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theknife 04-03-04 06:11 PM

The Bush Campaign
the Bushie's campaign is officially under way and ads are starting to appear in key markets acros the country. the Prez thinks use of 9/11 imagery enhances his position - some feel otherwise ...


NEWARK, N.J. -- Karen DallaValle doesn't need President Bush's re-election campaign to remind her of Sept. 11, 2001, when her fiance, Port Authority Police Officer Kenneth F. Tietjen, died in the World Trade Center attack at age 31.

"I think it's inappropriate (for the Bush campaign) to use photos from Ground Zero. I'm reminded of it enough every day when I get up and Kenny's gone," said DallaValle, 41, of Matawan, a former Newark police officer who left the force after her fiance was killed.
the GOP thinks we all need to be reminded about 9/11....over and over again. i have a feeling most people are gonna feel otherwise...especially this stuff:


The ad includes images of an American flag flying in front of the trade center's remains, and firefighters bearing a flag-draped stretcher from Ground Zero.
the firemen don't seem to be pleased to be part of the Prez's re-election campaign:


The International Association of Fire Fighters Union, which was meeting today in Bal Harbour, Fla., approved a resolution asking the Bush campaign to pull the advertisements, the union's spokesman, Jeff Zack, told The Associated Press. The resolution also urges Bush to "apologize to the families of firefighters killed on 9/11 for demeaning the memory of their loved ones in an attempt to curry support for his re-election."

Harold Schaitberger, president of the union, which has endorsed Mr. Kerry, said today that the advertisements were "disgraceful" because the Bush administration had not, in the opinion of the union, done enough to ensure that fire departments around the country have been adequately staffed and equipped.

"Bush is calling on the biggest disaster in our country's history, and indeed in the history of the fire service, to win sympathy for his campaign," Mr. Schaitberger said in a statement that echoed his initial reaction on Wednesday.
it doesn't bother me, but i hardly ever watch tv. but i'd bet money that these ads will get quietly pulled and reworked to eliminate the WTC footage.


Monica Gabrielle, of West Haven, Conn., who lost her husband, Richard, 50, in the trade center attack, had some advice for the Bush camp.

"I would rethink using the greatest failure of this administration's watch as a re-election platform," said Gabrielle, co-chairperson of Skyscraper Safety Campaign.
9/11 is the Bushie's hole card...but how to keep reminding the country about it, incessantly, between now and November is obviously gonna be a bit tricky:BL:

span 04-03-04 06:59 PM

9-11 scares lefties because quite frankly they want people to forget it because despite their best efforts through lefty rags like the NYT and LaTimes most people in America associate Bush as a resolute leader through it and afterwords, they don't remember whatever bullshit TakeBackTheMedia and MoveOn try to spin, they remember Bush with the megaphone telling firefighters that America was going to get those responsible and that scares the hell out of the left because they have nothing to counter it.

scooobiedooobie 04-03-04 07:33 PM

why would anyone be offended by using the most important issue of our time in a political ad? to follow that line would be to state that the memory of an attack on the united states belongs only to those related to the dead and wounded. the attack was on our entire country. the us sent its military to afghanistan to fight a war that obl started, we did not send a contingent of relatives of the deceased. the fact is, the public needs to be reminded of the importance of national defense and the war on terror. it seems that many have pretty much forgotten about 9/11.

the dems will drag out a a few relatives of the deceased and have that person say it disrespects the memory of those who died. the dems should survey ALL of the victims families, and see if they ALL think that this ad is over the top. the tactic the democrats will use is to feign outrage whenever the subject is brought up, since it's now known that kerry..who by the way was in vietnam, will not continue the war on terror.

i think the bush campaign should release commercials of the planes flying into the towers, while playing a voice over of kerry announcing "the threat is exaggerated..al-qaeda is not that bad".


the firemen don't seem to be pleased to be part of the Prez's re-election campaign:
no way! another union that has endorsed kerry shocks the nation by coming out against bush! all is lost!

theknife 04-03-04 07:45 PM

actually, i think the controversy is more along the lines of using the 9/11 event to sell a product - in this case, Bush.

and if it's the most important issue of our time, why does the Prez refuses to testify live about it in front of the 9/11 Commission? :hmm:

what scares the GOP more - a)having the Prez getting caught in a prolonged unscripted public event or b)the questions he might be asked or c) both?

scooobiedooobie 04-03-04 09:36 PM


what scares the GOP more - a)having the Prez getting caught in a prolonged unscripted public event or b)the questions he might be asked or c) both?
if that's your reasoning, then why have clinton and gore also only agreed to testify in private.

span 04-03-04 11:09 PM


As a general rule of thumb, you should start to get VERY suspicious when the mainstream media runs "anecdotal stories". I say that because you can find a handful of people who believe JUST ABOUT ANYTHING. That means it's very easy to decide what sort of story you write, get a few juicy quotes, and then imply that the people you spoke to represent a majority.

If you want to see a perfect example of how this is done, just look at the "Bush is exploiting 9/11 stories" that the media is playing right now. 9/11 was not only the defining event of the last 4 years, it was one of defining events of the century. It has been talked about, analyzed, studied, & debated every single day since it happened and it has had a profound effect on America. Yet, Bush runs an ad with a very minimal amount of footage in it from 9/11 & we hear hysterical cries of "exploitation, exploitation"!

But you see, we're hearing that story, because that is the story the media wants to tell you. They could have just as easily done anecdotal stories that said "family members of 9/11 victims like Bush ads" or "family members of 9/11 victims have no strong opinion about Bush ads," but that doesn't fit their agenda.

Let me show you a little evidence that'll back-up what I'm saying. I went through an AP article entitled 9/11 Victims' Kin Angered by Bush Ads that features 9/11 relatives who are "outraged" over Bush's ads and I googled every person who had an angry reaction. Interestingly enough, 5 out of 6 people interviewed had an ax to grind with George Bush. The people who trashed Bush in this one are...

-- Coleen Kelly who is a member of an anti-war group called "Peaceful Tomorrows" & spoke at an anti-war rally with Susan Sarandon.

-- Jeff Zack & Harold Schaitberger are the spokesman and president of the International Association of Fire Fighters Union who "gave Kerry an early endorsement in the presidential race".

-- I found no previous attacks on Bush by Barbara Minervino who "questioned whether Bush was "capitalizing on the event"'.

-- Like Colleen Kelly, David Potorti is part of an anti-war group called Peaceful Tomorrows. Here's a quote from an interview he did at Buzzflash back in October of 2003,

"I feel like the foreign policy of the Bush Administration is almost like a second assault on us. We had this terrorist attack and now it's almost like we have this other attack from our own government which is doing things which clearly are not in our interests, and clearly are not reducing the chances of another terrorist attack happening again. Sometimes I feel quite assaulted from all quarters. And it's just a very odd place to be -- to feel like your own government is not operating in your best interest."

-- Kristen Breitweiser has been claiming for quite a while that the Bush administration is covering up/refusing to investigate 9/11. Read more about it in this 2003 article called "Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush" -- and yes, Breitweiser is one of moms battling Bush.

Come on folks, this article is a joke! We don't have any polling data, we don't know how the reporters chose these people to quote, we don't know how many pro-Bush quotes weren't included, all we have are 5 out of 6 people who the reporters MUST HAVE KNOWN were going to trash Bush before they even talked to them.

This piece is liberal bias at it's worst and if AP had any integrity, they'd issue a public apology for putting out this sort of slanted bilge.

What's more repugnant: pretending 9/11 never happened, or never forgetting that it did?

multi 05-03-04 01:07 AM

you conservative shirt and tie wearing gimps..so righteous..some sort of plebians that think they are never wrong about anything...(how the hell do you get to be so perfect?)
what a bunch of gutless morons..
pulling out looney conspiracy theories when ever it suits them..

ok.. then paint all lefties with tin foil hats..when ever you like..you guys are choice...lol

comeon 911 would justify starting a phoney war..and of course help keep control as long as possible..and to almost subliminaly use it to get reelected would be the logical way to use it...its been a valuable propaganda investment..now you look to be abusing it just a little..

bush is like a cocacola salesman selling a product that sells itself...if he had not have had images of the towers in his campaign it would of been a much more powerful message(then maybe some would complain that it was excluded)

anyway..the right have so much to play with..they dont even really need to drag the opposition thru the mud constantly like they do..
but i guess also being victims of the fear they spread to stay in power..they are scared...(and they should be because so much needs to be undone)
that sort of attack is ofcourse is a typical way to show it..

there is no doubt in my mind that the current US leadership could go down in history as the most evil and corrupt capitalist regime ever..
( the evil regimes they set out to destroy will look pale in comparison)
so proud they have sucsessfully turned iraq into another israel vs the pals..situation
making a nice smokescreen so those butchers(ie.sharon) can do what they like..

the revenge factor for the twin tower deaths must be pretty sweet..most of the heart of the muslim world has been invaded...and the civillian deaths must be hitting over 10,000 by now?

will they rig this election just like the conservatives plan on doing here(the last one was a sham too most likely)

it will take decades for any real evidence to emerge of election rigging in this period of time...if ever
ouch.. i must have a hole..ouch.. in my tin foil hat arrrrgg... the beams are getting in..whoa!

theknife 05-03-04 05:26 AM


Originally posted by scooobiedooobie
if that's your reasoning, then why have clinton and gore also only agreed to testify in private.
excellent question...

but then they're not running for anything nor using the event to sell themselves.

theknife 05-03-04 05:29 AM


Originally posted by span
What's more repugnant: pretending 9/11 never happened, or never forgetting that it did?
you're getting pretty predictable, Scoob...every time a story comes out, your only reponse is to cut and paste dirt on either the author or the subjects of the story - and always from an ideologically bent source. it's a nice dodge but it's getting thin:ND:

span 05-03-04 05:51 AM


Originally posted by multi

anyway..the right have so much to play with..they dont even really need to drag the opposition thru the mud constantly like they do..
but i guess also being victims of the fear they spread to stay in power..they are scared...(and they should be because so much needs to be undone)
that sort of attack is ofcourse is a typical way to show it..


First, that President Bush has ``deceived'' (Al Sharpton), ``misled'' (John Kerry, Howard Dean), indeed, outright ``lied'' (Kucinich) us into a pointless and ruinous war that, as Kerry's chief campaign surrogate, Edward Kennedy, thunders, was ``made up in Texas'' for pure political advantage. Hence, Bush's hands are dripping with the blood of 500 brave soldiers who died for a lying president seeking better poll numbers.

And now, after six weeks of carpet-bombing Bush, the Democrats are shocked -- shocked! -- that the Republicans might answer back with ``negativity.'


scooobiedooobie 05-03-04 04:03 PM


Originally posted by theknife
but then they're not running for anything nor using the event to sell themselves.
or....clinton & gore's reasons are (among many other obvious reasons) they would have a real tough time publicly explaining away a 1994 terrorism report that warned of suicidal hijackings, and clinton ignored it.

or....that the clinton-gore airline safety commission set the stage for 9/11. or....that clinton refused to receive sudan's vital intelligence files on bin laden’s network. or....that bin-laden planned the attack on the uss cole, the 1993 attack on the wtc, the 1998 bombing of east african u.s. embassies, and clinton did nothing. or....that bin laden declared war on the u.s. 5 times between 1996 – 1998, and clinton just ignored it. or....that sudan offered bin laden to the u.s. numerous times, and clinton refused.

floydian slip 05-03-04 04:18 PM

While voicing support for the 9/11 probe, Bush and those around him have been working diligently to undermine the commission's work, going all the way back to before the investigation began.

If you listened only to Bush's rhetoric, you'd think he was a major booster of the inquiry. Indeed, he said he supported the extension.

"We have given extraordinary cooperation," he told Tim Russert a couple of weeks ago. "I want the truth to be known." Bush told Russert on "Meet The Press" that he'd be pleased to testify and was turning over his daily briefing reports.

That's what the president said. Now follow the trail of what he has done.

At first, Bush was opposed to the whole idea of the commission. Under strong pressure from Republicans and Democrats, he ultimately relented. But he never seemed too enthusiastic about the probe.

Commission members wanted the right to subpoena witnesses. The White House opposed that, relenting only when the subpoena rules were tightly limited.

Bush told Russert he'd release those daily-briefing forms. Then, that too was tangled up in restrictions: Only to the chairmen, not to be shared with other members, only summaries. That is still being wrangled out.

Then there was the question of whether Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney would testify. Security adviser Condoleezza Rice agreed to speak only briefly, in private and on a weekend. Bush told Russert he'd love to appear. Then he began dragging his feet.

Only in private, he said.

Only with the chairmen.

Only for an hour.

We'll see if it happens at all.

JackSpratts 05-03-04 04:19 PM

spend eight years tying up a president with incosequential triffles and don't be too surprised of he gets distracted occasionally.

- js.

scooobiedooobie 05-03-04 04:51 PM


Coleen Kelly who is a member of an anti-war group called "Peaceful Tomorrows" & spoke at an anti-war rally with Susan Sarandon.

Like Colleen Kelly, David Potorti is part of an anti-war group called "Peaceful Tomorrows". Here's a quote from an interview he did at Buzzflash back in October of 2003,

"I feel like the foreign policy of the Bush Administration is almost like a second assault on us. We had this terrorist attack and now it's almost like we have this other attack from our own government which is doing things which clearly are not in our interests, and clearly are not reducing the chances of another terrorist attack happening again. Sometimes I feel quite assaulted from all quarters. And it's just a very odd place to be -- to feel like your own government is not operating in your best interest."
got this in an e-mail....

"Peaceful Tomorrows” is being portrayed as an independent group of relatives of victims of the 911 attacks. They are getting a lot of press claiming to be outraged over the new Bush ads.

I wonder if this outrage could possibly be a tad overblown, and more likely attributable to the millions and millions of dollars this group has received from endowments chaired by Teresa Heinz, wife of Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry.

According to their own contribution page, “Peaceful Tomorrows is a project of the Tides Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.”

According to an article in the Pittsburgh Review, “Between 1995 and 2001, $4.3 million of that money came from the Howard Heinz Endowment. In 2002, it and the Vira Heinz Endowment blessed The Tides Center, a San Francisco spin-off of the Tides Foundation, with another $190,000 while the two endowments gave $1.6 million to the new Tides Center for Western Pennsylvania.” (The Heinz Endowments have teamed up with a secretive left-wing group)

The money that flows into The Tides also flows out. They have given grants totaling $489,000 to the Iraq Peace Fund, who used that money to fund the anti-war marches and media costs of 27 groups, including MoveOn.org, whose purpose is to defeat George W. Bush.

Other Tides Center projects include The Youth Gender Project, which seeks to "empower and support transgender, gender-variant, intersexed and gender-questioning youth and young adults."

They also shoveled $200,000 towards The Ruckus Society - founded in 1995 to train activists in violent protest against biotechnology, globalization and the World Bank. It incited property destruction in the Seattle riots of 1999 and Washington, D.C., the following year.

Now, if you really want to get mad, you should also know that $8,000,000 in taxpayer money flowed into the Tides Center in the form of federal grants made by eight different agencies between 1997 and 2001."

"peaceful tomorrows" web page....


multi 05-03-04 11:50 PM

ffs..bush only just won the last election...remember.
well aint it a shame all the people killed were not conservatives...but then again
even some conservatives have family members that would rally against conservative thinking...and its closedminded & bigoted way of dealing with things..

you dickheads better learn to live with the fact you havent shuffled all the lefties off into concentration camps and gas chambers just yet..

there should be a lot more civil disobedience..like seattle and S11
people like to spit in the faces of those stuck up consevatives and their cop mates..good on em..:tu:

you think your talk scares people into voting against change or maybe even think the fear sways them to your point of view..
but you dont see the ones that it inspires to action against all the repetitive bullshit ideologies(ie.visionary speculation : idle theorizing; often : an impractical theory or system of theories)

you can moan and belittle people as much as you like..but most will always see right (scuse the pun ) through you..

scooobiedooobie 06-03-04 12:51 AM

you can moan and belittle people as much as you like..but most will always see right. (pun intended)

span 06-03-04 01:02 AM

hey Multi we don't have to gas you lefties or put you in concentration camps, the Roe Effect is slowing making the country more conservative year in and year out. like any disease liberalism is slowing getting worked out of the system of America.

multi 06-03-04 01:35 AM

haha disease ..yeah right..dis-ease

im sure the corupt big buisiness has plenty of ways to "cull" the left
theres cigarettes alchohol and drugs..and then all the brainwashing that goes along with just those to make sure medicine make their money out of persuading people to their deaths..while using them as human guinea pigs..
repetitive sugestion..over, over and over
you seem to know the tactic well span..

scooobiedooobie 08-03-04 12:37 PM


"We have given extraordinary cooperation," he told Tim Russert a couple of weeks ago. "I want the truth to be known." Bush told Russert on "Meet The Press" that he'd be pleased to testify and was turning over his daily briefing reports.

That's what the president said. Now follow the trail of what he has done.
besides the fact that it's absolutely disgusting that anyone would blame bush for 9/11...the bush administration has given extraordinary cooperation. they've given the committee members unprecedented access, and they've turned over 2.3 million documents.

dems can try to portray bush as responsible for the attacks, but if the commission is objective, its final report will point the fickle finger of fate directly at the clinton administration.

9/11 Commission Set to Blame Bush, Clinton Gets a Pass

The chairman of the independent commission investigating the 9/11 attacks is hinting that he's prepared to place blame at the doorstep of the Bush White House for not acting on evidence that could have prevented the catastrophe.

But commission chairman, former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Kean, has yet to examine key evidence indicating that President Clinton knew Osama bin Laden was planning to attack America but failed to take appropriate action to stop him as the 9/11 operation was being organized.

"[9/11] was not something that had to happen," Kean told CBS News on Wednesday, adding that officials in the Bush administration had failed to protect America.

"There are people that, if I was doing the job, would certainly not be in the position they were in at that time because they failed. They simply failed," the top 9/11 prober said.

But key recordings of Mr. Clinton admitting that he turned down an offer for bin Laden's extradition to the U.S. – "though we knew," in the ex-president words, "that he wanted to commit crimes against America" – have not been sought by the commission.

Clinton's comments were videotaped by the Long Island Association, where he made the stunning admission during the group's annual luncheon on Feb. 15, 2002. However, requests for the video later that year by NBC News, the Fox News Channel and NewsMax.com were refused by the business group.

It's not known whether the ex-president had an agreement with the LIA to prohibit distribution of their recording.

NewsMax.com's audiotape of the event is the only publicly available recording of Clinton's remarks.

In July, 9/11 commission spokesman Al Felzenberg told NewsMax that the ex-president's admission would likely be part of the probe. "Since this is obviously on the public record, I wouldn't be surprised if it came up," he explained.

But five months later, the Kean commission has yet to seek the original audiotape, which shows the ex-president detailing his decision to pass up what turned out to be America's best chance to avoid the 9/11 attacks.

"We'd been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start meeting with them again," Clinton told the LIA. "They released [bin Laden]. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America."

Still, instead of exploring what turned out to be the worst foreign policy blunder in U.S. history, the Kean commission now appears to have the Bush White House in the crosshairs."As you read the report, you're going to have a pretty clear idea what wasn't done and what should have been done," Kean told CBS. "They simply failed."


Sinner 08-03-04 01:00 PM

Re: ffs..bush only just won the last election...remember.

Originally posted by multi
well aint it a shame all the people killed were not conservatives...but then again
even some conservatives have family members that would rally against conservative thinking...and its closedminded & bigoted way of dealing with things..

Nice, You sure do have a lot of class multi.....


you dickheads better learn to live with the fact you havent shuffled all the lefties off into concentration camps and gas chambers just yet..

just yet eh, so you think it will happen then?


there should be a lot more civil disobedience..like seattle and S11
people like to spit in the faces of those stuck up consevatives and their cop mates..good on em..:tu:
“People like to spit in the faces”….wrong, You should change the word people to liberals. Liberals with no jobs who live off the system, which is largely funded by wealthy people. People like you are vampires. Feeding off the government in the way of social programs, Liberals who have no desire to better the country or themselves. You just want to destroy things and hurt people whose job it is to serve and protect. I would not put all Liberals into this category because many have a brain in their heads, unfortunately you are not one of these people.


you think your talk scares people into voting against change or maybe even think the fear sways them to your point of view..
but you dont see the ones that it inspires to action against all the repetitive bullshit ideologies(ie.visionary speculation : idle theorizing; often : an impractical theory or system of theories)

Repetitive bullshit……hey that’s you……speaking of fear, how is the global warming fear campaign coming along….???…I know Liberals love that one.


you can moan and belittle people as much as you like..but most will always see right (scuse the pun ) through you..

Got that right, you are crystal clear……

scooobiedooobie 08-03-04 01:02 PM

Giuliani Defends Bush on 9/11 Ad....
MR. RUSSERT: But first we are joined by the former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani; welcome back. As you well know, the president has used images of September 11 in his campaign commercials, and received criticism for it. Let's take a look at what the president has put on the air:

(Videotape of Bush Re-Election Ad): PRES. GEORGE W. BUSH: I'm George W. Bush and I approved this message. I, George Walker Bush, do solemnly swear. (End videotape)

MR. RUSSERT: And that picture, Mr. Mayor, particularly using the flag-draped coffin-- Mindy Kleinberg, who lost her husband, Alan, in the Trade Center, said this to the Daily News, that "she was offended...because of the sight of remains being lifted out of Ground Zero in one of the spots. `How heinous is that?'" she asked. "`That's somebody's [loved one}.'" Are the families correct in their criticism of the president?

FORMER MAYOR RUDY GIULIANI, (R-NYC): The families who lost, you know, loved ones on September 11, 2001, have, you know, a number of different very, very emotional reactions, as I do, to the whole subject. I'm not sure I could ever be objective about it. I've been asked about what I think should be there, and I always realize that there's kind of a--almost a distortion that comes out of having lost so many people that I loved, saw maybe 20 minutes before they died. So the families have very conflicted feelings about this. Some feel, as that woman did, someone like Jenny Farrell who lost a brother there, feels it's a perfectly appropriate political ad, that the president led the country at that period of time, it's part of his history, and did a very good job. So I think, you know, if you go to the families, you're going to get a very, very emotional response.

I think if you asked a question, "Is September 11, 2001, a legitimate area for the president to point out?" He was facing challenges. You got to go back to the ad. The ad is challenges facing George W. Bush. Well, if you left out September 11, 2001, I think people would be asking, "Why is he leaving it out?" That was probably the biggest challenge that he's faced. Those of us who support him think he did a terrific job in getting the country through it. You know, other people on the other side have taken shots at him for not doing as good a job. So it's kind of unrealistic to think you're not going to have that as part of the political debate.

MR. RUSSERT: Some Democrats said this week that the Bush administration policy is not to show the coffins coming back from Iraq out of respect and reverence for the deceased and the families. So why would you show the coffins on September 11?

MR. GIULIANI: Well, it wasn't coffins. It was one flag-draped coffin, as well as the backdrop of September 11, 2001. I suspect any image of September 11, 2001, would have provoked the same reaction. I think the coffin is one. The backdrop of the charred remains of September 11 is another. If you had shown the Pentagon or whatever, people would say, oh, either you're exploiting it, or the president is using it appropriately. And I believe he is.

I mean, I think that--if you said September 11, 2001 was out of bounds, then the president couldn't use it, and his opponents couldn't be allowed to attack the way in which he's handled it, which they seem very, very free to do. So I think it's a very appropriate area. And it's part of his history. You know, 50 years from now, 100 years from now, George W. Bush is going to be judged far more by how historians believe he handled this worst attack in the history of this country than probably anything else we're talking about. And so you have to make it part of a political debate. You--it would be unrealistic if it wasn't.

MR. RUSSERT: Here's another snapshot of that ad and you'll see on our screen there are firefighters there with their red helmets on with the president. The head of the firefighters association, who has endorse John Kerry, issued this statement: "I'm disappointed but not surprised that the president would try to trade on heroism of those fire fighters in the September 11 attacks. The use of September 11 images are hypocrisy at its worse. Here's a president that initially opposed the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and now uses its first anniversary as cause to promote his re-election. Here's a president that proposed two budgets with no funding for the FIRE Act grants and still plays on the image of America's bravest. His advertisements are disgraceful." That's the head of the firefighters.

MR. GIULIANI: Well, the head of the firefighters who's usually on John Kerry's side I think in every single primary. So we have to be kind of realistic about that. I think I've seen him next to John Kerry more often than anybody else. So some of that charged language is, you know, politically inspired language. I mean, the fact is, President Bush was there. I was there when he was there. He was there on September 14, 2001. He came there, particularly to ground zero, against the advice of the Secret Service.

He remained there an extraordinary length of time. And it was dangerous for him to be there 'cause there were fires of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit under the ground and there was no place to put him that would be absolutely safe. And he inspired the men and women who worked there by remaining there so long. They could see the Secret Service coming, trying to take him out, you know, touching his arm to say, "OK, Mr. President, it's time to leave." The president wouldn't leave. He made a connection with those men and women that's real. It happened at that time. He was there when it was dangerous. He was there when the action was going on. And some of that helped rebuild the morale of this country.

If you would asked me on September 11, 12, 13, 2001, how things were going to come out--'cause I think the terrorists attacked us to break our will and to destroy our morale. I think you might remember in the weeks after that, this country was more united than maybe we've ever been. You know, people were then all wearing American flag lapel pins and they were waving flags, and a lot of that the president, you know, led. That's part of what he did. That's part of being a good leader. So to leave it out of a political campaign when you're running for re-election cuts out half your leadership. I mean, it would make no sense. And then all you'd be is attacked as the president was for the last three or four months.

The Democrats weren't terribly sensitive about what they attacked the president about in the last three or four months. And John Kerry isn't particularly shy about using, you know, Vietnam and the whole backdrop of Vietnam. It was kind of like the core of his campaign. So I think this is a--they want to run their campaign and then they want to run our campaign and take out of our campaign the things that may be the most favorable about the president.

MR. RUSSERT: Stephen Push, whose wife died in a plane that crashed in the Pentagon, was also upset, but he had a different take on it. It was about the September 11 Commission. And this is what he said: "The Bush administration will not cooperate fully with the 9/11 commission and at the same time they're trying to invoke and own 9/11 and use it for his reelection." President Clinton and former President Gore are going to testify before the full commission looking into September 11 for a lengthy period. The president has said he will only testify for one hour and only before the committee chairman and co-chairman. Should the president not give more fulsome testimony before the full commission?

MR. GIULIANI: Well, first of all, Tim, just to clarify, no one owns September 11, 2001. None of us do. Whether you were involved directly or you weren't, it's something that happened to this entire country and it's part of our history. I mean, it's part of America. So, you know, it's not--no one has ownership of it. All of us have tremendous emotions about it but none of us have ownership of it. And the president isn't asserting that. All the president is asserting is, "This is my record. This is one of the things I had to handle. This is a challenge I had to handle. And judge me on it." And there are people who are going to judge him well and people probably will disagree.

So I don't think that that's what's going on here. Second, the president is going to cooperate. And this is an issue that comes up with all presidents. You can go back 50 years, when investigations go on and there are a lot of issues about confidentiality, about the ability of people to advise a president. I can't think of a president in the last four or five that hasn't had an issue like this when an investigation starts. And people often misunderstand it, but a president can't be open to, you know, hours and hours and hours and hours of questioning the way us lawyers do when we have depositions.

So to put some kind of a limit on it is OK. I imagine if they go through the inquiry and there are some very relevant questions that need more answering, I'm sure the president will give them more time if it isn't just a kind of fishing expedition. You give a lawyer an hour, we can get all the questions done in an hour. You give us two hours? It'll take two hours. You give us five days? We can take five days since we charge by the hour.

MR. RUSSERT: Well, why not before the full commission and why not for more than an hour if they have questions relevant to what happened on September 11?

MR. GIULIANI: Well, why don't we wait and see? Kind of an offer of proof. Let's see. If they can get it done in an hour, isn't that better use of their time, a better us of the president's time? If they really require more than an hour for relevant questions that really get to the core of what's going on, I'm sure there'll be flexibility to work that out.

MR. RUSSERT: And before the full commission rather than just the chair and co-chair?

MR. GIULIANI: I would imagine. But it would seem to me that why not start with an hour and see if it can't get done? I got to tell you one thing about President Bush, he's on time. Every time I've had a meeting with him. If it's 9:45, if you're one minute late, he's there at 9:45, and if it's 9:45 to 10:30, it's over at 10:30. It's a good discipline. I used to teach trial practice for a while, and if you get those questions in one hour, you can probably have a much better inquiry.

full transcript here....


Sinner 10-03-04 11:34 AM

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hahahahaha!!!..Got you good...you fucker.....!!!!!

Zell Miller appeared on the Don Imus show a couple of days ago and shared his thoughts on Jon Kerry. "Senator Kerry," he said, "has been in the Senate for a long time. And during his tenure, he's introduced 500 pieces of legislation, seven of which have been adopted. Two or three of those concerned renaming bridges. A couple involved research grants. And a couple were giveaway programs, small loans, etc. But, he has voted against virtually every defense weapons system bill that's come down the pike. Now in Georgia, we have a saying that pretty well sums up his record: All vines and no taters." ZELL MILLER (D-GA) ON KERRY........

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