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-   -   I think maybe it's time to invest in Napster (http://www.p2p-zone.com/underground/showthread.php?t=21108)

Nicobie 11-02-05 07:00 PM

I think maybe it's time to invest in Napster
Have you seen what they've got now?

Their library is to die for!

Right now U get one month free, which is what I did. Unlimited downloading but U can only listen to the tunes, no burning allowed. That is the $10/month service. For $15/Month U can down load all you want into a portable mp3 player that works as long as you keep up the payments.

I'd be glad to pay $10/Month If I could burn the tunes to a CD that can be copied. When I got my full, I'd quit.

That is when I'd buy their stock.

So, as soon as I hear of a Napster hack (WMA files), I'll be on their stock like stink on shit. You know it's gonna happen, and I can't see them caring about RIAA... just so they keep their monthly subscription fees.

Anyway, go back and see how Nappy turned out. It's good fun.

I'm setting up my old tape deck and will be ripping and burnin' all I want from them for free this month. If it works out I might give them a couple more months biz.

BIG FOOKIN' Hahahahahahahahahahahaha this time.

Thanx Shawn, U da man, and I bet U did the best U could. :ba:

JackSpratts 11-02-05 09:27 PM

math alone suggests a 50 plus year advantage to napster, assuming you're comparing 2 10,000 song players ($10,000 divided by the $191.88 napster charges for a years subscription) but the players aren't getting smaller, on the contrary there is no technical reason not to expect 1 terrabyte models in the next few years (i spoke by phone recently with seagate and they can make them in the 3.5 size right now, they just want to wait untill they recover their tooling costs for the present models). but even with the 100 gig units on the immediate horizon you'd need to own your itunes for nearly 140 years before you beat napster's model! renting is usually more expensive – a lot more – but not here. napster is so cheap you’d almost have to be a sucker to buy - which brings up an interesting point: will it lead to price reductions for “sold” media? i predict it will have to if users flock to rental models and i don’t see why they won’t, since sold media also comes loaded with drm restrictions as well as these hugely higher up-front costs.

transferring to cd? advantage itunes. i'm just not sure that's much of a benefit these days since we increasingly seem to be migrating our media off of discs and onto hard drives.

when people rediscover how simple it is for a nakamichi deck (or something similar) to strip the drm off the file in analog and convert the signal back to a crisp digital one they can do whatever they want with, napster just might become subversive all over again. you’ll need two things: a sound card with a very pure analog out and a digital audio deck or the equivalent in a hard drive recorder, both of which are easily acquirable in any decent music store. in my area it’s the east coast music mall, with it’s wall-to-wall axes, gigantic mixing consoles, mics, amps and a slew of digital recording gear. i’m sure there’s something like it near you. the guy who handles my dj equipment says he can set me up for $500. you have to run it in real-time and that’s a pita for those who’ve gotten used to 15 second rips, but it’s not as bad as it might seem. real time means about 350 songs a day, so that 100 gig drive will rip in less than 3 months (and that’s faster than file-sharing) and it wouldn’t surprise me to see lots of programs circulating that help automate the process, especially the databasing. then once you’re done ripping you own it, payments or not they’re yours to keep.

added benefit? save the analog conversions and you've just removed a lot of punch from that big dmca fist.

- js.

Nicobie 11-02-05 09:51 PM


That is exactly what I was thinking of.

I was thinking of taking the audio off of my sound card (or thru speaker wires) and recording it to a tape player then playing it back (ripping)to mp3 files. the only hassle is having to play everything back twice in real time and having to type the info (tags) for each tune.

I didn't know about the recorders that can save the ripping step and for sure haven't heard about any soft ware that could automate a few of the steps. I'd pay for that kind of info! :tu:

Shit, U're getting me excited...

The reason I like them in CD form is that I have a good mp3 player in my car and need to back up everything anyway (I already have many Gigs of tunes).

JackSpratts 11-02-05 10:03 PM

yeah, it's all standard, off the shelf stuff. the difference is the use you're putting it to. call these guys and say "i want to strip drm off my acc's and save them as oggs while using audible magic's fingerprint database to title my tunes" and you'll get a big "HUH?" but it's out there right now waiting.

waiting for some crafty coder to put it all together...

for the nicster. :tu:

- js.

albed 11-02-05 10:06 PM

Don't you guys check out the other forums?


Nicobie 11-02-05 10:11 PM

U know people who can do this chit? I hope somebody does it soon.

This has got me all hot and bothered.

Think I'll see what the wife's up to. :BL:

Nicobie 11-02-05 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by albed
Don't you guys check out the other forums?


Thanx for the tip Albed. I'll read it tomorrow. For sure.

Read above post. (heshe)

theknife 13-02-05 08:04 PM

the hack is loose

let the mayhem ensue :ND:

TankGirl 13-02-05 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by theknife
the hack is loose

this is gonna be fun to watch :AP:

Oh dear... what a surprise. :AF:

- tg :WA:

JackSpratts 13-02-05 08:31 PM

poor nic. he'll be sleepless in santa barbara for the next 30 days. :D

- js.

Nicobie 13-02-05 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts
poor nic. he'll be sleepless in santa barbara for the next 30 days. :D

- js.


Has anyone tried it?

This chit is making me hot to fuc [the Riaa] :fsex:

(how disgusting can these 'smilies' get.)

Ramona_A_Stone 13-02-05 09:26 PM


when people rediscover how simple it is...
Uh, SoundForge? (I admit I've been running hacked versions from Kazaa for years, and the latest always seems available)

No cables, no external devices, no extra expense, no hacks (except, well, SoundForge), no fancy soundcard, no significant second generation shenanigans at all--although it would require one real time playback per file. If the player is routed to the mixer (and it must be) then SoundForge would capture it and save it as a wav or an mp3.

Not very complicated... am I missing something?

I guess the real time element might get to some hardcore scavengers after a while, but I mean you gotta actually listen to the damned things sometime don't you?

I've kind of started to hate putting programs on my box made by "AlexTheBeast" too, but then he's probably the same guy that hacked my SoundForge--course it's all relatively moot for me, I can't see myself as a Napster user anymore, that was so last century.


JackSpratts 13-02-05 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
... am I missing something?

goldwave too and no you're not - but i'm looking ahead and i see propriatary drivers locked with drm and especially stand alone portable players that both capture the rented files and stream them back solely thru their own interfaces.

so worst case: deal with the analog signal, but as easily and as transparently as possible.

- js.

Nicobie 13-02-05 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone

No cables, no external devices, no
Not very complicated... am I missing something?

*** it seems I was too****

I can't see myself as a Napster user anymore, that was so last century.[/size]

***never say never Ramona***


However, ask me again tomorrow.

The thing I bought over the net (19.95) looks like it works fine. Can record hours of WAV's at a time with no starting and stopping of the process. Auto mp3 conversion too. The only thing that is needed is naming each file U download, which is what you have to do when ripping a LP anyway. U also have to separate the tracks which is also easy as it comes with a cool tool that helps. It also has a simple editor. All these things can be done after u're done recording. No pressure to click the button at exactly the right time.

But the important thing is that I took tunes off of Napster without paying the .99 and burnt them to a CD that plays in my car's mp3 player. I had to play the songs in real time once then had to spend 10 minutes separating the tracks and naming the files. It also has a tool that allows you to name the tags on the mp3 files. I did that too, plus burnt the thing to CD.

AND remember, this was the FIRST time.

goD dammit, life is good....

BTW as I'm typing this I have another 40 minute batch recording. (Did I mention that the progie even has a built in time recorder to start and stop the recording?)

and PS:

the new Napster forum is shit. Cry babies.

jcmd62 14-02-05 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone

I guess the real time element might get to some hardcore scavengers after a while, but I mean you gotta actually listen to the damned things sometime don't you?


Just think about all those mp3's that when you finally did "listen to the damned things" they were screwed up, cut-off or had blank spots.......

elimi-Dated :W:

And even better you no longer have to worry about whether your D/l-ing the worlds worst mono copy of the music you seek and have been wasting your time. Not with an excellent library of quality digital music Napster has to choose from...

Hypocrisy has come full circle.....

Napster and the RIAA know you'll hack the service. It doesn't take a computer tech to know they can never stop the loophole in copyright law that Napster created. I said it a hundred times, that the RIAA will never be able STOP copyright infringement on the internet, but they will make it a royal pain for you to do it until finally.......JUST LIKE CABLE they can implement a way to charge you a monthly subscription thereby making you "paying customers" instead of "thieving pirates". Good lord did you actually think they were trying to figure out how to "STOP" you? They knew this was impossible long before they were able to shut Napster down, their whole focus from the start was how to profit from your illegal use of Napsters software.

They know your still going to.....for lack of a better word.....steal music. Just now your gonna pay monthly to do so. Those of you that are thinking well I will pay for a few months, steal what I want and get out, are living in a fantasy world. I don't care how many songs you can rip in a day, it will never be enough for you greedy little thieving gremlins. You will piss and moan everytime they raise their monthly subscription but.......JUST LIKE CABLE you will continue to pay until Napster is no different that any of your other monthly bills.

Because if you don't your just like that hardheaded asshole that refuses to pay for cable T.V. that sits their everynight with one hand in his pants and the other constantly spinning his "rabbit ears" antenna trying to catch the local news through the snow on that one fukin channel he gets. Yep that fee is just a way for them to profit off your ill gotten gains, but pay it you will because with Napsters selection and quality no one is going to continue to dick around with Kazaa and the other piss poor places that are still barely hanging on with their lousy content, terrible selection, and complete lack of users in general.

Welcome back Napster. :AP:

multi 14-02-05 03:11 AM


Consider this example: I have been purchasing CDs for about 20 years now, in which time I've accumulated about 300 of the things. At an average of $15 each, I've spent $4,500. Now suppose that, instead of buying those CDs, I could have opened up a Napster To Go account back in 1985. My total bill would be $3,600 and counting -- and although I might have accumulated a larger, more diverse collection, I wouldn't own any of it.
maybe there will be yet again a new breed of ex-napster user that will create new underground networks of files they have resuscitated from their DRM infested corpse like state..

jcmd62 14-02-05 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by multi
maybe there will be yet again a new breed of ex-napster user that will create new underground networks of files they have resuscitated from their DRM infested corpse like state..

Since when does the format you buy your music in make you own anything more than a copy of that music. Doesn't matter whether it's BOUGHT as a cassette or as a wav file from Napster you still "own" only a copy of the original.

I'm surprised at the still futile attempt at stopping people from "saving" copies of the music they are now paying to download. :hystery: This will never happen and I assumed that this whole shut down Napster and go after every grandmother and 6 year old that Downloaded a single mp3 for their Church group or Kindergarden class, was just to make p2p and piracy a pain in the ass until they could refine their Pay service, making it affordable and offering a library of digital music that will weaken the knees of the most hardened pirate.

But this inability to "keep" the music you D/L is just pathetic. I thought that was the entire reason for Napster the "pay service"??? A way for the RIAA to charge the masses for all those songs pirated. It really seems like they are shooting themselves in the foot here. You can't allow people to D/L or record songs in any format and not expect them to copy it. I thought they finally accepted that the only way to stop this new breed of piracy was to pretty much allow it and figure out how to charge you for it.

If your going to pay a monthly subscription why shouldn't you be able to make copies. Just like I can record/make a copy of any commercial free movie on HBO or any Music video from MTV, VH1 because I pay a monthly fee to change it from piracy to a business transaction. Thats what money does, makes the illegal legal. You can't steal what you pay for. This whole "pay us for it but you can only borrow it", brings back memories of court proceedings, filters and a whole lot of grief. How are they going to stop copying?

I think the new Napster is a tempting offer, but I hope when the piracy and copying is running amok they are still happy enough with that monthly fee to just turn a blind eye to it because lets face it....Nobody RENTS music, we COLLECT it and always will.

esteeaz 14-02-05 03:49 PM

i love warez :ba:

theknife 14-02-05 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Nicobie
the new Napster forum is shit. Cry babies.

:link: :link:

Nicobie 14-02-05 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by jcmd62

Welcome back Napster. :AP: [/color

U, the hard alpha ass have been against free D/l? all this time?

well fuck U then.
It can't be stopped. Even dips like U can't do it.

~~~I'm getting 'the good stuff now'. ~~~


Nicobie 14-02-05 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by theknife
:link: :link:


theknife 14-02-05 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Nicobie

no, not that link...


Originally Posted by Nicobie
the new Napster forum is shit. Cry babies.

is there a new Napster forum?

if so, link it :att:

TankGirl 14-02-05 08:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by theknife
is there a new Napster forum?

Maybe the 'message boards' are just internal, accessible from the client only?

JackSpratts 14-02-05 08:29 PM

"SOMEONE NAME SOME FREAKIN AWESOME SONGS" (and download them, please).

i think the ad agency's writing the threads. ;)

- js.

Ramona_A_Stone 14-02-05 08:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Ramona_A_Stone 14-02-05 08:52 PM

oops, wrong thread. :to3:

TankGirl 14-02-05 09:06 PM

Now if Napster would actually open a public message board, would you post there just for ol' times sake? :CG:

- tg :WA:

Ramona_A_Stone 14-02-05 09:18 PM

No, but I might post there for new time's sake. :)

With this

as my sig, of course.

theknife 14-02-05 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by TankGirl
Now if Napster would actually open a public message board, would you post there just for ol' times sake? :CG:

- tg :WA:

i'd go there strictly to torture the staff and see how fast i could get banned:CG:

legion 14-02-05 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by theknife
i'd go there strictly to torture the staff and see how fast i could get banned:CG:

if they rehired ttol i can do it in 30 seconds
but than again if they rehired ttol everybody can do it in 30 seconds ;)

just noticed thread number 2 "suicide songs" ... thread number 4 "what happened to ac/dc"

one does wonder, maybe we should tell him about inxs

esteeaz 15-02-05 04:55 AM

dillweed ahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah- no really aahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah- fucking great - dillweed ahahaahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!- funny shit :bananasex

legion 15-02-05 07:22 AM

you have been waiting for this ... haven't you ?

Nicobie 16-02-05 07:55 PM

U dillweeds read it here 1st

Front page of todays business section of the LA Times.

multi 16-02-05 08:21 PM

they remind me of a couple of schoolyard brats...spreding tales about each other
if i worked there those mails would get tagged as junk...

Nicobie 16-02-05 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by theknife
i'd go there strictly to torture the staff and see how fast i could get banned:CG:

I have a feeling I'm getting close. I threw one of my hissie fits because my nic was taken and even tho I had my old password they couldn't figure it out and let me have my old nic back ...

However I did get banned from the Roxio boards a couple days ago. I'm thinkin' its time to blow this joint off too. The only problem is TG. I just have trouble being mean to her. (Not that I haven't tried a little bit)

jcmd62 18-02-05 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Nicobie
U, the hard alpha ass have been against free D/l? all this time?

well fuck U then.
It can't be stopped. Even dips like U can't do it.

~~~I'm getting 'the good stuff now'. ~~~


Not against anything Nic. I just never attempted to fool myself into thinking that p2p was ever going change copyright laws and we would be allowed to continue to STEAL copyright protected material just because the net and Napster software exposed this huge Black "loophole" in copyright law, that allows us to break a law without fear of consequence.

Right and wrong, legal or illegal shouldn't be determined by the difficulty something is to physically do, the fact that millions choose to, or just because it's hard to get caught doing it. Just because I can click a mouse to steal something, then instantly make it available to millions of other thieves, without ever getting off my lazy ass and more than likely won't get caught doesn't change the fact that it is wrong and illegal.

Most of you act like piracy is something that Napster started. This wonderful priviledge that we all should have been able to do for years. Well we have. Its just before we had to actually record everything in realtime, and then reproduce it individually to then SELL to others. Highly time consuming and costly, we were hardly a threat to the recording industry with our analog recorders.

July 18th 1969 7:35 pm, having a Norman Rockwell picturesque dinner with the family when the FBI shows up with a search warrant and arrest warrant for Dad. Seems Dad was showing illegal copies of unrealeased motion pictures on projection screens at local Houston area hotels for a nominal fee, along with some late night showings on the families cable company's pay channels.

Ahhh piracy in the old days. Now this was REAL piracy. It was a lot of work. You didn't sneak video cameras into theaters, back then they were the size of a Volkswagon Beetles and needed three people to operate them. You had to bribe and lie and cheat to get your hands on the actual reels to make your copies, then you had to lug those huge heavy antique RGB projectors, and projection screens around to the hotels to show them on. The only difference in what my Dad was doing and what I do on the internet, is that there are millions of me doing it instead of a few and I can hide behind my computer screen to do it.

As for wanting to stop it your wrong. I have always said that what Napster started CAN'T be stopped. Piracy is still here isn't it? You can't just fill in this loophole like some pothole and make it go away. Its been obvious from the outset that all the lawsuits and threats are just the RIAA and the Government making p2p as difficult as they can until they can figure out how to charge us for this newfound ability to break the law without consequence.

Which is exactly what they've done. They can't stop the theft but they can charge us a monthly subscription for our participation. As for saying you can't keep what you D/L. I see this as just more pathetic bravado and greed and just plain spite to continue putting the screws to us until they can offer "Napster Premium Service" for $49.95 a month where you then have their "permission" to save to disk everything you D/L.

They know someone will always hack their software and we will be able to save our music, this is why we want to D/L it for anyway DUH???? I can listen to music on the raidio or MTV. I download it for the sole purpose of SAVING it. So I say they should just set their fee and STFU already. I mean who are they trying to fool, we listen to music on the radio, T.V., we record music beit on or in any media or format to save it.

Nicobie 18-02-05 07:41 PM

I was hoping to get a reply from you.

You are 100% right about if it's not easy, not many will do it.

However, Nappy premium is only $9.95/ month.

I usually record (in real time) 13 songs a day. I do it while I read these silly boards, It's nice to know what I'm getting anyway.

When it comes to saving the tunes, it takes me a minute or so to separate each track, add the mp3 tags and save to my HD. If I do this every day for a month I end up with about 400 tunes that I've checked out to see that they are complete AND what I want.

9.95/400= less than 2.5 cents a tune.

Should I figure it out in $/hour saved?

jcmd62 19-02-05 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Nicobie
I was hoping to get a reply from you.

You are 100% right about if it's not easy, not many will do it.

However, Nappy premium is only $9.95/ month.

I usually record (in real time) 13 songs a day. I do it while I read these silly boards, It's nice to know what I'm getting anyway.

When it comes to saving the tunes, it takes me a minute or so to separate each track, add the mp3 tags and save to my HD. If I do this every day for a month I end up with about 400 tunes that I've checked out to see that they are complete AND what I want.

9.95/400= less than 2.5 cents a tune.

Should I figure it out in $/hour saved?

Being practically impossible to get caught is a big plus. I never said Napster was a bad deal. Hell I would join if I didn't refuse to pay Crooked corrupt ass Adelphia $100 a month for their slowest in the nation internet and horrible basic cable service. When they filed Chapter eleven they immediatly raised my cable/ISP charge from $60 to over $100. Great a hundred channels with 5 shows playing simultaniously on 20 channels and their Internet service ranked worst in the nation.

Just think when the hacks are better and your doing 800+ a month, unfortunately it will never be the fun free for all Napster was in the begining. As we start finding more and more ways to better cheat no doubt the monthly fee will increase also. Isn't the real hypocrisy that fact that we are still stealing, they know we are and will, but as long as we PAY they will overlook the illegality of our actions.

I guess what I'm saying is so many p2pr's ranted and raved about how they had the power in numbers and were gonna do soooooooooooooo much to change all these corrupt copyright laws and even some claiming they would see the end of the RIAA. I hope they now understand that numbers doesn't give you power.......Money does. Some had enough sense to know that free rides are short, us millions of thieves had our free music, but the RIAA had all the money, and as we now see it wasn't much of a fight.

I was never against Napster or p2p just never fell into that whole power of the people crapola and the "just try and stop us attitude". I've always maintained that this attitude only helped strangle napster and p2p into the position its in.

I say keep on keeping on Nic. when you get a 250 gigs of mp3's let me know, I'll mail ya an external hdd and you can make me a copy. Helly and fokker both made me copies of their excellent collections. Jack said he would but is always too busy playing "Busta Spratts" DJ dude. This is the way I like to D/L my music....250 gigs at a time. BTW I'll send it full of mP3's that you can save what you want from b4 formatting and copying your collection to mail back. No seperating and tagging, just copy, paste and wait till its done.

You don't have to D/L to be a pirate.

Nicobie 20-02-05 07:43 PM


U are a bad, bad boy, making the post office an accomplice to U're deeds.

I too have tried the snail mail. Only once, but the perp (R_M) never sent anything back.

I figured it was just Karma on my part.

Anyway, at least the kids can still get alittle for free before they get screwed by the RIAA.

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