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malvachat 21-01-04 08:13 AM

Dean a fool?
What is it with the americans?We Brits would never elect such clowns. Can we start a list past and presant. Lets see. I,ll start with one who my wife thinks is funny. No 1, Boris Johnson He has replaced one of the only torys I quite admired, Hesiltine What scares me about Borris is the size of his majority.

span 21-01-04 08:56 AM


scooobiedooobie 21-01-04 09:32 AM

Dean's 'I Have a Scream' Speech

Verne Gay

Howard Dean? Howard Beale? Or Howard the duck? Who exactly was that guy on TV the other night - with rolled sleeves, pumping fists, unusual rhetorical flourishes ("aaaarrrrggghhhh!") and a command of U.S. geography? ("Connecticut! ... New York! ... ... ... Ohio! ... ")

And loud. Very loud.

In one of the most remarkable concession-non-concession speeches in recent U.S. political history, the former governor of Vermont and Democratic presidential candidate gave supporters and viewers a performance Monday night that was both inspirational and riveting. But also - let's just get this out of the way right now - strange.

In the process, he left this important question hanging: Did he lose or did he win? (And this one too: Is Dr. Dean running for president of the United States, for the part of suicidal anchorman Howard Beale in a remake of the movie "Network" or for commissioner of World Wrestling Entertainment.)

The experts are divided. "Man, it was a little too close to a wrestling speech for my taste," said Smithtown's Mick Foley, a best-selling author, pro wrestler and former commissioner of the (yes) World Wrestling Federation (as WWE was previously known). "If he had leveled with the people, saying, 'I am disappointed [and] things are going to be tough down the home stretch ... ' Instead, we got a full-fledged WWE wrestling promo and that's not what I'm looking for in my president."

He added that "it appeared to me like he was a guy who had lost his mind, and I don't know if 'president' and 'maniacal' are supposed to be words that go hand in hand."

Motivational experts, however, disagreed. "I thought his approach last night was very appropriate in the context," said Jeff Keller, a motivational speaker based in Oyster Bay and author of "Attitude is Everything." "Here's a guy who suffered a crushing defeat and he has a base of support that's largely young people and young people respond to energy."

Seattle-based motivational expert Chris Widener, explains that Dean's passion on Monday night could cut two ways: "If you position him as a more regal type it wouldn't fly anyway [because] he's the firebrand. You want him to come out and get fired up. He's the one railing against the establishment." George W. Bush, he adds, "would never have yelled like that because people would have thought he was off his rocker." But "the downside of screaming," says Widener, "is that it gets down to: The guy with the nuclear football is given to emotional tirades. We want him to be even-tempered and regal."

What does the prince of passion have to say about all this? We speak, naturally, of Dick Vitale, veteran ESPN commentator and (of course) motivational speaker: "When you're energetic, a lot of good things are going to happen," he said in a phone interview. "I've seen it in my life."

Copyright © 2004, Newsday, Inc.

tafkaMr.E 21-01-04 09:38 AM

Boris Johnson once pulled up alongside me at traffic lights at Picadilly Circus. I was sorely tempted to push him off his bike.

tambourine-man 21-01-04 09:56 AM

Fair enough... I'm moving my post aswell....
Funny, I was going to say something similar - that in the UK, a politician doing the whole a-whoopin'-an'-a-hollerin' thing would basically be committing political suicide - with the exception of the late Screaming Lord Sutch (God bless you Lord Sutch).

Thing is, Dean may well have committed political suicide with his seemingly endless, rah-rah list of states and the cowboy cattle drive scream... but not because he came across as an arse... oh no, no. The speculation following his 'speech' was basically: "the more conservative elements of the Dem's will consider him too angry, too radical"! As if to say, "there's people out there who like this sort of dross - but not enough of them"! Nothing at all to do with the fact that he came across as a complete git, regardless of your political persuasion. Having said all that - it was only one caucus (and a disparate one at that).

I know where you're coming from malv, I personally cringed when I saw Dean's oafish rant - but I suspect there were a lot of Americans who cringed aswell (I must say, that my maximum cringe-bearing capacity was hit when he did the unintelligable scream at the end).

As for good ole' Boris... he occupies that mixed-sentiment niche in British society that is usually labelled 'National Treasure'. A curious cubbyhole, said to be occupied by 'amiable chaps', though more generally regarded as a dustbin for intellectual, yet harmless buffons (ie: Patrick Moore).

Boris Johnson's majority is transparent (translucent at best). He's popular and has a great deal of political sycophants simply because the public warm to him in a way that if any other Tory tried, they'd be labelled as a smarm. Sadly for Boris, his public popularity is based on his toff-ish absurdity - and that won't wash if the dire day ever came when his electability became an issue.

Drakonix 21-01-04 11:13 AM


Howard Dean? Howard Beale? Or Howard the duck? Who exactly was that guy on TV the other night
LOL that's funny.

Close to the maniacal ravings of Howard Beale - However, it's the public who needs to say "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore". Beale wasn't suicidal, he went nuts and the network exploited him for the ratings. When things went bad, he was machine gunned on camera.

Not even close to Howard the Duck. In that movie, Howard helps save the world. Dean isn't going to save the world with his low grade fertilizer.

More like Howard the arse.

Bronxie 21-01-04 12:43 PM


Originally posted by span
I think that's what did him in lol.

pisser 21-01-04 02:08 PM

Re: Dean a fool?

Originally posted by malvachat
What is it with the americans?We Brits would never elect such clowns.
Here is your answer: Democrat = Clown. EOS. :BL:

scooobiedooobie 21-01-04 04:16 PM

kerry now the democratic frontrunner.....lol


New Sign of Frontrunner Status

In an indication that he is now the frontrunner in the Democratic race for President, Senator John Kerry (D-Mass) today revealed that he will be traveling the state of New Hampshire with a reporter embedded in his hair.

The reporter, Phillip Stabler of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, will have unprecedented access to the Senator’s campaign as he files reports from his unique posting deep inside Mr. Kerry’s luxuriant salt-and-pepper locks.

But even as he acknowledged Mr. Stabler’s presence on his head, Mr. Kerry denied that having a reporter traveling in his hair was a sign that he was the true frontrunner in the race.

“I am very much an underdog who happens to have a reporter embedded in his hair,” Mr. Kerry told an enthusiastic crowd of backers in New Hampshire.

Elsewhere in the state, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean gave his most ferocious speech today, vowing to supporters in Manchester, “Not only will I roll up my sleeves, I will roll up the sleeves of every man, woman and child in New Hampshire, whether they want me to roll up their sleeves or not!”

“Between now and primary day, I will punch my fist through every door, slash every tire, and kick every reporter in the balls!” Mr. Dean told the visibly frightened audience.

Mr. Dean was later subdued by firemen and other emergency personnel and taken into custody, where he was said to be sedated and resting comfortably.

Mr. Dean’s third-place finish in Iowa Monday night raised the eyebrows of all of the other candidates in the race, with the exception of Rep. Richard Gephardt (D-MO), who does not have eyebrows.


Bronxie 21-01-04 04:37 PM

does anyone have the clip?

jcmd62 21-01-04 07:32 PM

Re: Dean a fool?

Originally posted by malvachat
What is it with the americans?We Brits would never elect such clowns.
No you Brits willingly live under the thumbs of a whole circus full of "Royal" Clowns that appointed themselves ay?

At least we Americans have a CHOICE.

While I did enjoy the hell out Dean making a royal ass of himself, It remains to be seen whether he's EVER elected to any office in the future.

theknife 21-01-04 07:53 PM

interesting that Dean's speech and American Idol generate far more interest than the State of the Union speech.
you gotta love a well anesthetized electorate :tu:

Nicobie 21-01-04 08:35 PM

damn 'dem 'smilies' anyway..............

Originally posted by theknife
interesting that Dean's speech and American Idol generate far more interest than the State of the Union speech.
you gotta love a well anesthetized electorate :tu:


U crack me up...

Do you write the scripts for CNN?

If not, U could.


theknife 21-01-04 08:41 PM

Re: damn 'dem 'smilies' anyway..............

Originally posted by Nicobie

U crack me up...

don't thank me - it's my job

tambourine-man 22-01-04 01:50 AM

Re: Re: Dean a fool?

Originally posted by jcmd62
No you Brits willingly live under the thumbs of a whole circus full of "Royal" Clowns that appointed themselves ay?

Interesting point - though most would argue that the Royal Family have very little day-to-day, constitutional power. The common belief is that we keep them in Buckingham Palace so that the Amercan and Japanese tourist money keeps rolling in. :BL:

Having said all that, I reckon they still have some influence... only a monarch could cause the collapse of a multi-million pound trial, at the highest court in the land, by saying... "ooooh, I just remembered something..." and face no prosecution.

'Clowns' is the correct term. 'Under the thumbs' is perhaps not.

malvachat 22-01-04 05:17 AM

Public sevice

Originally posted by tafkaMr.E
Boris Johnson once pulled up alongside me at traffic lights at Picadilly Circus. I was sorely tempted to push him off his bike.
You might have got your 15 mins

malvachat 22-01-04 05:25 AM

"At least we Americans have a CHOICE." Bush was the best you could come up with.Please If I had the choice I would chose Borris over Bush. In saying that, I must say. I love the states I have visted many, many times and have met some great people. "I would chose Borris over Bush."No rude remarks please.

malvachat 22-01-04 08:34 AM

back to the list
No 2 well known for the phrase "The blessed Margaret" Now Lord something or other.Norman St Stevens. Now there is one total prat.I have loads but not in any order just as I think of them.No 3 Giles Brandrith (him of the jumpers)Getting the idea.There must be your own favorites.The only thing is they must have been elected MPs.Sorry all you Americans you have plenty of your own.

Sinner 22-01-04 09:21 AM

Re: ??????????

Originally posted by malvachat
"I would chose Borris over Bush."

Only a Brit would, good for you, So is it true tho, England will have their first Gay King when the Bitch dies? Not that there is anything wrong with that, Most Brits are Gay.....

daddydirt 22-01-04 12:02 PM

i don't care whether he's straight, gay or bi .....but if Prince Charles is the Anti-Christ, i'm not going to like him anymore.:CG:

span 22-01-04 12:20 PM

Dean a muppet?

scooobiedooobie 22-01-04 01:48 PM


daddydirt 22-01-04 02:57 PM

dean goes nuts remix:BL:

scooobiedooobie 22-01-04 03:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)

theknife 22-01-04 04:31 PM

dunno about Dean, but this I know for a fact: nobody in American politics has gotten more Americans killed, and spent more money doing it, than George W. Bush.:BL:

Nicobie 22-01-04 09:23 PM


Originally posted by theknife
dunno about Dean, but this I know for a fact: nobody in American politics has gotten more Americans killed, and spent more money doing it, than George W. Bush.:BL:
Now u know that's not true.

Kennedy and LBJ did much better, thousands and tens of thousands better. :NS:

tambourine-man 23-01-04 01:59 AM


Originally posted by Sinner
...Not that there is anything wrong with that, Most Brits are Gay.....
...remember... *thumbs through his book of stereotypes* ... we all have bad teeth aswell. Hey, did you know Indian peoples' heads move from side to side when they talk??? ;)

theknife 23-01-04 10:00 AM


Originally posted by Nicobie
Now u know that's not true.

Kennedy and LBJ did much better, thousands and tens of thousands better. :NS:

nah, i'm talking politicians with a pulse...

actually, that might eliminate Bush, too

span 23-01-04 11:07 AM


Originally posted by theknife
dunno about Dean, but this I know for a fact: nobody in American politics has gotten more Americans killed, and spent more money doing it, than George W. Bush.:BL:
i don't think Dean is the only thing you "dunno" about, American history would be another.

pisser 23-01-04 02:09 PM


Originally posted by theknife
dunno about Dean, but this I know for a fact: nobody in American politics has gotten more Americans killed, and spent more money doing it, than George W. Bush.:BL:
Try Lyndon B. Johnson = Democrat = Vietnam

legion 23-01-04 02:12 PM


Originally posted by pisser
Try Lyndon B. Johnson = Democrat = Vietnam

Followed by Nixon = republican= more vietnam war :J:

theknife 23-01-04 04:36 PM

see above:RE:

jcmd62 23-01-04 06:01 PM


Originally posted by Legion
Followed by Nixon = republican= more vietnam war :J:
Nixon pulled our men out of Vietnam and ENDED the war. What?.... a republican that ENDED a war instead of starting it. No doubt you left this out on purpose lefty.


posted by knife
see above
???? What the post where you spouted off a completely ignorant, inaccurate and WRONG statement about NOBODY IN AMERICAN POLITICS, or the pitiful attempt at removing that foot from your mouth with your B.S. post on HOW YOU REALLY MEANT politicians that are still alive?

How about Bush has caused more deaths than politicians whose favorite color is green?.....

........politicians who forget to flush after taking a shit.............

........politicians who have had monkeys fly out of their ass........

Nicobie 23-01-04 07:23 PM

........politicians who have had monkeys fly out of their ass........

Isn't there a class that explains all that, and how to relax the anus so that this is possible?

scooobiedooobie 24-01-04 12:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by theknife
dunno about Dean, but this I know for a fact: nobody in American politics has gotten more Americans killed, and spent more money doing it, than George W. Bush.:BL:
did you just skip all history courses in school? :BL:

VWguy 24-01-04 12:27 AM


Originally posted by span
Nugent, Osbourne File Class Action After Dean Scream

(2004-01-21) -- Ted Nugent, Ozzy Osbourne, David Lee Roth and dozens of other rock musicians have filed a class-action lawsuit against Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean, claiming the former Vermont governor violated union rules when he let out a bone-chilling scream during his Iowa caucus concession speech Monday night.

"Mr. Dean violated the work rules of the International Brotherhood of Vocal Metal Workers (IBVMW)," according to an unnamed attorney for the plaintiffs. "Delivering a blood-curdling scream from a stage, or on video, requires years of study, practice and official certification of the IBVMW. Mr. Dean's amateur outburst gives a bad name to the professionals who built their careers on this specialized skill. It may drive down the price people are willing to pay for our services, since it encourages non-union, uncertified public performance screeching."

The IBVMW has not yet endorsed a presidential candidate, and according to a union spokesman, "Mr. Dean's anti-union actions make it unlikely he'll be on our short list."

Mr. Dean could not be reached for comment, since he had checked himself into a rehabilitation clinic for victims of lozenge dependency.

legion 24-01-04 01:01 AM


Originally posted by jcmd62
[b]Nixon pulled our men out of Vietnam and ENDED the war. What?.... a republican that ENDED a war instead of starting it. No doubt you left this out on purpose lefty.
:ND: Indeed i did :ND:

span 24-01-04 01:07 AM

2004-01-22) -- The American Mars Rover, which NASA said was out of touch with Earth for more than 24 hours, was discovered this afternoon on board the campaign bus of Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean.

NASA mission control today praised the team of scientists and engineers who located the errant Rover.

"We used the classic technique for finding something," said an unnamed NASA engineer. "We asked ourselves 'If I were the Mars Rover, accustomed to an alien atmosphere, out of touch with the people of Earth, where would I be?' And one of our engineers immediately phoned the Dean campaign."

NASA said it would try to get the Rover back on track, but that the mission may have been irreparably crippled by this shocking incident.

"One minute everything is going great, in focus, we think we have a winner," said the engineer. "The next thing you know, it just goes off. Bam! And we're way behind."

malvachat 24-01-04 06:09 AM

Re: Re: ??????????

Originally posted by Sinner
Only a Brit would, good for you, So is it true tho, England will have their first Gay King when the Bitch dies? Not that there is anything wrong with that, Most Brits are Gay.....
don't you mean Queen King

malvachat 24-01-04 06:35 AM

Seen it before
Having just seen Deans rant again on TV,It reminded me of something.Sheffield '92. Here's a few for the ladies No 4 Tessa(I didn't know I needed planning permisson)Gorman.No 5 Edwina(all eggs are infected)Curry.No 6 OK not a MP but still a elected fool.(now a dame of the nation)The one and only Dame for it is she, Shirly(houses for votes)Porter.There seems to be a patten forming,all Torys.I can't have that.How about No 7 Tony(I'm the best Chelsea fan in the world)Banks.No 8 Robert(I can say daft things if I want to)Kilroy-Silk. Always been a total prat.Stay tuned for some more elected fools.Think of some yourself the list is endless.I hope by now the Americans can see they are never alone with us Brits to help them.

malvachat 01-02-04 03:30 PM

more true blue idoits
How about No 8 David(I like it in blue)Mellor.
A favorite of mine No 9 Keith(M3)Joseph.
Any one remember M3 economices.

Come on now,you must have your own

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