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theknife 02-11-08 08:41 AM

Election Predictions
ok, folks, make your call for Tuesday. keeping in mind that i'm usually wrong about these things, here's mine:

Obama: 311 EV's
McCain: 227 EV's

multi 02-11-08 10:08 AM

That is probably what it should be...

I get the impression that it will be much different.
probably closer to the outcome of the last election(s).

All I can say is I hope you are right.

vernarial 02-11-08 10:39 AM

I have a friendly wager with a couple of friends. I took Obama, even though I'm not voting for him.

theknife 02-11-08 05:12 PM

i understand that if Obama wins, Albed will be immediately sent to Guantanamo.

vernarial 02-11-08 06:06 PM

Now wouldn't that be some poetic justice. Or is it ironic. Either way it would make me smile. I still wouldn't want him to be tortured, or have his civil rights violated.

Nicobie 02-11-08 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by theknife (Post 263611)
i understand that if Obama wins, Albed will be immediately sent to Guantanamo.

hey TK U seem to be turning GOP :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

JackSpratts 02-11-08 08:29 PM

albed's no rocket scientist but he can read the writing on the wall. he left for agentina weeks ago.

multi 03-11-08 05:48 AM

LOL isn't that a disease?

This article is 5 pages but truly worth the read.



Americans used to vote with their voices—viva voce—or with their hands or with their feet. Yea or nay. Raise your hand. All in favor of Jones, stand on this side of the town common; if you support Smith, line up over there. In the colonies, as in the mother country, casting a vote rarely required paper and pen. The word “ballot” comes from the Italian ballotta, or little ball, and a ballot often was a ball, or at least something ballish, like a pea or a pebble, or, not uncommonly, a bullet. Colonial Pennsylvanians commonly voted by tossing beans into a hat. Paper voting wasn’t meant to conceal anyone’s vote; it was just easier than counting beans. Our forebears considered casting a “secret ballot” cowardly, underhanded, and despicable; as one South Carolinian put it, voting secretly would “destroy that noble generous openness that is characteristick of an Englishman.”

Ðiego 03-11-08 11:32 AM

tbh, I'd love it if Obama would send Bush, Cheeny and Rove (as well as a few others) to Gitmo for a nice vacation of waterboarding and sleep deprivation.

That'd be real nice of him don't you think? :BL:

Ð :S:

theknife 03-11-08 01:16 PM

put yer money where your mouth is
c'mon folks...crawl out on that limb and make the call: who's gonna win and what will be the final EV tally?

Ðiego 03-11-08 01:30 PM

GObama 340!

Ð :S:

floydian slip 03-11-08 04:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)

JackSpratts 03-11-08 05:07 PM

that's great floyd. :AP:

napho 03-11-08 05:16 PM

I don't think it's my imagination when I say that the electoral college system has to favour the Republicans, who do well in places like Montana and Idaho. Unless they changed the system recently. Combine the disproportional electoral college with the black/Moslem name doubt; when push comes to shove in the voting booth, I think even a big lead in the polls for Obama means little.

Ðiego 03-11-08 05:44 PM

lol Rove just came out calling it for Obama with 338 :BL:

I'm feeling pretty sick, being of a like mind with a bastard like Rove :o

Ð :S:

Nicobie 03-11-08 06:55 PM

The real question is how many seats will the bureacraps pick up in the House and Senate. As they already are responsible for the shape our country is in, I wonder if the electorate even noticed.


JackSpratts 05-11-08 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Ðiego (Post 263630)
lol Rove just came out calling it for Obama with 338 :BL:

well isn't he the smartypants.

Ðiego 05-11-08 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ðiego

GObama 340!


Ð :S:

JackSpratts 05-11-08 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Ðiego (Post 263642)

Ð :S:

yes, but you're intelligent. that's an unfair advantage against a republican.

Ðiego 05-11-08 11:57 AM

Touché ;) :BL:

Ð :S:

Nicobie 05-11-08 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts (Post 263643)
yes, but you're intelligent. that's an unfair advantage against a republican.

what a asshole thing to say about 1/2 of the USA

Can U prove u're smarts?

Ðiego 05-11-08 07:18 PM

Yes, we voted for Obama. That's as smart as you can get.

You Republicans on the other hand think Palin should be running your party..

Ð :S:

JackSpratts 05-11-08 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Nicobie (Post 263647)
what a asshole thing to say about 1/2 of the USA

Can U prove u're smarts?

i can prove one thing nick, it's less than 19 percent and shrinking. for a reason.

1/2 the usa?

in your dreams.

JackSpratts 05-11-08 09:12 PM

improving with age.

RDixon 06-11-08 08:28 AM

Prediction: President Obama's first official act as President on Jan. 20, 2009.

Proclaims Sarah Palin to be the official poster child for education reform in the USA.

Ðiego 06-11-08 08:32 AM

JackSpratts 06-11-08 09:31 AM

JackSpratts 06-11-08 09:36 AM

Ðiego 06-11-08 10:28 AM

<Nicobie> Set-up!
<Albed> Marxists!

Ð :S:

malvachat 07-11-08 07:00 AM

Moz will have to start rewritng.

"But where the president
Is never black, female or gay
And until that day
You've got nothing to say to me."

Now playing: Morrissey - America is Not the World
via FoxyTunes

Nicobie 07-11-08 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts (Post 263650)
i can prove one thing nick, it's less than 19 percent and shrinking. for a reason.

1/2 the usa?

in your dreams.

McCain only got 19% of the popular vote?

U are wrong. Can't U count? Posts like this piss me off. I call U out on your stupidity.....

prove it dillweed......

19% my ass...............

Nicobie 07-11-08 06:55 PM

You know....

This election was really about big govm'nt vs small gov'mt.

BIG buerocraps won.

let's see how it plays out.

Personally, I can't wait until I get free money/stuff like was promised by obama.

The man is full of shit/stupid if he figures he can deliver on his promises.

multi 07-11-08 08:15 PM

Nixon = big government
Reagan = big government
Bush I = big government
Bush II = big government

anything else?

JackSpratts 07-11-08 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Nicobie (Post 263670)
McCain only got 19% of the popular vote?

U are wrong. Can't U count? Posts like this piss me off. I call U out on your stupidity.....

prove it dillweed......

19% my ass...............

ffs nic. i made a crack about republicans. for some reason you took offense on behalf of america. i informed you that in america republicans comprise less than 19% of the population and are growing fewer still. i never meant to offend independent mccain/palin voters (who are even bigger idiots).

one more thing.

fox won't tell you republicans practice human cannibalism by eating babies and that's why they're so stupid (all those prions rotting their brains and stuff). it's getting to be a crisis. betcha didn't know that either. :W:

- js.

Ðiego 08-11-08 09:00 AM

The Republican party is finished until it stops telling people how to live their lives.

America DOESN'T want 'Creationism' in the schools and it DOES want a woman to have a choice.

Ð :S:

Ðiego 08-11-08 11:25 AM

Oh, and the best quote of the election season, from KOS:

You know what's hilarious? That the PUMAs thought
they were real. You know what's even more hilarious?
That the McCain campaign believed them.


Ð :S:

theknife 08-11-08 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Ðiego (Post 263685)
Oh, and the best quote of the election season, from KOS:

You know what's hilarious? That the PUMAs thought
they were real. You know what's even more hilarious?
That the McCain campaign believed them.

Ð :S:

ain't that the truth...if you want to see where the Hillary dead-enders are wallowing in thier bitterness, check out hillaryis44 . all the PUMA folks are there - all three of them :BL:

Ðiego 08-11-08 12:00 PM

PUMA had a big meet-up in September at an airport hotel in Virginia. More would have shown up, but they couldn't find the closet.

Ð :S:

RDixon 08-11-08 01:41 PM

After witnessing the fiasco that was referred to in the press as the Clinton campaign, I thought I would not, in my lifetime, see another campaign as mismanaged and bungling as hers was.

I was wrong.

The McCain campaign surpassed by far even Clinton's in it's inability to do even one single thing right.

Ðiego 08-11-08 01:58 PM

Amen, Brother. And the Republican party seems happy to keep up the fine tradition: They're willing, and notoriously able, to follow Sarah 'countries in North America?' Palin to the gates of hell. Well, they would, if they could any of them read..

"Dang damit, where is that divining rod, you betcha', also??"

Ð :S:

Mazer 09-11-08 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Nicobie (Post 263631)
The real question is how many seats will the bureacraps pick up in the House and Senate. As they already are responsible for the shape our country is in, I wonder if the electorate even noticed.


That was the more important issue in this election. As expected, voters rewarded the Democrats for driving congress' approval rating to an all-time low by expanding their majority. Change (oh yes, there will be change) will be driven by the most radical left-wingers in congress, not by the supposedly centrist president Obama. Only time will tell if Obama turns out to be a gutless rubber stamp yes-man or a leader, but my guess is we won't see Obama the leader until near the end of his first term. By then the Dems will have shown their true colors, and the new Republican majority in the 112th senate will prove that the kind of change the Dems want isn't what the people want. When either party has such a monopoly on the government they can't help but make things worse.

Lord, protect president Obama. Only you know how bad it would be if Biden should become president.

theknife 09-11-08 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer (Post 263702)
By then the Dems will have shown their true colors, and the new Republican majority in the 112th senate will prove that the kind of change the Dems want isn't what the people want.[/i]

care to put some money on that?

if it's possible, the 2010 maps look even worse for the GOP than 2008.

edit: you are grossly underestimating Obama and Co. if you think they have not studied the mistakes of the first Clinton administration long and hard.

double edit: i love the meme that somehow the country is primarily center-right, being pushed by the vanquished and thoroughly repudiated GOP, and thier cheerleaders like yourself. the GOP is now a regional party - let's see how long they have to wander in the wilderness before they come to grips with that.

Mazer 09-11-08 11:35 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This thread is titled Election Predictions, not Election Wagers. Start a new thread if you're looking to make some money. ;)


Originally Posted by theknife (Post 263703)
i love the meme that somehow the country is primarily center-right, being pushed by the vanquished and thoroughly repudiated GOP, and thier cheerleaders like yourself. the GOP is now a regional party - let's see how long they have to wander in the wilderness before they come to grips with that.

2008 election results:
Yes, the Republicans clearly have no continuity or reach anymore. :RE:


Originally Posted by theknife (Post 263703)
you are grossly underestimating Obama and Co. if you think they have not studied the mistakes of the first Clinton administration long and hard.

Excuse me? What have we been hearing over and over for the last eight years? Something about absolute power and what it does?

theknife 09-11-08 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer (Post 263708)
This thread is titled Election Predictions, not Election Wagers. Start a new thread if you're looking to make some money. ;)

2008 election results:
Yes, the Republicans clearly have no continuity or reach anymore. :RE:

yeah, but those red areas are fly-over country...thinly populated, perhaps exactly the kind of wilderness/desert areas that soul-searching Republicans are doomed to wander about for the foreseeable future, trying to find their way back into the hearts of mainstream America:BL:

Mazer 09-11-08 07:17 PM

You can hardly claim that the Democrats trounced the Republicans with a mere 52% of the popular vote. The 57.4 million who voted for McCain are far too many to be considered to be on the fringe of American politics. The reason they live in thinly populated fly-over country because they grow the food and mine the minerals and fuels that keep city dwellers like you and me fat and happy. They also supply the majority of military personnel. Be glad they don't hold people like you in the same regard as you hold them, else those red areas might decide to close their borders and the military might decide to go on strike. You can breathe easy, red-state Americans are much too patriotic to do such a thing, but I wouldn't take them for granted if I were you.

theknife 09-11-08 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer (Post 263712)
You can hardly claim that the Democrats trounced the Republicans with a mere 52% of the popular vote. The 57.4 million who voted for McCain are far too many to be considered to be on the fringe of American politics. The reason they live in thinly populated fly-over country because they grow the food and mine the minerals and fuels that keep city dwellers like you and me fat and happy. They also supply the majority of military personnel. Be glad they don't hold people like you in the same regard as you hold them, else those red areas might decide to close their borders and the military might decide to go on strike. You can breathe easy, red-state Americans are much too patriotic to do such a thing, but I wouldn't take them for granted if I were you.

no, actually, it's just the right-wing ideologues and the American Taliban (aka evangelicals) factions that i find detestable - i'm ok with the rest of red America. and i agree, it was strictly an electoral trouncing, not a popular one.

that being said, the meme that 1)the electorate is really just yearning for the GOP to return to their conservative roots and 2)when they do, they'll be swept back into power is more than a little silly and not borne out by any post-election polling data whatsoever. now more than ever, Americans are painfully aware of government's place in their lives and they voted with the expectation that government should do more, not less. the election was not about making government bigger - it was about making government more competent. check your ideology at the door, red america - we're all in this together.

Mazer 17-11-08 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by theknife (Post 263714)
now more than ever, Americans are painfully aware of government's place in their lives and they voted with the expectation that government should do more, not less. the election was not about making government bigger - it was about making government more competent.

More competence in government would be great, but if the 111th congress manages to bring its approval rating above 25% I'll be very surprised. The government is the biggest it has ever been, and that's one thing I think the new regime intends not to change.

What people want is a government that compliments our hard work, not one that supplements it. We're going to see if the Democrats received that message or if they're going to pursue the same agenda that lost them their majority in 1994. Their party may have the bigger tent, but it's only a tent in the figurative sense; it's not a shelter against the storm. No, we have to provide for ourselves and for each other. We need to work hard, get educated, save our money, and pay our debts (and a few platitudes from Obama to that effect would do wonders for the economy, despite the disappointment it would cause his proselytes). The government can and should assist, but it can't and shouldn't try do what we can do for ourselves, not while funding a deployed military force and paying down its own debt.

Nicobie 19-11-08 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer (Post 263772)
More competence in government would be great, but if the 111th congress manages to bring its approval rating above 25% I'll be very surprised. The government is the biggest it has ever been, and that's one thing I think the new regime intends not to change.

What people want is a government that compliments our hard work, not one that supplements it. We're going to see if the Democrats received that message or if they're going to pursue the same agenda that lost them their majority in 1994. Their party may have the bigger tent, but it's only a tent in the figurative sense; it's not a shelter against the storm. No, we have to provide for ourselves and for each other. We need to work hard, get educated, save our money, and pay our debts (and a few platitudes from Obama to that effect would do wonders for the economy, despite the disappointment it would cause his proselytes). The government can and should assist, but it can't and shouldn't try do what we can do for ourselves, not while funding a deployed military force and paying down its own debt.

I really have nothing else to add on this subject, and don't think I could say it any better anyway....

:saus: :saus: :saus:

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