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Malk-a-mite 15-04-01 02:41 AM

Considering this was a topic to some of us recently - this is from the operator of http://www.kuro5hin.org/.

Read and comment (full story in link):
Why Community Matters

"Human reality is socially constructed. That is, most of the "facts" that determine our daily lives are socially constructed facts, which are true as long as enough people believe them to be true. The right to own property, the right to not be murdered, indeed the right to continue to live at all; all of these are socially constructed rights, which are true only as long as enough of us believe in them.

American society has created for itself a Mobius-like reality by privileging capital, or property rights, above all else. This has granted corporations the power to purchase the reality that best suits them, and corporations in turn recreate the reality that privileges money. Communities -- places, real or virtual, where people speak directly to each other, without corporate mediation -- are the only hope we have to reassert control over our own reality, and place it back in the hands of people, instead of the fictional entities we call corporations. "

greedy_lars 15-04-01 02:44 AM

i rule my own destiny

fate only happens occasionally

Dawn 15-04-01 04:26 AM


Originally posted by greedy_lars
i rule my own destiny

fate only happens occasionally

You come up with the best lines greedy!! ;)

And sorry Malk, too early for me to comprehend this post. I promise to come back to it after getting my caffiene fix. :D

gazdet 15-04-01 07:50 AM


Which of your opinions determines the reality in which you live, and from where did you derive that opinion? Are we, as a species, satisfied with the reality we've constructed for ourselves? It is only by asking and truthfully answering these questions, like Jefferson did, that we can begin to reassert control over the basic facts of our existence. Community matters because communities are people, and people create reality. What world do you want to create?

Good job Malk, it's worth a read :)

GuessWhatChikenButt 15-04-01 08:11 AM


"Human rights" are fundamentally a social construct. Your individual right to continue to live is maintained only as long as there is not a more powerful individual or group who wishes to cause your death. Humans have no natural predators -- that is, no species other than humanity itself supports its existence by killing humans.
I thought this paragraph deserved a second read all...

EDIT: The only thing, is what this guy wrote meant nothing to me, other then a bunch of Charlie Brown Wanka Wanka.. I did however like the above statement...IMO, and I will not argue about this so if you try...you can...BITE ME... so here goes, A Whole lot of GOD is all you need, once you got that down, all this other sheit makes no diffrence!! PEACE ALL...

thinker 15-04-01 08:53 AM

Interesting, especially certain portions. However, like one of the replies, some people will all boil rights down to scientific possibility, which is inherently dangerous. There's always a mighty fine line to walk, *sigh*.

GuessWhatChikenButt 15-04-01 08:58 AM


Originally posted by thinker
Interesting, especially certain portions. However, like one of the replies, some people will all boil rights down to scientific possibility, which is inherently dangerous. There's always a mighty fine line to walk, *sigh*.

kristof47 15-04-01 09:05 AM

Please, no sociology! I just took (and probably failed) an exam about this shit. I will read this later on.

HellBound 15-04-01 09:05 AM

The United States Declaration of Independence reads, in part, as follows:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...
While Jefferson ultimately attributes the source of humanity's "inalienable rights" to the "Creator," he recognizes that the only way for humanity to maintain these rights is by self-governance. That is, whether you are granted rights by God or not is essentially irrelevant, since the actual exercise of those rights is a social phenomenon.

Deriving their just powers from the consent of the goverened....that sentence should say it all...but it doesnt...when it comes down to it...the consent come from those with the most money...usually corporations.


and no you dont need a whole lot of god, you need belief in yourself and belief in what you do...and no one but yourself can give you that.

GuessWhatChikenButt 15-04-01 09:42 AM


Originally posted by HellBound
The United States Declaration of Independence reads, in part, as follows:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...
While Jefferson ultimately attributes the source of humanity's "inalienable rights" to the "Creator," he recognizes that the only way for humanity to maintain these rights is by self-governance. That is, whether you are granted rights by God or not is essentially irrelevant, since the actual exercise of those rights is a social phenomenon.

Deriving their just powers from the consent of the goverened....that sentence should say it all...but it doesnt...when it comes down to it...the consent come from those with the most money...usually corporations.


and no you dont need a whole lot of god, you need belief in yourself and belief in what you do...and no one but yourself can give you that.

blah blah blah blah blah........HAPPY EASTER!! God Loves you Too :D

tafkaMr.E 15-04-01 10:28 AM


Originally posted by GuessWhatChikenButt

blah blah blah blah blah........HAPPY EASTER!! God Loves you Too :D

Wow! You gave in quick.:ND:

GuessWhatChikenButt 15-04-01 10:33 AM


Originally posted by tafkaMr.E

Wow! You gave in quick.:ND:




Floopster 15-04-01 10:38 AM


Originally posted by greedy_lars
i rule my own destiny

fate only happens occasionally

As long as we occupy this soft machine that can easily lose it's life giving blood, we rule nothing, not even ourselves.

The joke is on anyone who believes otherwise!

tafkaMr.E 15-04-01 10:45 AM


Originally posted by Floopster

As long as we occupy this soft machine that can easily lose it's life giving blood, we rule nothing, not even ourselves.

The joke is on anyone who believes otherwise!

We rule our own destinies more than any living being or entity can.

GuessWhatChikenButt 15-04-01 10:58 AM


Originally posted by tafkaMr.E

We rule our own destinies more than any living being or entity can.


tafkaMr.E 15-04-01 11:02 AM


Originally posted by GuessWhatChikenButt


I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree on that.

btw. The ignoring thing is going well innit?:D

RDixon 15-04-01 11:04 AM

You guys are aware that http://www.kuro5hin.org/.
is all just a big fake aren't you?

HellBound 15-04-01 11:06 AM

Well since I don't want to make this a debate about religion...specially since i believe everyone has the right to their own opinion and beliefs...i will just say

my name isnt HeavenBound..and i have my own reasons for not picking that name...


*HellBound waves hi to Malk~~

GuessWhatChikenButt 15-04-01 11:08 AM

;) :b:


Floopster 15-04-01 11:18 AM


Originally posted by tafkaMr.E

We rule our own destinies more than any living being or entity can.

Try stopping those other beings or entities from devouring your body once you are dethroned from ruling your exsitence.

Please forgive the morbidity of my response.

GuessWhatChikenButt 15-04-01 11:27 AM

Hey Floop, I forgive ya man.... I couldnt have said it any better!!
(BTW the Happy Easter thing is my sig for the day if noone has caught on)

Floopster 15-04-01 11:56 AM


Originally posted by HellBound
Well since I don't want to make this a debate about religion...specially since i believe everyone has the right to their own opinion and beliefs...i will just say

my name isnt HeavenBound..and i have my own reasons for not picking that name...


*HellBound waves hi to Malk~~

My friend, if you were fortunate enough to be shown just a mere speck of what hell is, you wouldn't make jokes about it.
It would be fortunate indeed, because from then on you would do everything in your power to avoid the slightest possibility of becoming part of it.

HellBound 15-04-01 11:59 AM

Everyone has their own ideas on heaven and hell...you have yours and i have mine..


ps....I have used this name for over 2 years...closer to 3 i think...and if you knew me better..you would know i dont joke.

Floopster 15-04-01 12:22 PM

OK, but my ideas on hell aren't my own, they come from the holy bible.
Wether or not you joke I can't say, but you can't be serious about being on the path to hell.

HellBound 15-04-01 12:29 PM

According to your bible...what happens to the non-believers? to the ones that have not "rejoiced" and taken god into their hearts?...i beleive they go to Hell?

there you go then.


rebel_mom 15-04-01 12:32 PM

well it is my belief that in order to believe in hell you have to believe in heaven since hell would not exist if you didn't....

Your road to hell could be a very heavy load to carry for anyone .........only time will tell if your destiny will change and only you control what road you take so always choose your road carefully because you are the one walking it..........


dedicated to GWCB:)

reychal 15-04-01 12:40 PM


Originally posted by Malk-a-mite

"Human reality is socially constructed. That is, most of the "facts" that determine our daily lives are socially constructed facts, which are true as long as enough people believe them to be true. The right to own property, the right to not be murdered, indeed the right to continue to live at all; all of these are socially constructed rights, which are true only as long as enough of us believe in them.

American society has created for itself a Mobius-like reality by privileging capital, or property rights, above all else. This has granted corporations the power to purchase the reality that best suits them, and corporations in turn recreate the reality that privileges money. Communities -- places, real or virtual, where people speak directly to each other, without corporate mediation -- are the only hope we have to reassert control over our own reality, and place it back in the hands of people, instead of the fictional entities we call corporations. "

your personal reality isn't dictated by a world ruled by corporations or our social communities..... they can only judge and influence your actions... they can give you rights and take then away but we are all very free to think and feel how we like... reality is in your mind therefore for you to govern.... you can manipulate your reality by changing your perception and pattern of thought.

your reality isn't how you're perceived and treated.... it's what you know to be true.. even if false.

your mind is your existance..... when death comes it either decomposes with your flesh or moves on to another stage..... i'm preparing for the latter.. so i won't be kicking myself later :D :D

HellBound 15-04-01 12:48 PM

i did say your bible...i didnt say it was my bible.

ok..before this gets into a heavy religion debate...everyone has thier OWN beliefs ...what they believe in..whether there is a god or isnt...it is their own...something that no amount of talking on a board is going to change...all it will do is bring a lot of arguements about who is right.....and since each person is right in their own mind...

my main point was...you have to believe in yourself and what you do...... that no matter what your beliefs..if you dont have that...you dont have anything.


*HellBound waves to reychal ~~

greedy_lars 15-04-01 12:53 PM


Originally posted by GuessWhatChikenButt

...other then a bunch of Charlie Brown Wanka Wanka..


rebel_mom 15-04-01 12:54 PM

Well put ........and no but you didn't say it wasn't either and mine was merely the same as your an opinion:)

And the rule politics and religion are best left out of social gatherings was well made:)

greedy_lars 15-04-01 12:58 PM


Originally posted by Floopster

Try stopping those other beings or entities from devouring your body once you are dethroned from ruling your exsitence.

Please forgive the morbidity of my response.

floop why would i care, ill be dead. i think my surviving family members should tie a cinder block to my feet and toss me in de ocean after i expire, im not terribly worried about what comes next.....to my physical body.....

Mekajinn 15-04-01 01:02 PM


Originally posted by HellBound
you have to believe in yourself and what you do...... that no matter what your beliefs..if you dont have that...you dont have anything.

I like you :)

Dawn 15-04-01 01:04 PM


Originally posted by greedy_lars

floop why would i care, ill be dead. i think my surviving family members should tie a cinder block to my feet and toss me in de ocean after i expire, im not terribly worried about what comes next.....to my physical body.....

Geez greedy, I don't like the sounds of that. Why waste a perfectly good cinder block? :p :p


greedy_lars 15-04-01 01:04 PM


Originally posted by Mekajinn

I like you :)

me too, why dun you post more hellbound, you obviously have the ability. and ive enjoyed what youve written so far, keep it up dude. er miss.:con:

HellBound 15-04-01 01:05 PM


Originally posted by Mekajinn

I like you :)



Sinner 15-04-01 01:08 PM


Originally posted by reychal

your reality isn't how you're perceived and treated.... it's what you know to be true.. even if false.

your mind is your existance..... when death comes it either decomposes with your flesh or moves on to another stage.....

Just want to touch on this briefly, don't have time for a debate, but this statement is so true,

kant said "The mind is everything, For not only does the mind embellish nature with colours and textures and smells, not to mention cause and effect, but also adds space and time." Kant and Descartes agreed that one could never know the external world, but only our IMPRESSIONS OF IT.

What is the external world like?

We can never know, the mind adds practically everything to what we perceive.

The sky is not really blue, it only prouces a sensation of blueness on the optic nerve.

edit...OPPS..not done

Reality remains unknowable

To quote Blake...

"man by his reasoning power can only compare and judge of what he has already perceived, and man's perceptions are not bounded by the organs of perception, he perceives more that sense can discover"

I really have no point just alot of Blah...

rebel_mom 15-04-01 01:11 PM

Hey SpartacusGO LEAFS GO

2 FOR 2:)

tafkaMr.E 15-04-01 01:13 PM


Originally posted by Floopster

Try stopping those other beings or entities from devouring your body once you are dethroned from ruling your exsitence.

Please forgive the morbidity of my response.

Point accepted Floopster.

But accidents and incidents aside, the individual is pretty much in charge of his/her own destiny.

Sinner 15-04-01 01:15 PM


Originally posted by rebel_mom
Hey SpartacusGO LEAFS GO

2 FOR 2:)

I HATE Toronto.....

Go Edmonton GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HellBound 15-04-01 01:16 PM

I belong to 3 boards...have a full time job...and will be starting night class in 2 weeks...oh yes..am also a single parent...i tend to post to threads that have a little ummm..whats the word i am looking for?...substance?


ps every once in awhile..i will post on the silly ones...but not often.

rebel_mom 15-04-01 01:23 PM


HellBound 15-04-01 01:24 PM

For those that didnt follow the link in malk's post...here is something i copied from the link.

"Right now, the "voice of the people" is assumed to be the news media. American media is corporate -- that is, all major organs of media are corporations, without exception. Corporations, as seen above, will always privilege capital over all else, since it is the only way they can continue to exist. Therefore, media is in fact not the voice of the people at all, but the voice of corporate reality. Corporate media speaks to you, not for you, and cannot be trusted to reflect the views of humans. Instead, it is the organ with which corporations will continue to recreate the reality that allows them to exist at our expense.

This, finally, is why community matters. The only potential way out of this mousetrap we've created for ourselves is to actually speak directly to each other. Town meetings, open hearings, internet communities, places where people may actually speak as human individuals to other human individuals; these are the only places that we may examine what we have decided will be our reality, and the only places we may possibly decide to change that reality."


rebel_mom 15-04-01 01:26 PM

Hellbound may I be so bold as to ask if you are a male or a female?

You have a full plate being a parent alone is tough:)

What other type of boards are you involved with?


HellBound 15-04-01 01:29 PM

my signature says it.....

I belong to Nusounds (all about music) and Audiognome (help forum for aG) boards.


rebel_mom 15-04-01 01:35 PM

Yes I saw that after I posted and I am always on to my kids to pay attention.......guess I need to as well:)

Pleased to meet you:)R_M

relic 15-04-01 02:00 PM

Probably against greedy's will...I will not post any of personal beliefs in this thread. Just wanted to --->

*waves to HellBound* :spin:

very interesting stuff being said here though. kind of funny how hellbound specifically said she didn't want to discuss and have a debate on religious type stuff, but nonetheless, it turned out to be that way in a couple of posts.

HellBound 15-04-01 02:05 PM

waves back at aaacbada...

How are you enjoying the weather?


greedy_lars 15-04-01 02:07 PM


Originally posted by aaacbada
Probably against greedy's will...


relic 15-04-01 02:09 PM


Originally posted by HellBound
waves back at aaacbada...

How are you enjoying the weather?


pretty nice day today...little breezy though here in lincoln. and it looks like this type of weather is going to be sticking around here for awhile, kind of seems like spring has finally shown it's face here in nebraska (well at least in the eastern half...)how about you?

ps...might do some fishing today or go play some outdoor volleyball :)

HellBound 15-04-01 02:20 PM

love the weather...the furnace is off...the windows are open...and i am enjoying the fresh air.


Dawn 15-04-01 02:27 PM


Originally posted by HellBound
love the weather...the furnace is off...the windows are open...and i am enjoying the fresh air.


Where you at girl?? Here in Michigan, we arent near there yet!! ;(

HellBound 15-04-01 03:01 PM

the land of the huskers.


relic 15-04-01 03:12 PM


Originally posted by HellBound
the land of the huskers.


where there is more corn than people ;)

this place isn't too bad, just needs some better fishing lakes and streams :)

rebel_mom 15-04-01 03:19 PM

was warm here yesterday but a definate nip in the air today......

but no need for the furnace and the kids don't ever feel the cold..........

I am not knowledgable tho on where the land of corn is.........care to tell me:)?

relic 15-04-01 03:20 PM


Originally posted by rebel_mom
was warm here yesterday but a definate nip in the air today......

but no need for the furnace and the kids don't ever feel the cold..........

I am not knowledgable tho on where the land of corn is.........care to tell me:)?

there is no place like nebraska. now whether or not that is a good thing or a bad thing is up to you. I personally don't mind living in nebraska that much, except we need better fishing areas. We are the same distance from either coast so that's a plus ;). We have the sandhills in western nebraska which are fun to visit since barely anyone lives out there...very peacful.

But if I lived in my dream place I would be in Canada...preferably the west coast...very pretty there :D

rebel_mom 15-04-01 04:01 PM

That is where i ma from the good ole CANADA......southern Ontario and it really is beautiful
already been kayaking this year but the river is very high now so not safe:)

Catbert13 15-04-01 04:07 PM

I'm from where there are more Hicks than people....

greedy_lars 15-04-01 04:08 PM

i think the attn slipped malk, they been discussing regional differances for several posts now......hahahahhhahahh

cloudy and cool in portland oregon


HellBound 15-04-01 06:08 PM

to bring the attention back to malks post....here is the last few paragraphs from that link....

"To take one example which is already happening: Peer-to-peer file sharing. The essence of P2P is the fact that large numbers of individuals have decided that their reality does not recognize the so-called "right" for corporations to own the files on their computer. Swapping MP3s, in their view, is not "stealing" because those who share their files don't consider themselves to be gaining or losing property. That is, they are challenging the assumption that music is an object that can be owned, by an artist, a record company, or indeed anyone. The socially constructed nature of this phenomenon is very evident in this case, as the record companies struggle to define file sharing as "piracy," while file-sharers counter that it is "fair use." Both of these terms are social constructs -- one defines the act as "wrong," the other as "acceptable." The battle is over whose reality will ultimately be stronger and become true.

What's striking about this struggle is that it is one of the few open battles directly waged by people against corporations. Few voices in corporate media have come out in defense of file-sharing, while the unfiltered voices of individuals have loudly and repeatedly, if not often eloquently, defended it. This is possibly the first time the internet has served as a means for individuals to attempt to change a basic social reality which was previously held to be unquestionably true.

What other "truths" do we hold to be self-evident? Which of them do we privilege over the lives of other humans, over even our own lives? Which of your opinions determines the reality in which you live, and from where did you derive that opinion? Are we, as a species, satisfied with the reality we've constructed for ourselves? It is only by asking and truthfully answering these questions, like Jefferson did, that we can begin to reassert control over the basic facts of our existence. Community matters because communities are people, and people create reality. What world do you want to create?"

this sentence pretty much says it all.....

The battle is over whose reality will ultimately be stronger and become true.


rebel_mom 15-04-01 06:21 PM

Good one Hellbound.....

Sorry Malk for going off topic:)

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