09 AM

Well alright, I'll make more. Thanks Jack. You really think there's a market for this stuff?

JackSpratts 28-03-04 10:16 AM

yep. :ND:

- js.

aussiebeermatt 28-03-04 06:57 PM

Waste Key
you should post this at www.mirwin.net a resonably large WASTE key sharing site anyway heres my key add me alot of 24/7 nodes connected with mirwins mesh

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 aussiebeermatt

you also can use this IP to connect


I dont always route traffic as im on dail up and it eats my bandwidth but ill try and connect you at least once a day so leave WASTE running as someone will connect you eventualy .

blady@grokster 28-03-04 08:03 PM


JackSpratts 28-03-04 08:13 PM

welcome to nu and the mesh aussiebeermatt - your key's added! :beer:


Originally posted by blady@grokster
how can i connect to mirwin's net without registering on his website?
i see you there as bladyatgrokster.

it's quite a mesh: impossible to know who they all are but at the moment there are 49 members showing, and over 1.5 terrabytes of content.

aussiebeermatt - feel free to spread the word about this project. :)

- js.


Don't forget me!!!!!
25,000.00 to share, I am ready give me that link gosh darnit

blady@grokster 29-03-04 06:23 AM

"i see you there as bladyatgrokster"
you see who there as who??

aussiebeermatt 29-03-04 08:59 AM

Mirwin is not a closed network
on the network mirwin is connected to there is a user with the name bladyatgrokster .Are you on the same network with me???as that name is on my list also, Mirwin hooked up with what is reported to be the original Nullsoft mesh by sheer luck than good management , as some of that networks users posted thier keys and static IPs on mirwin and mirwin also stoped using a network name as it was causing some problems , thus creating a larger network with lots of nodes and gigs of content .

@ Jack I posted the link to this thread at mirwin and suggested that mirwins network to run in the background of the Zer0share Project and use your network to chat ,ect. The owner of mirwin is interested ,you guys need to get together and work out where you could go with this :beer:

JackSpratts 29-03-04 10:27 AM

so they merged eh? interesting. we're familliar with that lol. :eek: well, as long as zer0share stays free of open content there could be workable partnerships with merwin or any meshes, but since it's "named" it's technically more complicated. something to think about for the future.

ok matt thanks, i'll be in touch. :)

- js.

defacto 29-03-04 10:28 AM

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 defatco

Rickio 29-03-04 04:18 PM

Looks Cool , I'll check it out...
Here is my key

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 Rickio

Mazer 29-03-04 04:58 PM

I'm running version 1.0b. Is everyone else using the same version or the updated versions?

aaacbada 29-03-04 06:19 PM

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 2048 relic

beatniak 30-03-04 09:18 AM

i use "v1.4 alpha 1"

aussiebeermatt 30-03-04 03:48 PM

everyone can have a "static" IP
Everyone that signs up especialy those on braodband connections can get a free Ip redirection account from http://www.dyndns.org/ who offer static and dynamic DNS services (static is prefered of course)or http://www.no-ip.com who only offer dynamic DNS for free even those on dail up can update thier IPs with these services and then update their waste DNS to resolve to the dynamic IP.you set this up in preferances /IP Adresses and then check force incoming IP to the redirction name you choose after you have done this edit the key you posted and add the DNS ,this will also help in keeping the network more stable and up 24/7

Mazer 01-04-04 03:08 PM

Hmm, this is kinda cool.
Thanks for the link defacto.

excaliber 01-04-04 09:26 PM

Hey all. Im in. :) Im also added over at http://www.s4s.ip3.com/wasteb/keys.p...n&nt=zer0share

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 2048 excaliber

I have a redirection address at http://intheory.ath.cx

_3DO_ 01-04-04 10:28 PM


added at http://www.s4s.ip3.com/wasteb/keys....sn&nt=zer0share

ONEMANBANNED 01-04-04 10:49 PM


m1t0s1s 02-04-04 12:07 AM

my key
I changed my public key to:
WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1024 m1t0s1s

Maybe now I can connect.

This is my old public key:
WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 3072 m1t0s1s

Can I connect to mirwin, the blank network (ie none) and/or zer0share?

Is there a slowdown if you use 3072-bit encryption? It took 40 minutes to generate it.

multi 02-04-04 01:13 AM

it does ..1536 is probaly the best

probably not a really need of a key of such strength..

Mazer 02-04-04 09:30 AM

Heh, I hadn't even noticed what size keys everyone was using until now. It seem a little silly to me since the mesh itself has nothing to hide, though its members may. RSA isn't used for the bulk of communication on Waste, it's only used to make a secure link to secretly trade Blowfish keys, and once that's done then only Blowfish is used. Having larger RSA keys does help security but not by much.

Originally posted by m1t0s1s
Can I connect to mirwin, the blank network (ie none) and/or zer0share?
You certainly can. Waste has a profile manager; launching with different profiles allows you to connect to different networks without reconfiguring each time, and it allows multiple instances.

Okay, right now I have 17 publc keys in my Waste, pretty good so far.

excaliber 02-04-04 02:41 PM


Originally posted by Mazer
I'm running version 1.0b. Is everyone else using the same version or the updated versions?
I'm running v1.4 Alpha 2.

So is the goal of this net to just share public domain material? Cool.

/me goes off to find some public domain stuff to share

Rei_ 03-04-04 03:44 PM


Originally posted by excaliber
[b]I'm running v1.4 Alpha 2.

So is the goal of this net to just share public domain material? Cool.
I have noticed that v1.4 Alpha 2, sometimes does not remember the queued files correctly.



JackSpratts 03-04-04 05:45 PM

well this is cool. :ND: Rei_, excaliber, m1t0s1s, _3DO_ - welcome everyone to napsterites! thanks for stopping by. :beer:

- js.

JackSpratts 03-04-04 06:53 PM

hmmm. new paid version...

right down to that little X in the network box.

sharp eyed member aussiebeermatt came across this a few minutes ago. it’s a waste clone – corporate edition!

wow, even comes with a dandy user’s guide.

it's either 1 a rip off, or 2 totally different (unlikely) or 3, some new project of justin frankel (even more unlikely).

nope. after reading that user guide i have to say it's a total taiwanese rip-off. that's some gpl cojones lol. :BL:

- js.

excaliber 03-04-04 06:57 PM

Isn't that illegal in some fashion? Either its a GNU/GPL infraction (some may argue it was released under that licence) or its a completly illegal action (because Nullsoft released it without consent, and AOL sent out the warning that it is illegal to use)


Nullsoft is the exclusive owner of all right, title and interest in the Software. The posting of the Software on this website was not authorized by Nullsoft.

If you downloaded or otherwise obtained a copy of the Software, you acquired no lawful rights to the Software and must destroy any and all copies of the Software, including by deleting it from your computer. Any license that you may believe you acquired with the Software is void, revoked and terminated.

Any reproduction, distribution, display or other use of the Software by you is unauthorized and an infringement of Nullsoft's copyright in the Software as well as a potential violation of other laws.

JackSpratts 03-04-04 07:05 PM


Originally posted by excaliber
Isn't that illegal in some fashion?
beats me, you know, international law and all but i'd guess it's illegal in every fashion lol. could be quickie rebadge to make a fast buck. could be legit, but i sure doubt it. we'll know soon enough.

- js.

Mazer 03-04-04 07:27 PM

I see a "landmark" case in the making. If AOL claims ownership of the code and they can prove that VIA used the code in the software they might file a lawsuit against them. The point of course wouldn't be to win damages from VIA, it would be to prove in a court of law that AOL actually owns Waste, hence it would be illegal for everybody to use it.

JackSpratts 03-04-04 07:44 PM

that's a good point. let's hope this is too small potatoes for mighty time warner.

- js.

defacto 03-04-04 11:09 PM

legality smeegality. anybody who even gives time to the argument of 'should' is wasting there energy in my opinion.

i think it's one of the most empowering statements made on the internet lately of waste being opensource that ignores intellectual property, i would like to see more of this , the patents and copyrights that get taken out are ridiculous and oppressive to all humans of earth and out collective discoveries and art that shared can allow us all to get our needs met.

and i guess it's only obvious others see WASTE and want their part too like the WINW & Padlock project waste clones and other p2ps that have claimed to be WASTE 'like' since the release of.

VIA vs. AOL in court, what a 'waste' of resources, would somebody protect these resources and keep these lifeless corporations & the class warrior sell outs who slave wage for them from littering our space and time??

the action i see as most effective is to just keep Dev. going making waste more functional and secure in the opensource arena and not get coopted or shown up by corporate clones / imitations. something witch obviously hasn't happened padlock is crippled cheese to me.

JackSpratts 04-04-04 12:41 AM


Originally posted by defacto
i think it's one of the most empowering statements made on the internet lately of waste being opensource that ignores intellectual property...the patents and copyrights that get taken out are ridiculous and oppressive to all humans of earth... would somebody protect these resources and keep these lifeless corporations & the class warrior sell outs who slave wage for them from littering our space and time??

well defacto you’re an ip firebrand aren’t you lol. :tu: that’s good, you won’t find anybody sticking up for traditional copyright law here at nu, but you’ll probably hear strategy & tactics discussed to deal with those who may occasionally wish people harm. an ounce of prevention and all.

it’s always been a good philosophy not to worry too much about what your adversaries might do, as long as you’ve protected yourself from what they can do, because you can be sure they'll do something.

- js.

aussiebeermatt 04-04-04 08:57 AM

The Sourceforge Team is looking into GNU GPL violations by Padlack (sic)
Over at the Sourceforge sh4rd the project Manager of WASTE has posted in the discussion forums they are looking into GNU General Public Licence violations that padlock may have infringed on .:f:

m1t0s1s 05-04-04 01:02 PM

I changed my public key to:

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1024 m1t0s1s

Just delete my old key, or leave it, it probably doesn't make a difference.

Drakonix 05-04-04 04:57 PM

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 drak@zeroshare


multi 05-04-04 08:02 PM

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 multi

DantE 05-04-04 08:18 PM

public key
Hi all, I just found out about WASTE (about 20 mins ago) and I liked the idea.... Here is my public key


I'd like to try it out, so thanks in advance for adding me in....

btw, Great idea JackSpratts... :)

aussiebeermatt 05-04-04 08:43 PM

Keys Added
To make It easy for everyone post keys at
And then export the keys and save them as zeroshare WASTE Keys Export , you will probably get on the mesh alot quicker if you do this . Try and set your 1337 port to listen if possible it make the network alot more stable also post that you are acting as a server on the board if you want to contribute (same idea as ultrapeers and supernodes).

Multi and Dante your added and Drak I see your already on the mesh ,the new guys add my key and connect to aussiebeermatt.servebeer.com

WASTE_PUBLIC_KEY 20 1536 aussiebeermatt
CA6B0DA40178E237557799CE9FF8A749C49AC059EF10F657A8B5899F12CD A8072551F3A301E1CDF687B16CB5DC2C7E0B8F91EFCB76E114700303F108 BE82E625226F842E1796A21355201A154303A0928EB893C21A29272C3474 A19B6955BB898FFF13FABA1F5A9C4A02D5E63CCFF1C09BFD4F7A805CAC84 0E0992245093810C9CB73DE6411EABC5D7C8E75465CDABCE9E3F41147CD2 262E5C7FA61CA2B7B67708D8E7D1503DC1C20A172792806B8E5D8DE021BA BB0F02D448CE29E303350A9B0003010001


multi 06-04-04 12:41 AM

that waste board isnt a bad idea..

does it notify by email when someone enters a new key?

aussiebeermatt 06-04-04 07:07 AM

My BAD Multi
Opppps I posted the wrong key LOL. I edited my post and its ok now HA HA :doh:

excaliber 06-04-04 08:12 AM

Seems to be growing pretty quickly.

reg 06-04-04 01:24 PM

with you all in wasteland in thought (made me think of teenage wasteland by the who ... hehe) ... only made it into waste one time ... and that was probably a fluke ... good luck to you on the zer0share project!!

JackSpratts 06-04-04 01:48 PM

thanks reg - we'd love to have you here too. :ND:

- js.

Zeke 07-04-04 12:08 AM

To join the zer0share project
here's my pubkey


my ip address is

multi 07-04-04 12:57 AM

welcome zeke..i have your key in..
if you have all the keys in and all the all settings in prefrences .ect and your sure they all correct add a few ips
and let it run ..

multi 07-04-04 02:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)
i discovered this today after about a year of using this thing ...:doh:

but helps alot for running more than one waste profile..

append name to windows..

Zeke 07-04-04 02:50 AM

Wrong key placed elsewhere
So i put the wrong key in over at http://www.s4s.ip3.com/wasteb/keys.p...n&nt=zer0share

but the one in this thread is right, is tehre anyway i can change that?

Thanks for the tip multi, i didn't notice that before but it sure is helpful thanks, and again the right pubkey is... *drumroll*


multi 07-04-04 03:36 AM

i have a bit of a problem with the port...
i think it would be helpful for peeps running a mesh already that uses it... if it were something else...
any comments?

JackSpratts 07-04-04 07:55 AM

the default port 1337 was chosen for ease of use, to make a members' first experience installing waste as simple as possible. the number one problem people have with this application is a failed connection, and as often as not it's because the port they're using is the wrong one. security is not at issue since whatever one is chosen will be published openly, while a private network would probably pick a non-default port - and keep it secret. however in a nod to technical security the network is "named," which may reduce the chances of an accidental merge.

someone else also asked about this recently, but i didn't have time to go over it in detail. i'm using the same port on 3 meshes and haven't noticed any issues. the other two still operate normally. what problem is the port causing for you? if it's an identifiable problem a port switch will fix then sure we can change it and we probably should, as long as it doesn’t cause additional connection problems and interfere with the growth of the mesh. we would need to get the word out to all the sites that have posted zer0share info, and to all of our key holders who may not be around all the time as well. ;)

- js.

multi 07-04-04 04:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
i seem to get an error if i have more than one using 1337..i have it forwarded thru the router..its no real biggie if you think it would make it a hassle..

JackSpratts 07-04-04 05:05 PM

hmmm. ok. anyone else having this issue?

- js.

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