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-   -   I am going to go get a passport today. (http://www.p2p-zone.com/underground/showthread.php?t=20574)

floydian slip 03-11-04 03:33 AM

I am going to go get a passport today.
I live in a country with over 57,000,000 morons. F**K!!

legion 03-11-04 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by floydian slip
I live in a country with over 57,000,000 morons. F**K!!

And you think it is any different somewhere else ?

albed 03-11-04 06:34 AM

Well at least there will be one less. Thanks for helping out.

Dovobis 03-11-04 09:33 AM

See ya

Sinner 03-11-04 09:42 AM

Bye Bye - You should move to Cuba or China - You won't have to worry about elections anymore.

So Bush won the Popular Vote.

Bush Won the election.

The Republicans control both Houses.

and there was a record high voter turn out.

Fantom 03-11-04 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Sinner
So Bush won the Popular Vote.

Bush Won the election.

The Republicans control both Houses.

and there was a record high voter turn out

The same thing just happened with our 'centre-right' govenment in Australia. Returned to power with a healthy majority and control of both houses for the first time in over 20 years.

All the same except the record turnout...voting is compulsory here, you get fined for not turning up.

There is a perception these governments are doing a good job considering the almost hopeless situation. They make mistakes, but the other guy will make mistakes too if you vote him in.

And I know things have been pretty good around here financially in the last few years, most people seem to be pretty happy. Interest rates are low and they don't wanna rock the boat.

However, IMO the huge swings toward existing and established government were primarily influenced by campaigns of fear. That wolves thing was amazing. John Howard should have made one with some dingoes and a baby :o

multi 04-11-04 02:18 PM

wolves ?
So the wrong candidate has won, and you want to leave the country. Let us consider your options.

Renouncing your citizenship

Heading to Canada or Mexico


The coalition of the willing

The Caribbean

Indian reservations

The high seas


Imaginary nations

Perhaps the most elegant solution is to join a country that exists only in one’s own—or someone else’s—imagination. Many such virtual nations can be found on the Internet, and citizenships in them are easy to acquire. This, in fact, was the route most recently attempted by Kenneth Nichols O’Keefe, the unfortunate ex-Marine. In February 2003,

O’Keefe went to Baghdad to serve as a human shield, traveling with a passport issued to him by the “World Service Authority,” an outfit based in Washington, D.C., that has dubbed more than 1.2 million people “world citizens.” While laying over in Turkey, however, he was detained; Turkey, as it turns out, does not recognize the World Service Authority. O’Keefe was forced to apply for a replacement U.S. passport from the State Department, which rather graciously complied.

Upon his arrival in Baghdad, O’Keefe promptly set the replacement passport on fire. But he remains, to his dismay, an American


theknife 05-11-04 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by floydian slip
I live in a country with over 57,000,000 morons. F**K!!


The number of U.S. citizens visiting Canada's main immigration Web site has shot up six-fold as Americans flirt with the idea of abandoning their homeland after President George W. Bush's election win this week.

"When we looked at the first day after the election, November 3, our Web site hit a new high, almost double the previous record high," immigration ministry spokeswoman Maria Iadinardi said on Friday.

On an average day some 20,000 people in the United States log onto the Web site, www.cic.gc.ca -- a figure which rocketed to 115,016 on Wednesday. The number of U.S. visits settled down to 65,803 on Thursday, still well above the norm.

let the flames continue.

Nicobie 05-11-04 10:41 PM

I like u multi....

you're about one gookie/goofy dillweed if ever there was one. All I need is napho's vote in order to pro_claim u U.


(and everyone knows how I feel about them fuc'in smilies.........)

RoBoBoy 06-11-04 06:46 AM

United New Zealand
WELLINGTON (AFP) - Enquiries from Americans wanting to move to New Zealand have skyrocketed since George W. Bush was reelected president of the United States.

The Immigration Service website had 10,300 hits from the United States the day after the election, compared to the daily norm of 2,500.

Thousands of North Americans have migrated to New Zealand in recent years -- attracted by the country's small population, clean, green image of bush-clad mountains, and isolation from world trouble spots -- but the number now looks set to soar.

Phones at the Immigration Service offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Portland have been ringing constantly since the vote outcome, Marketing Manager Don Badman told the Dominion Post newspaper on Saturday.

There have been up to 300 telephone calls and emails a day compared to six-to-eight calls a day before the election.

"It's exploded. It really started picking up from 11:00pm the night of the election," he said.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Americans were also looking to Australia and Canada as well as New Zealand following the election.

jcmd62 06-11-04 09:14 AM

Just like a bunch of damned liberals, always promising to do something and not following through with it.

daddydirt 06-11-04 10:42 AM



RoBoBoy 06-11-04 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by daddydirt

Perhaps that's a strategy to consider in 08. All single Dems marry foreigners who have much better judgment than the majority of us in the US.

Seriously, the dems need to hire a couple of Carl Roves & learn the art of negative campaigning. That & Jesus freaks are what won the election for Bush or the lack thereof is what cost kerry the election.

albed 06-11-04 12:54 PM

Still every sneaky chickenshit tactic they can think of. They just can't conceive of honesty, integrity and courage as a way to win...or live.

Ramona_A_Stone 06-11-04 03:30 PM


Seriously, the dems need to hire a couple of Carl Roves & learn the art of negative campaigning. That & Jesus freaks are what won the election for Bush or the lack thereof is what cost kerry the election.
Have to take issue with you there. In this particular season most especially, both parties used negative campaigning equally. The fact is that both of the sons of bitches were so undesirable that the only platform they had to run on was how miserable the other son of bitch was.

I'm not sure if this would be an inherent universal in all two party systems, but it certainly is in ours, and in this particular instance the democrats are to blame for apparently believing that if their candidates don't start out as slimeballs, they should at least be converted into something slippery enough to insert itself into the clenched orifices of the republican psyche. It's only my hope that the next will have enough balls to run on principles stronger than pretending to be indistinguishable from the opposition.

Repo 15-11-04 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by daddydirt


Reasons to move to Canada, as cited by www.canadianalternative.com

1. Canada has universal public health care.

2. Canada has no troops in Iraq.

3. Canada signed the Kyoto Protocol environmental treaty.

4. More than half of Canada's provinces allow same-sex marriage.

5. The Canadian Senate recommends legalizing marijuana.

6. Canada has no law restricting abortion.

7. Canada has strict gun laws and relatively little violence.

8. The United Nations has ranked Canada the best country to live in for eight consecutive years.

9. Canada abolished the death penalty in 1976.

10. Canada has not run a federal deficit since 1996-97.

JackSpratts 15-11-04 04:13 PM

11. and file-sharing's legal.

- js.

floydian slip 16-11-04 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by albed
Still every sneaky chickenshit tactic they can think of. They just can't conceive of honesty, integrity and courage as a way to win...or live.

Im with ya, those republicans do suck, dont they. :f:

Gutrguy 16-11-04 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Sinner
So Bush won the Popular Vote.

Bush Won the election.

The Republicans control both Houses.

and there was a record high voter turn out.

He (Bush) should have never been in the position to be re-elected in the first place. Al Gore was the rightful winner in 2000, the courts decided that election, not the voters...so if anyone is to blame...its them.

There have also been many complaints about the electronic voting machines, the private compaines that make them (and also the fact that Diebold’s CEO, Walden “Wally” O’Dell, once infamously announced his intent to deliver Ohio’s votes for Bush) and complaints about vote counts.

Funny Numbers: An analysis of some downright bizarre election results

To say that the American people wanted G. W. Bush back for another illegitimate term as president is crazy.

multi 16-11-04 04:06 AM

as crazy as it seems
four more years,and then probably four more after that
there is much ahead..
and much to learn


here are only Four Laws in Creation:

1. You exist.
2. The One is All and the All are One .
3. What you put out is what you get back.
4. Change is the only constant...

Except for the first three laws, which never change.

here in aus and in the us,
the reality is that the right has the power and they beleive they have a mandate
now lets see how reality reacts to that..

Nicobie 17-11-04 08:32 PM

U go RAS...

Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
Have to take issue with you there. In this particular season most especially, both parties used negative campaigning equally. The fact is that both of the sons of bitches were so undesirable that the only platform they had to run on was how miserable the other son of bitch was.

I'm not sure if this would be an inherent universal in all two party systems, but it certainly is in ours, and in this particular instance the democrats are to blame for apparently believing that if their candidates don't start out as slimeballs, they should at least be converted into something slippery enough to insert itself into the clenched orifices of the republican psyche. It's only my hope that the next will have enough balls to run on principles stronger than pretending to be indistinguishable from the opposition.

Short, to the point and 100% correct.

napho 21-11-04 05:49 PM

At least you CAN get a passport. Try that in Cuba and you'd be considered a traitor and an enemy of the State...even if you just wanted to take a vacation.

Heathcliff 01-12-04 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by floydian slip
I live in a country with over 57,000,000 morons. F**K!!

Actually it was 59 million morons.

And then there are the 130 some million who don't give a shit either way. I call them Libertarians. You?

tambourine-man 01-12-04 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Heathcliff
...And then there are the 130 some million who don't give a shit either way. I call them Libertarians. You?

A silent majority.

floydian slip 01-12-04 02:22 AM

Lazy and or dumb Heathcliff.

LOL @ T Man

albed 01-12-04 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Heathcliff
Actually it was 59 million morons.

It was 57 when he posted mr. knowitall.


Originally Posted by Heathcliff
And then there are the 130 some million who don't give a shit either way. I call them Libertarians. You?

Not every US citizen is eligible to vote mr. simpleton and calling people Libertarians who are not just reveals your level of integrity matches your level of intelligence.

You should get yourself a passport and help out too.

Most sources indicate about 80 million eligible voters didn't vote.

miss_silver 01-12-04 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by albed
Not every US citizen is eligible to vote mr. simpleton and calling people Libertarians who are not just reveals your level of integrity matches your level of intelligence.

you are so right albed, in some states when you have a criminal record, even when being arrested for protesting a cause (a givin right aka those nutty pro life ppl) which lands you to the police station and being on record, you cannot vote, it's like that in florida. Sure way to lower the % of american ppl voting.

Still leaves 80 million Libertarians lying on their ass and not giving a flying fuck as to who would ruin their lives on next term.


Most sources indicate about 80 million eligible voters didn't vote.
Nice try, "most sources?" You only posted one. BTW, Have you googled up Nathan Rothschild name yet? Afraid to be scared?

albed 02-12-04 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by miss_silver
Still leaves 80 million Libertarians lying on their ass and not giving a flying fuck as to who would ruin their lives on next term.

Libertarians are a minor political party, not slang for non-voters. They had their own candidate and he lost. And you can't really say non-voters don't care when they had such a poor choice of candidates. Assuming "ruin" wasn't a misspelling you realize that.


Originally Posted by miss_silver
Nice try, "most sources?" You only posted one. BTW, Have you googled up Nathan Rothschild name yet? Afraid to be scared?

If I was scared I'd do something about it. My stock holdings have been doing good since the election and look good for the near future.:ET:

miss_silver 02-12-04 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by albed
Libertarians are a minor political party, not slang for non-voters. They had their own candidate and he lost. And you can't really say non-voters don't care when they had such a poor choice of candidates. Assuming "ruin" wasn't a misspelling you realize that.

If I was scared I'd do something about it. My stock holdings have been doing good since the election and look good for the near future.:ET:

B4 I go to bed



Libertarians are a minor political party
WTF, Heatcliff was asking how should we call those who don't vote, he came up with the name. In your infinite, twisted wisdom, to you, Libertarians, is a party :con: Link me up to one in the US and i'll consider your worthless rambling.

I'm so glad your stock are doing well! Some ppl were saying so in 1928, some killed themselves too :ND: Gold and Silver is the only true asset your country have, the rest, it's only federal reserve notes, issued after the great crash. Please do tell me where the federal reserve phone number is? in the blue gov page or close to FEDEX in the white pages or in the Private buisness? Federal reserve is not a public bank, it's private.

If I were you, i'd take it all off the market and invest in real currency aka gold and silver. In the end, it was the only currency ever in the old world and the new one. Just a thought. It's real easy to print money one's country doesn't even have, it's the heart of fractionnal banking :tu:

BTW, if my mispells are the only thing that turns you on, or a great help in trolling my posts, good for you, it just gave me a new insight into trolls in general :)... Cannot spell right, cannot be credible, eh?

Then again, it's easier to bitch and discredit then to post some useful links as previously requested, if you cannot do that, then my friend, you are not credible, not one bit.

albed 02-12-04 12:56 AM

:shead: It was a misspelling. How could I have thought sarcasm? :shead: HOW?

need a "wacking yourself on the head" smiley.

Fantom 02-12-04 01:02 AM



Originally Posted by miss_silver
In your infinite, twisted wisdom, to you, Libertarians, is a party :con: Link me up to one in the US and i'll consider your worthless rambling

Google the word...you don't have to search, click 'I'm feeling lucky'...

Sinner 02-12-04 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by miss_silver
:ND: Gold and Silver is the only true asset your country have, the rest, it's only federal reserve notes, issued after the great crash. Please do tell me where the federal reserve phone number is? in the blue gov page or close to FEDEX in the white pages or in the Private buisness? Federal reserve is not a public bank, it's private.

The Federal Reserve banks are privately owned, but they are controlled by the publically appointed Board of Governors. The Federal Reserve banks execute the monetary policy choices made by the Board. Also foreigners have no ownership at all. Individuals and non bank firms are not permitted by law to own any shares of a Federal Reserve bank. And There are tons of govenment organizations that are private companies. They do this to seperate budgets and allow for certain autonamy. Many local transportation agencies are technically private companies even though they are partially financied by the city, county or state. The Federal Reserve needs seperation from government so that the decisions they make are not politically driven. The monetary policy is controlled by the publically appointed Board of Governors, not by the Federal Reserve banks.

Here are the members of the Board of Goveners, You can do a search of get there phone numbers if you like. Alan Greenspan, Chairman - Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., Vice Chairman - Edward M. Gramlich - Susan Schmidt Bies - Mark W. Olson - Ben S. Bernanke - Donald L. Kohn, here is some more info with the Reserves address in case our ever in the area http://www.federalreserve.gov/ .


If I were you, i'd take it all off the market and invest in real currency aka gold and silver. In the end, it was the only currency ever in the old world and the new one. Just a thought. It's real easy to print money one's country doesn't even have, it's the heart of fractionnal banking :tu:

Easy to print money one's country doesn't even have??? I think Someone has sold you some ocean front property in Arizona...

Nicobie 02-12-04 07:06 PM

[quote=miss_silver]B4 I go to bed


BTW, if my mispells are the only thing that turns you on, or a great help in trolling my posts, good for you, it just gave me a new insight into trolls in general :)... Cannot spell right, cannot be credible, eh?


Calm down a bit...

btw, What is wrong with Libertarians anyway? T. Jefferson was one.

Heathcliff 06-12-04 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by albed
Still every sneaky chickenshit tactic they can think of. They just can't conceive of honesty, integrity and courage as a way to win...or live.

/paging Dr. Freud....

It must feel pretty good classing yourself among such folks heh? It'd be funny if it weren't so sad...You pretty much HAVE to delude yourself like that because it's so painfully obvious (even to you) that you are a hateful, furiously angry, and, I'd bet, heavily armed and dangerous scum bag. Why you wouldn't know a real relationship that wasn't based on power, fear. and intimidation from a warm and loving one if your life depended on it would you?

Believe it or not, that's why I tolerate you man, pity.

So you come here with your vicious sarcasm and to spout your cock-sure simple-minded solutions to the world's ills and fact check Nazi all your supposed enemies like me because I have the temerity to stand with those poor and downtrodden in this world.

Just like the rest of your god struck hillbilly pals I jokingly call libertarians. They're the real ones who don't have the courage to change things because they are like vermin: they travel in packs, (like the one in this thread) subsisting off decay and corruption and when the sun comes up they scurry back to their Doomsday bunkers to gnaw on the worthless bones they stole all the while dreaming they are King of the Jungle.

So you see your shit don't work on me....

Nicobie 06-12-04 07:12 PM

Jesus fucking christ...

Now it's hillbilly= Libertarians?

HellBound 06-12-04 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by miss_silver
In your infinite, twisted wisdom, to you, Libertarians, is a party :con: Link me up to one in the US and i'll consider your worthless rambling.

Here are some pages for you to check out, the top one is the national website, the following are two state websites. And according to the website there are approximately 397,027 libertarians that voted in the election, so i would expect it is a party.





Originally Posted by Heathcliff
Just like the rest of your god struck hillbilly pals I jokingly call libertarians. They're the real ones who don't have the courage to change things because they are like vermin: they travel in packs, (like the one in this thread) subsisting off decay and corruption and when the sun comes up they scurry back to their Doomsday bunkers to gnaw on the worthless bones they stole all the while dreaming they are King of the Jungle.

you can even take a quiz to see if you are a libertarian....i didnt see any questions about hillbillies though....must have missed that one.

JackSpratts 06-12-04 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by HellBound
you can even take a quiz to see if you are a libertarian....i didnt see any questions about hillbillies though....must have missed that one.


hey - that's no quiz, it's propaganda! it's a push-poll for a looney libertarian cult. shame on those libertarian mind benders.

here's my result:

"Social Liberal


You want government out of your personal life, great! But you seem fairly happy with the amount of government in your economic life. This puts roughly halfway between the views of Libertarian and Democratic politicians.”

ok so that part’s true, but they can get really snotty and suggest you'll be happier in havana. no way. cool cars but too many skeeters.

- js.

miss_silver 06-12-04 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts

hey - that's no quiz, it's propaganda! it's a push-poll for a looney libertarian cult. shame on those libertarian mind benders.

here's my result:

"Social Liberal


You want government out of your personal life, great! But you seem fairly happy with the amount of government in your economic life. This puts roughly halfway between the views of Libertarian and Democratic politicians.”

ok so that part’s true, but they can get really snotty and suggest you'll be happier in havana. no way. cool cars but too many skeeters.

- js.


Helly, thanks for the links. They are a party, but it doesn't fit with heatcliff humor on all those ppl who didn't vote. Also, Js just posted all the emotions/feelings I have toward this party.

HellBound 06-12-04 11:14 PM

here are some other quizes you might like...



HellBound 06-12-04 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by miss_silver

Helly, thanks for the links. They are a party, but it doesn't fit with heatcliff humor on all those ppl who didn't vote. Also, Js just posted all the emotions/feelings I have toward this party.

well there are almost 400,000 people in the US that happen to be libertarians, and if you ran across one, unless they had a sign on their forehead you wouldnt know they were one. Last time i checked, unless someone states what religion or political party they were...you couldnt tell.

Hell, sometimes you cant even figure out what gender they are...

miss_silver 06-12-04 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by HellBound
well there are almost 400,000 people in the US that happen to be libertarians, and if you ran across one, unless they had a sign on their forehead you wouldnt know they were one. Last time i checked, unless someone states what religion or political party they were...you couldnt tell.

Hell, sometimes you cant even figure out what gender they are...

Same here about Liberals.

multi 07-12-04 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by HellBound
you can even take a quiz to see if you are a libertarian....i didnt see any questions about hillbillies though....must have missed that one.



Hey! We need you in Congress! Or at least in your state legislature. Join the Libertarian Party and we'll put you on the ballot.

What? Not ready to run yourself? Well, join the party anyway and put someone of like mind into office. It is high time we kicked the envy-mongers, busy-bodies and angst-worshippers out of office.

Be forewarned that the Libertarian Party is run by people more radical than you. Join anyway and fix this. Then again, over time you might like liberty more and more... And if not, the Democrats and Republicans will be standing by to take away any freedoms you find excessive.
must be because i voted to have guns how they are here..
last political test told me i was a centerist
i guess this is bad..


floydian slip 07-12-04 02:27 AM

Did you know passports cost $85.

Do keyboards in England have a '£' instead of a '$'?

tambourine-man 07-12-04 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by floydian slip
Did you know passports cost $85.

Do keyboards in England have a '£' instead of a '$'?

SHIFT + 3 = £
SHIFT + 4 = $

Some have a Euro sign on them....

floydian slip 08-08-05 02:01 PM

I should be receiving it in September :)

All they needed was a hair sample, urine, blood and my toe next to the pinky. they said they would give it back.

albed 08-08-05 02:17 PM

Where u going?

Nicobie 08-08-05 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by albed
Where u going?

Where life is good and livin' is easy . . .

floydian slip 09-08-05 01:29 AM

Im going to Canada to visit sinner... He calls me cowboy!

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