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ONEMANBANNED 20-07-06 11:10 PM

New Thread
question..how many wars /skirmishes are going on in the world right now ?

question..what is the fightings about?

question..Do you think it has to do with religon and over population and lack of resources for the world?

We see what is called new growth when you move into your new subdivision the old growth nieghbours complain . The older growth nieghbours complain about the new grow nieghbours coming in and backing onto thier yards ..then the newest growth nieghbours complain about the next bunch.

This is what I see in y lil town daily.

Now try to imagine this on a global scale and not just in my town.

Throw a lil religon into the mix (globaly).

IMHO....Overpopulation /religon /stretching resources is the cuase of wars.

How do we sovle it ...

Any Ideas?

:hflag: :PIR: :beer:

Malk-a-mite 21-07-06 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by ONEMANBANNED
How do we sovle it ...

Reduce the population (war works fine for this).
Increase technologies to ease the resource problem.

.... and the final one has no answer.
Monotheistic religions rather universally declare that there is only one god, and that all others are false. Hard to just "talk it out" when that is the starting point.

floydian slip 21-07-06 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by ONEMANBANNED
How do we sovle it ...

Any Ideas?

:hflag: :PIR: :beer:

we find more planets to live on

one planet for each religion

RDixon 21-07-06 03:20 AM

Follow the money.

multi 21-07-06 07:58 AM

Blessed are the peacmakers


In common with many American evangelicals, he believes that God gave the land to the Jewish people and that Christians have a Biblical duty to support it and the Jews.

His latest book, Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World, interprets the Bible to predict that Russian and Arab armies will invade Israel and be destroyed by God.

This will set up a confrontation over Israel between China and the West, led by the anti-Christ, who will be the head of the European Union, Pastor Hagee writes.

That final battle between East and West - at Armageddon, an actual place in Israel - will precipitate the second coming of Christ, he concludes.

Mazer 21-07-06 07:15 PM

I still think religion's purpose is to unite people, not to throw them into wars against each other. You can liken a religion to a loaded gun, but it still takes an individual to aim and fire that weapon. The people who abuse religion to foment wars are manipulative bastards, and the ones who get caught doing it should be tried for crimes against humanity. But you can't put a whole religion on trial, you can't tell all the members of a religion to stop practcing their faith. In the end all you can rightfully do is to try to convert members of volatile religions over to peaceful ones and try to teach people not to be so gullible.

Here's a fourth question to consider: are wars such bad things? My answer would usually be yes, but some might disagree. I guess you have to look at the circumstances surrounding each war individually and make a judgement because you can't just say that all wars are always bad. And even if you conclude that a given war is bad, sometimes the fastest way to end that war is to give one side the advantage. That must have been what the directors of the Manhattan Project decided when WWII was raging in the Pacific. They gave us the bomb, we used it to put an early end to the fighting. Then we helped rebuild Japan and we haven't nuked anybody since.

Resources aren't the problem, using them efficiently is. Overpopulation isn't the problem, localized high population density is. To solve those problems border lines need to be erased so people can move freely to areas of low population density where resources are less in demand. Religion isn't the problem, fear of strangers is. But when you have no idea how to solve the real problems, it's easier to attack people's beliefs and their lifestyles and make blanket statements like "Religion and overpopulation and lack of resources are the causes of war." People are the only cause of war and it would be better to treat people like the fallible, fearful, sometimes stupid human beings they are than to point the finger at vague concepts that few people actually understand.

theknife 21-07-06 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by multi

the far right Conservative Christian forums are ecstatic over the goings-on in the Middle East...they see the events of the past few weeks as prophesied events signalling the onset of End Times, meaning the Rapture is imminent. a sample of the quotes, via Harper's:


Got that dancing feeling on the inside of me.
* * *

This is the busiest I've ever seen this website in a few years! I have been having rapture dreams and I can't believe that this is really it! We are on the edge of eternity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* * *

Whoa! I can sure feel the glory bumps after reading this thread!

* * *
I too am soooo excited!! I get goose bumps, literally, when I watch what's going on in the M.E.!! And Watcherboy, you were so right when saying it was quite a day yesterday, in the world news, and I add in local news here in the Boston area!! Tunnel ceiling collapsed on a car and killed a woman of faith, and we had the most terrifying storms I have ever seen here!! But, yes, oh happy day, like in your screen name , it is most indeed a time to be happy and excited, right there with ya!!

* * *

I am excited beyond words that the struggle of this life may be over soon and I can finally be FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
* * *

This is so exciting....I'm having a hard time believing this is 'real'!

* * *

I too am soooo excited!! I get goose bumps, literally, when I watch what's going on in the M.E.!! And Watcherboy, you were so right when saying it was quite a day yesterday, in the world news, and I add in local news here in the Boston area!! Tunnel ceiling collapsed on a car and killed a woman of faith, and we had the most terrifying storms I have ever seen here!! But, yes, oh happy day, like in your screen name , it is most indeed a time to be happy and excited, right there with ya!!
frankly, if the Rapture means that the big Jesus vacuum is gonna come and suck these people right off the face of the earth completely, then it can't come soon enough for me.

miss_silver 21-07-06 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer
I still think religion's purpose is to unite people, not to throw them into wars against each other. You can liken a religion to a loaded gun, but it still takes an individual to aim and fire that weapon. The people who abuse religion to foment wars are manipulative bastards, and the ones who get caught doing it should be tried for crimes against humanity. But you can't put a whole religion on trial, you can't tell all the members of a religion to stop practcing their faith. In the end all you can rightfully do is to try to convert members of volatile religions over to peaceful ones and try to teach people not to be so gullible.

Are you kidding me? Religion is the problem and always will be Mazer. According to you, what are the religions that are "peaceful ones and try to teach people not to be so gullible."??? I suggest you use your words wisely since Islam have a lot in common with another one I know... :shf:

Mazer 21-07-06 09:41 PM

Try Buddhism. How many Buddhists have ever started a war?

Anyway, you're blaming an institution for the evils that people do. People don't need religion to be violent, any excuse will do. It's just that for some people religion is a convenient justification, while for people like you religion is a convenient scapegoat.

I remember you stood up for me when my religious beliefs were attacked. Am I so different from everyone else that it's alright for me to have faith but it's not okay for anyone else? I won't endorse that. I have the God given privelage to believe what I want to believe, and so does everyone else.

albed 21-07-06 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer
I have the God given privelage to believe what I want to believe, and so does everyone else.

LMAO! Good one Mazer. All of your kind conveniently forget your own religion whenever it suits you. Reminder: pursue heretical beliefs and you burn in hell, and in past times you often burned on earth as well.


Originally Posted by Mazer
teach people not to be so gullible.

Good for another chuckle; two words - holy underwear. heh heh - gullible....right.

miss_silver 21-07-06 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer
Try Buddhism. How many Buddhists have ever started a war?

Anyway, you're blaming an institution for the evils that people do. People don't need religion to be violent, any excuse will do. It's just that for some people religion is a convenient justification, while for people like you religion is a convenient scapegoat.

I remember you stood up for me when my religious beliefs were attacked. Am I so different from everyone else that it's alright for me to have faith but it's not okay for anyone else? I won't endorse that. I have the God given privelage to believe what I want to believe, and so does everyone else.

Yes I did Mazer and still do and will as long as you have faith. I do not condone anyone for their beliefs, never did. If it suits them, let them be as long as they don't come knocking on my door to "share" with me their beliefs ;)

You are right, Blaming religion is a scape goat, should we blame the one who try to "guide" us through their religion?

Mazer 21-07-06 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by albed
LMAO! Good one Mazer. All of your kind conveniently forget your own religion whenever it suits you. Reminder: pursue heretical beliefs and you burn in hell, and in past times you often burned on earth as well.


11. We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
albed, everytime you try to call me out on a point of Mormon doctrine you demonstrate the fact that you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Give it up.


Originally Posted by miss_silver
You are right, Blaming religion is a scape goat, should we blame the one who try to "guide" us through their religion?

If by "guide" you mean manipulate, abuse, or coerce, then yes, they should take the better part of the blame for the actions of their followers because they know that their "guidance" is selfish and evil.

Malk-a-mite 22-07-06 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer
I remember you stood up for me when my religious beliefs were attacked. Am I so different from everyone else that it's alright for me to have faith but it's not okay for anyone else?

Two things - one separate your belief in god from your religion. Your faith is your belief in god. Your religion is the man made institution on earth. Two very different things.

Second, is it possible to attack ones religious institution without it being an attack on ones beliefs? Is it possible that the religion of man has made mistakes in trying to understand god's will?


Malk-a-mite 22-07-06 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer
Overpopulation isn't the problem, localized high population density is.

Without saying anything about the accurateness of this statement... here's a map.

"Researchers at the Earth Institute at Columbia University have developed map that projects where people will be living in the year 2025."

albed 22-07-06 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer
I have the God given privelage to believe what I want to believe, and so does everyone else.


Originally Posted by albed
LMAO! Good one Mazer. All of your kind conveniently forget your own religion whenever it suits you. Reminder: pursue heretical beliefs and you burn in hell, and in past times you often burned on earth as well.


Originally Posted by Mazer
albed, everytime you try to call me out on a point of Mormon doctrine you demonstrate the fact that you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Give it up.

I can understand how you'd see everything in terms of "mormon doctrine" but the subject of my statement was clearly "all your kind", and the fact that religion simply does not give its members the "privilege" to believe what they want. I'll bet you have to keep your heretical beliefs about evolution to yourself so once more you're a living example of hypocrisy; contradicting what you claim to be your beliefs.


Originally Posted by Mazer
I still think religion's purpose is to unite people, not to throw them into wars against each other. You can liken a religion to a loaded gun,

Uniting people with a loaded gun...lol.

Mazer 22-07-06 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Malk-a-mite
Two things - one separate your belief in god from your religion. Your faith is your belief in god. Your religion is the man made institution on earth. Two very different things.

Second, is it possible to attack ones religious institution without it being an attack on ones beliefs? Is it possible that the religion of man has made mistakes in trying to understand god's will?


This is where the line between devout believers and everyone else tends to be drawn. I understand that a lot of people don't believe in revelation or prophesy anymore and laugh the idea off as theocracy. Well, that's their prerogotive. But you'll find that a lot of people believe their earthly religion is ordained by God and don't make the distinction between the two.

It it certainly possible for people to mistake God's will, and I would venture to say that the better part of history has shown this to be true. People misinterpret their scriptures to mean that they should fight their neighbors, and often they do so on purpose. But when you attack a man's religion he's likely to take it personally even if he's just an innocent believer.

While you can't legislate religious tollerance, you can make hateful acts illegal and punish the people who commit them without indicting their beliefs. When you punish a man for his beliefs you make him a martyr. So people must be judged by their actions and not their beliefs or else we risk turning otherwise peaceful people into violent enemies.

Mazer 22-07-06 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by albed
I'll bet you have to keep your heretical beliefs about evolution to yourself so once more you're a living example of hypocrisy; contradicting what you claim to be your beliefs.

I'm still at a loss for why you think I believe in evolution.

theknife 22-07-06 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer
I'm still at a loss for why you think I believe in evolution.

so you believe in creationism?

ONEMANBANNED 22-07-06 05:09 PM

Note to self : When bottle of rum shows up ......do not post it politcal forum :edu: :o

Have always wondered this though ........

In the really really big picture of things?.........If there is a God and created the heavens and earth........Who created God so that God could do these things ?

I`m looking at the creation side right now .....so who created God?
Where did it ALL come from ?
:beer: :dunno: :beer:

Nicobie 22-07-06 05:38 PM

Where is TG . . .

Lets get all this godShit out of here.

It's just all crap that can't be proved.

Nicobie 22-07-06 05:42 PM


You are saying over population isn't a problem? And then you have the nerve to say mormons are the salt of the earth?

Maybe it's time to look outside your current box.

Mazer 22-07-06 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by ONEMANBANNED
Note to self : When bottle of rum shows up ......do not post it politcal forum :edu: :o

Have always wondered this though ........

In the really really big picture of things?.........If there is a God and created the heavens and earth........Who created God so that God could do these things ?

I`m looking at the creation side right now .....so who created God?
Where did it ALL come from ?
:beer: :dunno: :beer:

Some would tell you that God is not a creation and that therefore nothing came before him. That answer always seemed a little self-serving to me. I prefer to imagine that in heaven there is no concept of time, therefore there is no such things as before or after. But for mortals like us, who experience the passage of time, it's difficult to describe heavenly events using languages that uses tense, so usually we default to using a past tense to describe them. Trying to answer questions of eternal affairs using the language of causality leads to great confusion. I won't say that the truth is incomprehensible to mortals, but we simply lack the knowledge and experience to frame answerable questions about God and heaven. Maybe that's life's purpose, to experience causality, even for a short time, so we may better understand eterniy after our temporal existence has ended.


Originally Posted by theknife
so you believe in creationism?

Yes, I mostly suscribe to the Genesis account of the creation of the universe, though I figure the book uses terms like light, earth, heavens, and day figuratively. A day in Genesis most likely was not a 24 hour long Earth day, for instance.


Originally Posted by Nicobie
And then you have the nerve to say mormons are the salt of the earth?

Is this what I've said?

theknife 22-07-06 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer
Some would tell you that God is not a creation and that therefore nothing came before him. That answer always seemed a little self-serving to me. I prefer to imagine that in heaven there is no concept of time, therefore there is no such things as before or after. But for mortals like us, who experience the passage of time, it's difficult to describe heavenly events using languages that uses tense, so usually we default to using a past tense to describe them. Trying to answer questions of eternal affairs using the language of causality leads to great confusion. I won't say that the truth is incomprehensible to mortals, but we simply lack the knowledge and experience to frame answerable questions about God and heaven. Maybe that's life's purpose, to experience causality, even for a short time, so we may better understand eterniy after our temporal existence has ended.

i basically agree with you on this - that the questions of God and creation are likely to be far beyond our realm of understanding. for this reason, i cannot fathom why anyone would buy the simplistic and child-like explanation put forth by the Bible - unless they have to prop up the rest of thier belief structure.

that being said, i know evolution is an ongoing process because i have seen it. therefore, i also know that, regardless of whatever one's version of creation is, evolution (like it or not) is all part of the Master Plan :tu:

Mazer 22-07-06 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by theknife
that being said, i know evolution is an ongoing process because i have seen it. therefore, i also know that, regardless of whatever one's version of creation is, evolution (like it or not) is all part of the Master Plan :tu:

I think that's a good way of looking at it. The science itself is still young, largely untested, and widely misunderstood by most non-biologists, i.e. almost everybody. We'll know more as time goes on. The concept of evolution doesn't necessarily contradict creationsim, it merely contradicts a few specific creation myths. So until the theory of evolution explains certain things that cannot be explained by other natural phenomena I'm gonna reserve my judgement and try to keep an open mind.

albed 23-07-06 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer
I'm still at a loss for why you think I believe in evolution.


Originally Posted by Mazer
while the credit for the crop's flavor and nutritional content goes to the creator and/or millions of years of evolution.


Originally Posted by Mazer
Well alright. I admit that I know much less about ID than evolution, I'm not a very good devil's advocate but I tried.


Originally Posted by Mazer
It's a nasty cycle where technological evolution reverses biological evolution to the point where technological evolution is reversed and then biological evolution advances (if any of that makes sense;)).

Mazer 23-07-06 08:40 AM

Oh, those little gems.

Even though I don't put a lot of stock into the evolution theory I still study it to try to understand why other people believe in it. Unlike you, who a couple months ago couldn't even spell Mormon, I don't assume that I understand other people's beilef systems better than they do.

Malk-a-mite 23-07-06 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer
Even though I don't put a lot of stock into the evolution theory I still study it to try to understand why other people believe in it.

"And now, as reported in the Tallahassee Democrat, there is direct evidence of evolution in Darwin's finches. These are the little birds to be found on the Galapagos Archipelago, on the equator in the Pacific. In the past 20 years, one species of the finch on one of the islands (Daphne) has moved in the direction of much smaller beaks. The reason is that another species invaded the island. This new species is much better at cracking and opening large seeds, and so the original group has now started to specialize on very small seeds.

What makes this latest finding very exciting is that the process whereby the finches are gaining smaller beaks - those that have smaller beaks get fed and survive and reproduce, and those with bigger beaks do not - is a classic example of the mechanism of natural selection. This is the idea first proposed by Charles Darwin in his "Origin of Species" in 1859, And what makes the finding doubly exciting is that it was these very Galapagos finches (and the mockingbirds, also to be found on the islands) that made Darwin into an evolutionist.


albed 23-07-06 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer
Oh, those little gems.

Even though I don't put a lot of stock into the evolution theory I still study it to try to understand why other people believe in it. Unlike you, who a couple months ago couldn't even spell Mormon, I don't assume that I understand other people's beilef systems better than they do.

Ummm...they're called "religions". And I understand hypocrites well enough.


Originally Posted by albed
I was after the laughs not your soul Mazer. I just want you to be a good Hypocrit--I mean Mormocrit--I mean Mormon.

Back when you were a pro-gambling mormon; and I could spell it right.

Nicobie 24-07-06 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer
Oh, those little gems.

Even though I don't put a lot of stock into the evolution theory I still study it to try to understand why other people believe in it. Unlike you, who a couple months ago couldn't even spell Mormon, I don't assume that I understand other people's beilef systems better than they do.

Even though I don't put a lot of stock into the evolution theory ... says Mazer

You're the fool that can't think straight. Please note that I said fool rather than dumb ass.

multi 25-07-06 08:45 AM


Having told His disciples which characteristics would not indicate the end of the age, Jesus turned to the questions themselves; He begins with the third one about the sign that would mark the end of the age (Matthew 24: 7-8; Mark 13:8; Luke 21:10-11).

According to all three Gospels, the sign of the end of the age is said to be when nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. This act will be coupled with famines and earthquakes in various places, which Messiah clearly stated would be the beginning of travail.

The term travail means “birth-pang,” referring to the series of birth-pangs that a woman undergoes before giving birth. The prophets pictured the last days as a series of birth-pangs before the birth of the new Messianic Age. Yeshua is saying that the beginning of travail (the first birth-pang and the sign that the end of the age has begun) is when nation rises against nation and kingdom against kingdom.



I honestly think that last is part of what's motivating the warmongers. As with their last epic failure, Vietnam, they believe their hands have been tied by a bunch of liberal generals and a pansy-ass populace who refuse to let them fight the way they need to fight. They see the Israelis as their personal Rottweilers and they want to let them off the chain.
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quarter'd with the hands of war;
All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:
And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice
Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.

multi 26-07-06 07:44 AM


Machiavellia Intelligence

neural darwinism



albed 27-07-06 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by theknife
the far right Conservative Christian forums are ecstatic over the goings-on in the Middle East...they see the events of the past few weeks as prophesied events signalling the onset of End Times, meaning the Rapture is imminent. a sample of the quotes, via Harper's:

frankly, if the Rapture means that the big Jesus vacuum is gonna come and suck these people right off the face of the earth completely, then it can't come soon enough for me.

It strikes me that they're not gonna need all their stuff pretty soon so if any of them want to unload a vacation home or power boat before judgement day I'll be happy to help.

Remember that rope through the eye of a needle thing.

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