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-   -   RIP Benazir Bhutto (http://www.p2p-zone.com/underground/showthread.php?t=24383)

theknife 27-12-07 09:41 AM

RIP Benazir Bhutto
not a good thing...


RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (AP) - Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was assassinated Thursday in a suicide attack that also killed at least 20 others at a campaign rally, aides said.

The death of the 54-year-old charismatic former prime minister threw the campaign for the Jan. 8 parliamentary elections into chaos and created fears of mass protests and violence across the nuclear-armed nation, an important U.S. ally in the war on terrorism.

albed 27-12-07 10:05 AM

Pffft, who couldn't have seen that coming? I'm suprised she lasted so long.

multi 27-12-07 05:47 PM

this is very sad news indeed

She probably was fairly lucky to last so long as Captain Obvious has so eloquently pointed out. Your comments are so worthless albed. Go and bathe in your ever expanding ego and give us all a rest.

jcmd62 27-12-07 06:15 PM

Gee....what a lucky break for Musharraf.

multi 27-12-07 10:09 PM

She died in the same city as her father was hanged by Nixon Admin. puppet, General Zia

"We will make an example of you."

Nicobie 28-12-07 06:44 PM

They have nuks like the Israelies do.

I say bomb both of them.

:PE: :PE: assholes a pair:PE: :PE:

multi 28-12-07 11:19 PM

maybe they will bomb the fuck out of each other if we are all lucky ;)

ONEMANBANNED 29-12-07 11:00 PM

she died ... we all know that... but why they keep switching the cause of death 3 times?

she dead ... from shrapnel ? no wait by bullet ?... oopsie she hit her head on the sunroof .?

She got HIT why they keep changing the story?


JackSpratts 30-12-07 09:34 AM

latest rumor: inside job. pakistan army behind it since it happened in a "garrison" city and they hosed the crime scene w/high pressure h2o 60 mins after the event. this one could top kennedy for conspiracy buffs.

jcmd62 30-12-07 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts (Post 259962)
latest rumor: inside job. pakistan army behind it since it happened in a "garrison" city and they hosed the crime scene w/high pressure h2o 60 mins after the event. this one could top kennedy for conspiracy buffs.


The elections are what....next Month? The only way Musharraf was going to win was by fixing the election or murdering Bhutto.

Fixing the election would be difficult, could be questioned and lead to all kinds of nasty press. Murdering Bhutto and blaming Al-qaeda.........so much easier, and who wouldn't believe Al-qaeda did it, especially in a country that is training them on a daily basis.

Oh she was murdered by a terrorist, unfortunately he's the president of Pakistan.

The murdering little dictator.... er, I mean *cough* president had the motive and the means. If al-qaeda had anything to do with it, it was with Musharraf's blessing and full cooperation.

Of course you'll never hear this on CNN. Over the next weeks Musharraff will feed the media with his "proof" of Al-qaedas involvement like the luckily "intercepted" radio message of Al-qaeda bragging about killing Bhutto, as I'm sure plenty of other "evidence" to completely exhonerate him, and that will be the end of it.

I wonder whats next........declaring martial law and putting off the elections so he can stay in power indefinately?

Lets see........Kill Bhutto
.....which inturn will spark off riots and massive violence
.....declare martial law
.....cancel election indefinately
.....stay in power.

Sounds like a plan to me.

RDixon 31-12-07 04:33 AM

The Bush admin's plan to turn her into Shah 2.0 = fail.

Like everything else Bush has touched; it turned to crap.

She goes back to Pakistan, a country where 90 % of the population blames the west and the USA in particular for all their troubles, sporting a huge USA CIA tattoo on her forehead and a large target on her back and gets killed.

Who could possibly have imagined that would happen?

jcmd62 05-01-08 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by RDixon (Post 259975)
The Bush admin's plan to turn her into Shah 2.0 = fail.

Like everything else Bush has touched; it turned to crap.

She goes back to Pakistan, a country where 90 % of the population blames the west and the USA in particular for all their troubles, sporting a huge USA CIA tattoo on her forehead and a large target on her back and gets killed.

Who could possibly have imagined that would happen?

Bush had nothing to do with Bhutto going back to Pakistan and running for president.

She was sworn in as Prime Minister of Pakistan On December 2, 1988 long before George W. ever imagined he would be President. She's been fighting for health, social welfare and education for the underprivileged, along with trying to end discrimination against women. She spent nearly 6 years either in prison or under detention for her leadership of the Pakistan Peoples Party fighting for these very "democratic" ideals.

This prolific woman attended Radcliffe College and Oxford University. As well as obtaining a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, she also completed a course in International Law and Diplomacy at Oxford. She was hardly anyones "puppet".

The only target she sported was from Al-qaeda and Mussharraf because she wanted real democracy for Pakistan instead of the farce that the ultimate "puppet" Musharraf portrays. Musharraf is no more "president" than Ahmadinejad.

Maybe you should educate yourself before you spout off.

By Benazir Bhutto
Wednesday, November 14, 2007; Page A19

LAHORE, Pakistan -- All through the years of the Soviet empire, its Politburo held "elections." Of course, calling something an election and actually having it be an election are different things.

I am under house arrest in Lahore, barricaded in by Pakistani police with bayonets. Despite Gen. Pervez Musharraf's announcement of a date for parliamentary elections, I doubt that we are in for a change.

I cautioned the general earlier this year that his election as president by the present parliament was illegal. He insisted otherwise.

We agreed to disagree and decided that we both would accept a ruling by the Supreme Court regarding eligibility.

Yet when the court was on the brink of deciding, Musharraf imposed martial law by suspending the constitution, and he removed several of the Supreme Court justices. Today the nation is paying for his mistake.

We are witnessing a farce in Pakistan: While an election schedule has been announced, the problem lies in what has not been announced. No indication has been given as to whether Musharraf will keep his previous commitment to retire as army chief on Thursday.

No date has been given for the lifting of emergency rule; the reconstitution of the election commission; the implementation of fair election practices; the removal of biased officials; or the suspension of the mayors, who control the guns and the funds -- that is, police and government resources -- to adversely influence elections.

Moreover, judges, lawyers, human rights activists and students across the country are in prison or under house arrest. The independent media have been shut down, television stations stopped from broadcasting news. Several foreign journalists have been expelled. Thousands of political activists, a majority from my Pakistan People's Party, have been arrested.

Police have erected barricades and deployed armored personnel carriers and trucks filled with sand to cut off access to my house and to prevent people from going from one city to another.

Musharraf knows how to crack down against pro-democracy forces. He is, however, unwilling or unable to track down and arrest Osama bin Laden or contain the extremists. This is the reality of Pakistan in November 2007.

The only terror that Musharraf's regime seems able to confront is the terror of his own illegitimacy. This is the second time Musharraf has imposed martial law and the second time he has sacked judges since taking over the country in a coup in 1999. It was then that he first promised "to bring true democracy."

The election commission has promulgated election rolls judged illegitimate by Pakistan's Supreme Court and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs. Some polling sites have been kept secret. Musharraf's political opposition is banned from campaigning or organizing and has been denied access to state-controlled media. We cannot meet, we cannot rally, and when we try to bring the people to the streets they are gassed, beaten and shot at with rubber bullets. This is not only a military dictatorship, it is a classic police state.

On top of a litany of assaults on the rule of law, the general has unilaterally amended the Army Act of 1952 to grant the army the power to try civilians in military courts. Courts-martial will operate by military rules in secret, and defendants are not allowed legal representation.

No attempt has been made to differentiate between average citizens and terrorism suspects associated with militant groups. Many believe that these laws were passed to intimidate pro-democracy forces, not to try terrorism suspects. This is the "democracy" that Musharraf envisages.

While living in America when I attended Harvard in the early 1970s, I saw for myself the awesome, almost miraculous, power of a people to change policy through democratic means. Today I am seeing the power of the people coalescing once again. Journalists, judges, and political and civil activists have joined together against Musharraf's second declaration of martial law. They see him as the obstacle to the democratization of Pakistan.

This is why I have called upon Gen. Musharraf to resign as president and chief of army staff, and to pave the way for the composition of an interim government of national consensus that will oversee the transfer of power to duly elected representatives of the people.

The people of the Soviet Union knew that "elections" for the Politburo were fraudulent. The people of Pakistan know that elections under martial law are a similar sham.

Bhuttos own words... Does it take a genius to figure out who killed her? Not really. It didn't matter who the current US Prsident was, she was going to run for president regardless. Do you really believe that she would still be alive if Gore had been president? This woman didn't set her watch by who the current President of the US was, She's been setting her own agenda for almost 20 years, even before Clinton was President.

If anything her death is more Clintons fault than Bush's. After all he was the blow job receiving cocksucker that flat out refused to deal with terrorists for his entire 8 year Presidency and allowed them to operate completely without fear of repercussions which led directly to the attack on 9/11 less than a year after Bush took office.

No doubt Bush, as with whomever may have been President, wanted to see Bhutto as Pakistans President, if for no other reason than so we could stop playing this "kiss ass" bullshit game with the current self appointed dictator/terrorist Musharraf. Our President was hardly in a position to "dictate" to Bhutto or "attempt" to make her "Shah 2.0."

Bhutto would have been the best thing that ever happened to Pakistan....

The pakistani people knew it .....and Musharraf made sure it didn't happen.

vernarial 05-01-08 09:33 PM

You make some good points.

Nicobie 09-01-08 07:13 PM

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. – P.J. O'Rourke


Hope you don't mind me pinching your quote for my sig.

albed 10-01-08 09:41 AM

That's been his sig for years. Why don't you just go whole hog and steal his user title and location too?

multi 10-01-08 05:38 PM

You never stop trying to pass bullshit off as fact, it's been in his sig for maybe a month or two.

vernarial 11-01-08 08:10 AM

It's not a big deal really. I mean it's a quote I found online, and I'm using it online. My heart is not set on private personal use. I don't own the copyright and will not sue Nicobie for using it. I stole it from Mr. O'Rourke, so if Nicobie wants to steal it from me, that's just fine. Maybe he can help pass on the word that we the people need to take the power back and get the money out of Washington. :)

RDixon 11-01-08 10:48 AM


"What has somehow escaped attention as a central factor in her death, however, is the pressure applied by Condi Rice for Bhutto to return to Pakistan, and, particularly, the representation Rice made to Bhutto -- against Bhutto's own intuition -- that President Musharraf was in support."

albed 11-01-08 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by multi (Post 260101)
You never stop trying to pass bullshit off as fact, it's been in his sig for maybe a month or two.

Time must really fly in your confusing little world.

jcmd62 15-01-08 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by RDixon (Post 260115)

"What has somehow escaped attention as a central factor in her death, however, is the pressure applied by Condi Rice for Bhutto to return to Pakistan, and, particularly, the representation Rice made to Bhutto -- against Bhutto's own intuition -- that President Musharraf was in support."

And your reply/link proves what?.........

That once you decide your either Republican/Democrat/Conservative/Liberal that you only believe rhetoric that supports your beliefs?

Huffington.......give me a break. A liberal version of O'Reilly.

You still don't perceive the point........Which is.....Bhutto would have been supported by ANY/WHOMEVER/WHAT President was currently in office. Gore or ANY other President, Democrat/Repub/Whothefukever, would have openly supported this American educated candidate to replace the scumgag self appointed through violence dictator that now controls a nuclear enabled terrorist breeding country.

Do you really believe that a Democrat version of Ms. Rice, had a Democrat been elected, would have not openly and publicly supported Bhutto just as Rice did? Absofukinlutely he/she/it would have. Once again your blaming Bush for something ANY President/Admin of the US would have done, instead of the actual terrorists/government that murdered her. Are you really ignorant enough to actually believe that without Rice's public support of Bhutto that Musharraf was clueless as to who Americans, as well as the Pakistani people wanted to take control of Pakistan and that Bush/Rice is the reason she was murdered?

FACT.....She only fled her country to protect her children after the corrupt military government again dismissed her as PM and her husband was imprisoned. Over the next nine years, she and her children lived in exile in London, where she continued to advocate the restoration of democracy in Pakistan. The former Prime Minister returned to her Homeland because her children had grown up and she wanted to be Prime Minister again, an office she was wrongly and illegally dismissed from. She returned because the 2008 election was upcoming and she wanted to end the reign of corrupt military governments, the likes of which, executed her father and imprisoned and oppressed her and her husband over the last 20 years.....NOT because Condi Rice and the Bush admin "pressured" her into it.

Musharraf is a fukin pussy compared to General Zia Ul Haq, Ghulam Ishaq Khan and Leghari. The last "somewhat" conservative President Pakistan had, Nawaz Sharif, was overthrown almost before he took office. No doubt with Americas war on Terrorism and Musharrafs bullshit Democracy for Pakistan farce she believed this was her best and last chance of being PM again. After the personal sacrifice this woman went through for the Pakistani people she was hardly naive enough to think her attempt to become PM was going to be a cakewalk or without risk to her life.

Within hours of her return in 2007, her motorcade was attacked by a suicide bomber that killed more than 100 of her supporters. She knew from day one that the Bush admin couldn't protect her, yet she didn't turn tail and run back to London. Hardly the actions of a woman being "pressured" into doing something she didn't want to.

albed 15-01-08 07:18 AM

You're a little thick if you haven't figured out by now that dix is just another one of those warped idiots who need to blame and slander the U.S. at every opportunity. Iraq and Afghanistan have been doing so well that his kind must be choking on their own bile and have to use even this little incident to vent it.

His stupidity really shines when he tries to compare her to the shah. Lmao.

RDixon 16-01-08 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by jcmd62
You still don't perceive the point........Which is.....Bhutto would have been supported by ANY/WHOMEVER/WHAT President was currently in office. Gore or ANY other President, Democrat/Repub/Whothefukever, would have openly supported this American educated candidate to replace the scumgag self appointed through violence dictator that now controls a nuclear enabled terrorist breeding country.


Sorta contradicts what you said about Bush and his cohorts having nothing at all to do with it, now, doesn't it?

And it wouldn't make a rat's ass to me what political party is in power when a mistake is made.

If Gore was the president right now and his admin did what the Bush admin has done where Pakistan is concerned, I would be making the exact same post about it here.

albed 16-01-08 01:27 PM


Sorta contradicts what you said about Bush and his cohorts having nothing at all to do with it, now, doesn't it?
No it doesn't. Damn you're fucking stupid!

jcmd62 18-01-08 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by RDixon (Post 260183)

Sorta contradicts what you said about Bush and his cohorts having nothing at all to do with it, now, doesn't it?

Not in the least. The Bush/US support of Bhutto had nothing to do with her being murdered. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Pakistanis openly supported her, some even died doing so. Funny how I don't see you blaming her death on them.


Originally Posted by RDixon (Post 260183)
And it wouldn't make a rat's ass to me what political party is in power when a mistake is made.

#1 I seriously doubt that....

#2 There was no "mistake".

#3 I don't see you whining about what a mistake it was for the Pakistani people to support her democratic ideals and hopes for an elected leader instead of the military controlled "puppet" they have.


Originally Posted by RDixon (Post 260183)
If Gore was the president right now and his admin did what the Bush admin has done where Pakistan is concerned, I would be making the exact same post about it here.

Once again and this is the last time.......The Bush Admin didn't "do ANYTHING where Pakistan is concerned" that ANY OTHER ADMINISTRATION WOULD OR WOULD NOT HAVE DONE. Nobody did anything wrong or underhanded, your whole damn point if there was one is moot.

The only point you've made extremely clear is that when you feel the need to lay blame it will be with the current US President and his Admin, regardless of their political affiliation or whether they have actually done anything wrong.

RDixon 18-01-08 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by jcmd62
The only point you've made extremely clear is that when you feel the need to lay blame it will be with the current US President and his Admin, regardless of their political affiliation or whether they have actually done anything wrong.

You can has walkthrough...

Let's do a step by step walk through of events in Pakistan over the past 6 years.

The Bush admin desperately needed Pakistan's permission to use their airspace in late 2001 for bombing missions in Afghanistan.

To secure that, they ( the Bush admin; not the US ) forgave Pakistan’s debts, removed its embargo-"bad guy" status (for developing atomic weapons in secret), provided large amounts of military assistance, and gave even larger amounts of cash to Musharraf.

Why this was a mistake:

While the Bush admin was concentrating on bribing Musharraf, they took their eyes off of Dr. A. Q. Khan who without impediment immediately expanded his personal bank accounts by selling North Korea the technology necessary to create huge ass radioactive mushroom clouds.

Side note: Dr. Khan the bomb offered to sell that technology to Saddam, but Saddam wasn't interested and wouldn't even meet with him.
The Bush admin thought otherwise though and ....well, you know that story.

Fast forward a couple of years: Bin Laden and other top America haters are hiding in plain sight in Pakistan and pretty much making fools out of the Bush admin.
2004 election fast approaching and NO signs of "progress".
Intense pressure started being applied on Musharraf to allow American special forces to conduct operations inside of Pakistan.
There must be progress or the illusion thereof or the 2004 election would be lost.
The deal reached was one where Musharraf 's military put on showy operations in the areas where the American voters would be sure to see the "signs of progress" on their TV screens before the election.
The "secret" deal allowed US special forces to conduct operations in Pakistan simultaneously where they immediately blasted a religious school to hell killing 80 children and blamed Musharraf 's military for the crime.

After that mess Musharraf was no longer on the Bush admin's friends list.
Overnight, the State Department changed him from valiant ally to enemy of democracy, and the American press obliged with the appropriate stories and emphasis; spoon feeding the propaganda to people like you who were too damned lazy in youth to learn how to objectively form opinions of your own without having them conveniently given to you.

So, suddenly Musharraf became an undemocratic pariah who needed to be replaced.
It was easy enough to exploit public dissatisfaction with a military dictator, even if he was only trying to do his best for his country within some terrible limits.

Enter Bhutto.

The Bush admin gave Ms. Bhutto a blessing and a gentle push, and likely a bundle of cash, along with undoubtedly, the promise of lots of future support, to return home as opposition to Musharraf.

Ms. Bhutto was regarded in Washington as more amenable to American demands in Pakistan. (Obviously she was also viewed that way in Pakistan )
She had the double merit of being able to give Pakistan’s government the gloss of democracy while serving key American interests.
But it couldn’t be clearer that democracy is not what the Bush admin was really concerned with, because Musharraf was just a fine ally so long as he did as he was told.

The quick fix is what the Bush admin demanded; a quick fix to its own perceptions of problems under the guise of supporting democracy and opposition to terror, will achieve absolutely nothing over the long term.

And that is why the whole of the Bush admin's policies concerning Pakistan have been and are mistakes.

One could fairly say that Bhutto's assassination just proves how little Washington policymakers understand the region. They sent her to her death, desperately hoping against hope to get what they wanted; "progress" or a reasonable illusion of it.

Meanwhile the taleban sits waiting, in Pakistan, biding their time for when the US led UN forces are forced to leave Afghanistan and they can return to make things as they were before.

It's been worse than a mistake; it's been a disaster.

albed 18-01-08 08:23 AM

Never fails; corner a compulsive liar and they start spouting truckloads of bullshit rather than face up to one little lie.

Bhutto got killed because of her own reckless conduct, practically suicidal in those circumstances. The only real question is whether she was actually that stupid or whether she wanted to get killed.

Nicobie 25-01-08 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by albed (Post 260099)
That's been his sig for years. Why don't you just go whole hog and steal his user title and location too?

Why don't U stick a dry 4x4 up 'ure arse.

You have already stuck your foot in your mouth so many times I figure that U must have trouble breathing.

multi 25-01-08 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Nicobie (Post 260300)
Why don't U stick a dry 4x4 up 'ure arse.

You have already stuck your foot in your mouth so many times I figure that U must have trouble breathing.

I heard it does wonders for his bad breath.

jcmd62 28-01-08 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by RDixon (Post 260223)
It was easy enough to exploit public dissatisfaction with a military dictator, even if he was only trying to do his best for his country within some terrible limits.

Yea those POOR misunderstood Military Dictators just trying to the best for their countries.....ROTFLMAO……… False imprisonment, "fixed" elections or none at all, murder anyone that speaks out against them, Yes those poor Dictators have it tough with all those “terrible limits" they are forced to deal with.

Yet you want us to believe that Musharraf is just trying to do the best for his country but Bush isn't? No doubt you want us to believe Saddam was just trying to the best for the Iraqi citizens by spending BILLIONS on all those Palaces and Luxuries for himself and his sadistic family while he and his sons raped and murdered innocent people at will. Bhuttos murder was in the best interest of only Musharraf, his military and the terrorists they support, NOT in the people of Pakistans best interest. Dictators always put their own interests ahead of the people they oppress.

....Quite liberal, biased and telling how you don't give The Bush Admin. the same leeway that you give murdering Dictators.

Obviously your knowledge of history is limited to US history and only goes back 7 years. Your hatred of Bush has so consumed your sanity that you are unable or incapable of seeing anything but the "History" of Bush's Presidency and spew forth this idiotic rhetoric that Bush somehow invented "bribing", to use your own moronic terminology, leaders of other countries to get something they need.

News-flash.........This practice went on long before America ever existed. This messed up world was built on Countries/Leaders who despised each other snuggling up with each other when it suited them. Where in the hell do you think this young Country of ours learned it? Bush and The US didn't invent this practice nor was he the first American President to utilize it, and he won't be the last. Bush also wasn’t the first President to erase a countries debt and lift embargos to gain their cooperation.

You also continue to rant on and on about "mistakes", again to use your own moronic terminology, as if every President before Bush was perfect and never made a decision that several years later in “hindsight” and well after the fact, would look back and wish they “knew then what they know now”. NO President or Leader can predict the future when they play the political game with another country. What past leader of any country hasn't made "deals" with other countries that ended up being used against them? Why do you keep portraying Bush as the only Leader in the history of the world to have had to make a decision based solely on his judgement that years later would prove to be a poor one? Presidents don’t have the wonderful gift of hindsight that you whiny liberals use years later when you start ranting “now that we know it was a mistake he should’ve known better”.

Our current relationship with Pakistan is not illegal, underhanded or any different than past relationships cultivated by America and former Presidents with any other country we have had to "get along" with. Countries, who along with our leaders were also trying to do the best for their countries
"within some terrible limits".....

Liberals are Ostriches, but instead of burying their heads in sand they bury them in their own asses and choose to believe if they can’t see something happening….it isn’t.
ie..(One who tries to avoid disagreeable situations by refusing to face them.) The US can never win with disgruntled crybabies like you. Hypocrites who whine and cry about all the people we ALLOW to be killed when we stay the hell out of other countries affairs. Then when we do take action after being crucified by the media and court of public opinion for our lack of it, you call us murderers and cry about how other countries affairs are none of our business.

Its quite clear that you could care less about the truth, Bhutto, the Pakistani people or pointing out what a “mistake” it would have been for her not to run against Musharraf. Blaming her murder on the Bush Admin. Is just more fuel for you to stoke the burning fire of hate that you have for George W. Bush.

Your intense hatred of Bush really has blinded you to the fact that he is a human being, hardly perfect and no more able to predict the future than any other President this country has had. Every President in our history has had to make split second decisions that affected the lives of millions based solely on their own judgement. There will always be people like you who will criticize and trivialize the decisions of a US President. People completely unable to comprehend the scope and scale of just how difficult being the President is because the hardest decision in their entire pathetic life was which porno they were going to jerk off to and whether to eat a Quarter Pounder or a Big Mac afterwards.

Speaking of pathetic………blaming the Government for everything evil in the world is just a sad way for individuals like you unhappy in their own pathetic lives to avoid accepting the responsibility that they really have only THEMSELVES to BLAME.

albed 29-01-08 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Nicobie (Post 260300)
Why don't U stick a dry 4x4 up 'ure arse.

You have already stuck your foot in your mouth so many times I figure that U must have trouble breathing.

First wack yourself over the head with it until you can do your own thinking you pathetic copy and paste moron. Just how stupid are you that you can't even think up or find a sig for yourself and have to copy and paste someone else's?

Nicobie 31-01-08 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by albed (Post 260351)
First wack yourself over the head with it until you can do your own thinking you pathetic copy and paste moron. Just how stupid are you that you can't even think up or find a sig for yourself and have to copy and paste someone else's?

Here's a quick c&p that I figure u are familiar



:W: Hi dillweed :W:

malvachat 01-02-08 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Nicobie (Post 260385)
Here's a quick c&p that I figure u are familiar



:W: Hi dillweed :W:

That's cruel Nic.
:bdance: :AP: :AP:

multi 01-02-08 08:37 AM

oh...hahaha....... cornholio!

(Kids.... Do not click that link !)


What's so cruel? I see the connection.
albed's so bent over, I would expect he has a lot in common with the goatse dude.... It probably is him... :BL:

albed 01-02-08 09:12 AM

I see another connection; nic's so stupid he can't think of anything to post and again has to copy and paste something.

You guys enjoy his kiddie porn, I'm not clicking the link.

My fault I suppose; I did tell him to wack himself.

multi 01-02-08 09:26 AM

I should copy/paste your avatars head on that guy's butt.. because that would be hilarious.

but I couldn't be fucked looking at that monstrosity again.

Looking at your turtles mouth is quite enough to stir a vague memory of it, anyway.

Nicobie 01-02-08 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by malvachat (Post 260390)
That's cruel Nic.
:bdance: :AP: :AP:

Hey malva,

seems as I now have a new ISP, a link to the other god fearing forum could be a chuckle.

malvachat 02-02-08 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Nicobie (Post 260401)
Hey malva,

seems as I now have a new ISP, a link to the other god fearing forum could be a chuckle.

How will I know it's you?
Your secret will be safe with me.

Nicobie 02-02-08 07:19 PM

BEER i'll mention it ;)

just send me da link to iceland~~ god fearing forum


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