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Ramona_A_Stone 19-12-06 05:26 PM

Wolfgang's Vault
Entrepreneur Bill Sagan once came upon a fleet of 40 foot trucks filled to bursting with 60's and 70s music memorabilia collected by rock impresario Bill Graham, and bought the whole lot for about 6 million: photographs, posters, tickets, any and everything you can imagine, including thousands of high quality soundboard recordings of the biggest rock stars of the time caught in the act. This collection was the impetus for Wolfgang's Vault--originally created to sell off bits of these archives and now mostly hawking reproductions on T-shirts and coffee mugs etc. More interestingly, the site also allows visitors to stream these never released live recordings of Cream, The Doors, Hendrix, Zeppelin, Floyd, The Stones, Zappa and others.

Well, man your streamrippers and get 'em while they're hot if you're interested folks, because these recordings may soon disappear (into the P2P Underground, at least). Members of Led Zeppelin, The Doors, The Grateful Dead and Carlos Santana are taking Sagan to federal court friday to sue his pants, and most likely his website, off. Stay tuned.

theknife 19-12-06 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone (Post 251227)
Entrepreneur Bill Sagan once came upon a fleet of 40 foot trucks filled to bursting with 60's and 70s music memorabilia collected by rock impresario Bill Graham, and bought the whole lot for about 6 million: photographs, posters, tickets, any and everything you can imagine, including thousands of high quality soundboard recordings of the biggest rock stars of the time caught in the act. This collection was the impetus for Wolfgang's Vault--originally created to sell off bits of these archives and now mostly hawking reproductions on T-shirts and coffee mugs etc. More interestingly, the site also allows visitors to stream these never released live recordings of Cream, The Doors, Hendrix, Zeppelin, Floyd, The Stones, Zappa and others.

Well, man your streamrippers and get 'em while they're hot if you're interested folks, because these recordings may soon disappear (into the P2P Underground, at least). Members of Led Zeppelin, The Doors, The Grateful Dead and Carlos Santana are taking Sagan to federal court friday to sue his pants, and most likely his website, off. Stay tuned.

seems like the bands in question would have a case, no? selling reproductions of memorabilia is not the quite the same as selling memorabilia.

edit: btw, the quality is good - anybody know how to rip this stuff?

JackSpratts 19-12-06 08:00 PM

they can have the pants. just let me at those soundboards. :pirc:

btw, the comments are harsh, if comical.

December 19th,
3:21 pm

OOOH, I’m worried about my collection now. Who’s gonna come looking for me when I sell my Tuesday Night Jam poster? The pig??


- js.

theknife 19-12-06 08:29 PM

so how do you rip it all?

JackSpratts 19-12-06 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by theknife (Post 251237)
so how do you rip it all?

i haven't registered.

you'll need to know a few things about this to say.

- like -

open or propriatary player?

can you find the stream (notepad or netstat) and feed to winamp?

theknife 19-12-06 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts (Post 251239)
i haven't registered.


Ramona_A_Stone 19-12-06 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by theknife
so how do you rip it all?

Well, first I confess ignorance of both fancy ripping technologies and the site itself. (I wrote the post (from memory) after hearing an article on NPR in the car (which featured a rather exquisite Santana clip) and a cursory glance at the site. (My own computer is currently enslaved in a new studio and offline so I'm a bit of tourist on the roommate's mac lately.)) But having said all that, I've never encountered anything that, if it will play on my machine at all, I couldn't route directly to SoundForge for real time recording as a wav, with pristine results... if I had to.

And sure the artists have a case, too bad for them that information has that pesky tendency of wanting to be free.

JackSpratts 20-12-06 01:10 AM

i haven't been able to stream this to winamp (so far). in source the flash site has no addresses while netstat isn't coughing up them up either, at least nothing acceptable to my players. the good news is the quality. on the elton john concert from 1970 at least it's very clean, both for ancient vault stuff and streams, and well worth capturing i would think. if the frequency response isn't the widest the dynamics are great and the performance is a nice surprise and it's all keeping me up way past my bedtime. i know i want it. it's probably going to be a sound card recording tho, either with a wav like ramona ah, implies, or playing around with an mp3 to get the bit rates matched and save some space. my guess here is no more than 128kbs, but probably less. most likely this is a 96kbs encode.

the best thing would be to have highbit dubs from the tapes up but assuming this site sticks around we'll probably see some ripping shortcuts soon.

this is a nice little find.

thank you mr graham. :beer:

- js.

multi 20-12-06 04:32 AM

Audacity is a good free wav editor if anyone is interested
not far off cooledit or soundforge

JackSpratts 20-12-06 10:35 AM

before (if) this stuff vanishes into copyright purgatory i'm grabbing the elton john concert the old-fashioned way: analog w/a twist.

· i ran a cable from my laptop's headphone jack to my hi-fi vcr's 2-track audio in.

· i popped in a blank video tape, set the channel to av and hit record.

· i started streamming.

that's it.

the vcr's frequency response is wider than the wolfgang stream and the noise floor lower so it captures wider dynamics too (hi-fi vcrs can have very good audio chains).

it's not the perfect solution but the recording will be nearly indistingishable from the stream so it'll work out fine for now (i tested it). the important thing is i'll have a good copy.

i’ve lived comfortable and well with analog for most of my life…

so i'm cool. :)

- js.

TankGirl 20-12-06 11:33 AM

Let's hope some altruistic Swedish culture lover collects all of them and shares them on Pirate Bay for the humankind to enjoy. :a: :PIR:

goldie 20-12-06 02:32 PM

i'd think totalrecorder would work too........i used for grabbing certain otr files a few times.

i have one somewhere but you can find one "somewhere"...

more about it here:


JackSpratts 20-12-06 04:37 PM

there is a well-known issue with logins where you keep getting sent back to the login popup instead of getting the player popup so i'm happy to see they've posted a work around. essentially close out your browser, clear your cookies and go directly to login before you select your stream. needless to say it doesn't always work so they're adding a true fix soon. in the meantime i've emailed them for additional help about this (it only affects ie here, ff and opera are ok) and i've used the opportunity to ask them about the encoding process. while they've returned my emails about the login problem they haven't responded to the codec querry. if and when they do i'll pass it along. course if anyone knows please tell me. oh yeah, my tape came out great - it sounds identical to the stream. :D

- js.

theknife 21-12-06 05:50 AM

i couldn't get the damn thing to play last night...everything looked right, but no sound?

Ramona_A_Stone 21-12-06 01:53 PM

I had no problem TK. (The Bowie concerts are awesome, but not really that hi-fi).

I also noticed this posted on the site:


Originally Posted by Wolfgang's Vault
The Concert Vault is fully licensed by BMI, ASCAP and SESAC, and we pay these performance rights organizations every time you listen to a concert. The license fees make their way back to the performers that made the music. One of our top priorities will always be to make sure that the artists are compensated for their performances.

Yes, downloads are coming! We still have a few details to work out, but plan to begin offering music downloads in the next three to four months. Stay tuned for updates and announcements. Registered Concert Vault listeners will be the first to know.

There's still a lot of genuine memorabilia on the site, and if it's actually paying licensing perhaps they won't completely shut it down. We'll see. Also I registered straight up so I'll keep everyone posted on any announcements.

Ramona_A_Stone 21-12-06 04:04 PM

Don't miss Genesis: especially The Cage and Afterglow, (Cinema Show and I Know What I Like (In your Wardrobe) are great too), at the Hofheinz in Houston, 1978. Amazing recordings/performances, even though it's sans-Gabriel. (Normally Philbert makes me puke, but I was a little drunk before noon today and really enjoyed the flashback; so far it's the only one I've found that I was actually at.)


theknife 21-12-06 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone (Post 251272)
I had no problem TK. (The Bowie concerts are awesome, but not really that hi-fi).

this is my problem:


We have an update on this problem. Specifically, on the problem of the player issuing the "Buffer Full..." message, but NEVER playing any audio.

If the track counter stays at 0:00, then you may be affected by a known network issue that is affecting a small number of listeners. We hope to have it resolved soon. For most people who do see this, it’s sporadic; if you close the player and reopen it you may get a connection. When we have an update on this problem we will post it here.

lucky me. i'm especially pissed because it worked the first time i tried :m:

JackSpratts 21-12-06 06:10 PM

have you tried other browsers and computers? i've found one will work when another won't.

i registered the second bugmenot balked. wouldn't miss it.

so far:

elton john - A. zero glitz. he still needs to entertain you, but his inner libarace hasn't surfaced.

america - C-. strictly from hunger. they pissed away the catalog.

allman bros (first of the three shows) - B. a working band very much at work.

asleep at the wheel - C. sloppy.

radio stream - eh...

dickey betts and friends now listening. jam band! wow, i'm creaming nitrous! poor treble unfortunately.

i've been streaming non stop. it's like i just discovred 300 bootlegs on a used hard drive i can't clone and i'm pretty sure the guy's coming to get it back. soon.

- js.

Ramona_A_Stone 21-12-06 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts (Post 251278)
i've been streaming non stop.

Me too. :cheer:

theknife 21-12-06 06:44 PM

ok, i figured out what happened - i installed Total Recorder and it changed my sound device properties. ok, changed it back and got the sound back :W:

...now, back to figuring out how to rip it - Total Recorder does not play the stream, therefore it won't rip it...


Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone (Post 251279)
Me too. :cheer:

i don't have the hardware Jack has...how are you ripping it, Ramona?

Ramona_A_Stone 21-12-06 07:15 PM

Well I'm not atm, (just listening to Atom Heart Mother & Embryo, Fillmore, 1970--brilliant performance, a tad phasey recording but very clear)--but I'll let you know tomorrow* if SoundForge won't work, which will really surprise me. *(will get online with my machine).

JackSpratts 21-12-06 09:14 PM

well i did find this:

"The low bandwidth stream is 40k.

The broadband stream can vary, depending on the strength of your connection."

also, the files are mp3s.

they don't seem to want to give out the actual bit rate of the "big" stream,

so i'm still guessing 96-112kbs.

and that big pita gap between live tracks? it's not a bug. it's a "feature." :blul:

- js.

theknife 21-12-06 09:41 PM

y'know, i heard about this site a while ago but it really didn't click at the time. how incredibly cool to sit down late at night with a beaker of hot buttered rum, put on the headphones and cue up the concert of choice :bdance:

js, btw, that Elton concert is nice - the lively and intimate version of Burn Down The Mission is sweet :tu:

JackSpratts 21-12-06 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by theknife (Post 251287)
y'know, i heard about this site a while ago but it really didn't click at the time. how incredibly cool to sit down late at night with a beaker of hot buttered rum, put on the headphones and cue up the concert of choice :bdance:

it sure is. have you read the forums? everyone posting is swooning.

it's a geezer rocker's wet dream.

i mean the good kind, not the icky kind.

it's not a creepy pbs reunion show with creepy clean lighting and creepy inter-segment call in drones.

these are the living artists at thier peak, with a bit of innocence left, and we can join them.

for years i wanted to produce fantasy park concerts with modern studio musicians "bringing back" defunct bands - but the costs were too high for radio. this service is as close to that idea as anything i've ever heard, except it's real. i want to blast it through my pa system for three days straight and jam in the yard (and sleep there too).

elton john's concert was voted into the top ten and given five stars. i loved it.

- js.

Ramona_A_Stone 22-12-06 05:33 PM



Much to my chagrin SoundForge will not record the stream. (This I learned after wrestling all day with routers, cables and drills etc. plus a fair amount of cursing, finally getting online, realizing my 'Media Center Edition' soundcard/software is hateful to me and I barely know how I've gotten it to do what I normally require of it in the first place, downloading about twelve freeware stream recorders and promptly removing them upon dismal failure, posting at several forums and sounding like a complete newbie, reading a great deal and realizing that it is in fact my soundcard and not anything particularly tricky about SoundForge which relieved me somewhat because I knew I could do it on my old machine, and finally submitting to the fact that even though I'm sure there's a magical setting somewhere that I can't find, I really can't find it.)

Long and short of it, if you're running SoundForge (or really just about any recorder) and you have that simple old mixer option of "what you hear" and can route it to your recorder then you would have no problem making that the input and recording it. Like duh. Alas, I have not this option anymore, and I long for a simpler time. The Media Center Edition only allows a choice between MS soundmapper and a handful of physical jacks as I/O, none of which of course is carrying the stream. If there are advantages to the MCE they are currently escaping memory.

I also looked into a thing called Proxomitron which is supposed to be able to tell you the real primary address of a file coming in from a proprietary player, but it confused and frightened me and I made it go away. Maybe someone smarter than me ought to check that out.

So, regardless of the fact that I have a DAT sitting right here I could (relatively) easily use to record the streams, I'm just going to pout and be irked and probably not break down and actually do it until I'm convinced there's no other way, which could conceivably take a couple more days of torture.

theknife 22-12-06 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone (Post 251309)


Much to my chagrin SoundForge will not record the stream. (This I learned after wrestling all day with routers, cables and drills etc. plus a fair amount of cursing, finally getting online, realizing my 'Media Center Edition' soundcard/software is hateful to me and I barely know how I've gotten it to do what I normally require of it in the first place, downloading about twelve freeware stream recorders and promptly removing them upon dismal failure, posting at several forums and sounding like a complete newbie, reading a great deal and realizing that it is in fact my soundcard and not anything particularly tricky about SoundForge which relieved me somewhat because I knew I could do it on my old machine, and finally submitting to the fact that even though I'm sure there's a magical setting somewhere that I can't find, I really can't find it.)

Long and short of it, if you're running SoundForge (or really just about any recorder) and you have that simple old mixer option of "what you hear" and can route it to your recorder then you would have no problem making that the input and recording it. Like duh. Alas, I have not this option anymore, and I long for a simpler time. The Media Center Edition only allows a choice between MS soundmapper and a handful of physical jacks as I/O, none of which of course is carrying the stream. If there are advantages to the MCE they are currently escaping memory.

I also looked into a thing called Proxomitron which is supposed to be able to tell you the real primary address of a file coming in from a proprietary player, but it confused and frightened me and I made it go away. Maybe someone smarter than me ought to check that out.

So, regardless of the fact that I have a DAT sitting right here I could (relatively) easily use to record the streams, I'm just going to pout and be irked and probably not break down and actually do it until I'm convinced there's no other way, which could conceivably take a couple more days of torture.

i feel your pain...

as i posted earlier, i struck out with Total Recorder....but this Zeropaid post references Audacity with confidence - will try that tomorrow and report...

multi 23-12-06 01:42 AM

ffs.. :D

theknife 23-12-06 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by multi (Post 251317)
ffs.. :D


theknife 23-12-06 07:50 AM

ok, Total Recorder does work...the only problem is that the output file intermittently erupts in static at different points in the song. not sure why....

edit: it's wierd...about a minute in, a horrible screeching erupts....like some kind of insidious drm?

goldie 23-12-06 11:36 AM

total recorder works yall!!
you just gotta work it.

i just made a .wav file from a part of a concert.

make sure you're not trying to do other stuff at same time, shut down the VS's, FW's all other stuff.

edit to delete - yall sorted it out.

JackSpratts 23-12-06 11:38 AM

maybe the easiest for now is to output your audio to the input of another pc and proceed from there. digitally preferably (fiber optic i/o) but analog if need be. i've been doing some more taping via the video recorder and it sounds just like the stream. i'm sure the sound quality will be as good and you'll have the added benefit of having it on your harddrive where you can do your edits etc (those gaps need to be trimmed for instance).

i wouldn't be surprised if many of these concerts exist on file-sharing networks already. as a matter of fact a private tracker is throwing a free holiday party this week so i picked up a couple of external hard drives just for the occasion and immediately found elton john's filmore concert @256. it hasn't finished yet so i have no idea how it sounds - but this particular tracker is infamous for enforcing its quality policy and i'd be surprised if it wasn't first rate (for lossy anyway).

one other thing i've found is that this stream can often stop, ruining any recording, so i really have to listen as i tape unless i like surprises. if that's not practical, like during overnight ripping you can still record automatically and get a good copy if you remember to inspect the browser before closing because if the stream does stop it'll show precisely where in the player window. now that's a feature lol! it's not a big deal to then rewind to the last gap before the interuption and restart, but i've had to re-record 2, 3 or more times before i got a full stream.

this would apply to any type of capture, even a direct streamrip.

- js.

edit: just saw goldie's post. nice going! :tu:

goldie 23-12-06 11:38 AM

whoops......just noticed knife's posting time.

no sound problems here though.

goldie 23-12-06 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts (Post 251331)

one other thing i've found is that this stream can often stop, ruining any recording, so i really have to listen as i tape unless i like surprises. if that's not practical, like during overnight ripping you can still record automatically and get a good copy if you remember to inspect the browser before closing because if the stream does stop it'll show precisely where in the player window. now that's a feature lol! it's not a big deal to then rewind to the last gap before the interuption and restart, but i've had to re-record 2, 3 or more times before i got a full stream.

this would apply to any type of capture, even a direct streamrip.

- js.

yea - that's sumtin our end really cannot control. def. sux when it happens..

Haole 23-12-06 07:50 PM

Total Recorder stops recording when the stream is buffering and then resumes with the stream. Also, you can record in a mode that makes it super fast (like 4-8X faster, I think) but you can't listen while it's recording.

theknife 23-12-06 10:50 PM

darn holidays interfere with the really important stuff - been trying to get back to this all day.

well, instead of trying to debug the direct rip via Total Rec, i just took Jack's advice and pulled up a concert on my laptop, plugged a cable from the headphone jack into the mike jack on my desktop pc, saved it with Total Rec and it seems to work like a champ. now i'm trying to figure out why Total Rec doesn't recognize my Lame encoder, so i can encode to mp3 on the fly as i save, but that's a secondary issue....

edit: actually, no need for 2 boxes - connect the headphone jack to the line-in jack on the same pc and it works great with Total Rec. just gotta figure out how to set-up scheduling so i can go to bed and not fill up my hard drive overnight.

theknife 24-12-06 11:13 AM

here's a question for you rippers - when you save a whole concert, do you save it as one long mp3 or do you break down the tracks into individual mp3's - and if so, how?

JackSpratts 24-12-06 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by theknife (Post 251363)
here's a question for you rippers - when you save a whole concert, do you save it as one long mp3 or do you break down the tracks into individual mp3's - and if so, how?

taking the elton john concert as an example since you've listened to it, i would have to break it down and trim every song. depending on the sophistication of the ripper those huge inter-song gaps may have to be removed if they weren't ignored. since several of his songs ran together as one seamless peice (like that burn down the mission-shotun-give peace a chance-higher set) any gaps ruin the show.

to eliminate them i'd open the wav files in goldwave and proceed accordingly. when done i'd burn to cd or down-convert to mp3 (or ogg etc) and save. if they're already mp3s there are mp3 editors that eliminate re-converting to wav and back (goldwave is a wav editor).

this way it's simple to play any song without having to search a huge file, and they flow as intended.

- js.

theknife 24-12-06 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts (Post 251364)
taking the elton john concert as an example since you've listened to it, i would have to break it down and trim every song. depending on the sophistication of the ripper those huge inter-song gaps may have to be removed if they weren't ignored. since several of his songs ran together as one seamless peice (like that burn down the mission-shotun-give peace a chance-higher set) any gaps ruin the show.

to eliminate them i'd open the wav files in goldwave and proceed accordingly. when done i'd burn to cd or down-convert to mp3 (or ogg etc) and save. if they're already mp3s there are mp3 editors that eliminate re-converting to wav and back (goldwave is a wav editor).

this way it's simple to play any song without having to search a huge file, and they flow as intended.

- js.

yup, i figured there wasn't any easy way - i was hoping for something that might detect that 2 second break in the stream between songs and create a new file for each song. (the way StreamRipper does for web radio...and there still might be something like that in Total Rec that i haven't found).

for the time, i convert the whole thing to mp3 via Blade, and then use MP3 Trim to just trim and save each file.

btw, if you're an 80's type swooning geezer like me, i highly recommend Duran Duran at the Hammersmith Odeon - good playlist, great quality :tu:

floydian slip 29-12-06 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone (Post 251227)
Entrepreneur Bill Sagan once came upon a fleet of 40 foot trucks filled to bursting with 60's and 70s music memorabilia collected by rock impresario Bill Graham, and bought the whole lot for about 6 million: photographs, posters, tickets, any and everything you can imagine, including thousands of high quality soundboard recordings of the biggest rock stars of the time caught in the act. This collection was the impetus for Wolfgang's Vault--originally created to sell off bits of these archives and now mostly hawking reproductions on T-shirts and coffee mugs etc. More interestingly, the site also allows visitors to stream these never released live recordings of Cream, The Doors, Hendrix, Zeppelin, Floyd, The Stones, Zappa and others.

Well, man your streamrippers and get 'em while they're hot if you're interested folks, because these recordings may soon disappear (into the P2P Underground, at least). Members of Led Zeppelin, The Doors, The Grateful Dead and Carlos Santana are taking Sagan to federal court friday to sue his pants, and most likely his website, off. Stay tuned.

wondering why the dead are suing, they let people record thier shows??

but anyway...



i wish i would have clicked this thread before today

streamripper eh?

after reding through this thread, it looks like you guys have agreed that total recorder is the ware to rip this site?

theknife 29-12-06 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by floydian slip (Post 251487)
wondering why the dead are suing, they let people record thier shows??

but anyway...



i wish i would have clicked this thread before today

streamripper eh?

after reding through this thread, it looks like you guys have agreed that total recorder is the ware to rip this site?

yup, i wondered that about the Dead too...

anyway, Total Rec has worked well for me...the only thing i cannot nail down is how to make the timer work, so i can schedule a show and have it stop recording automtically when the show is over..

daddydirt 30-12-06 03:57 PM

i grabbed the Pink Floyd - Fillmore West San Francisco, CA 04/29/1970 show in mp3 last night using River Past Audio Capture v7.0.2.61002. then i used Adobe Audition to cut the songbreaks. the 2hr10min file is 298MB in all.

if you get the concert info from the site first you can schedule River Past to shut off at a certain point, next one i get i'll set it to shut off a couple of minutes after so there's less to trim.

here are a few links that i used to get the job done.


http://www.riverpast.com/en/support/tutorials/ (bottom of page)


theknife 30-12-06 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by daddydirt (Post 251514)
i grabbed the Pink Floyd - Fillmore West San Francisco, CA 04/29/1970 show in mp3 last night using River Past Audio Capture v7.0.2.61002. then i used Adobe Audition to cut the songbreaks. the 2hr10min file is 298MB in all.

if you get the concert info from the site first you can schedule River Past to shut off at a certain point, next one i get i'll set it to shut off a couple of minutes after so there's less to trim.

here are a few links that i used to get the job done.


http://www.riverpast.com/en/support/tutorials/ (bottom of page)


thanks for the tip, dd:W: - that would solve my two Total Rec problems - auto-conversion to mp3 and scheduling :tu:

edit: btw, does Adobe pick up the song breaks automatically or do you have to manually find them to cut up the individual tracks?

JackSpratts 10-11-07 11:56 PM

The Allman Brothers Band

Cow Palace
San Francisco, CA
Set 2

Tracks: 16
Total Time: 2:42:36

"The second set of the Allman Brother’s headlining slot for Bill Graham’s New Year’s Eve concert begins approximately five minutes before the midnight madness of the New Year's Eve countdown. Following the countdown, the band continues with the kickoff song "Statesboro Blues," a tune they learned from Taj Mahal. The next hour focuses primarily on material from Eat a Peach and their new album, Brothers and Sisters, featuring stellar versions of "Southbound," "Come And Go Blues," "Ramblin' Man" and an outstanding 13+ minute version of "Jessica." One of the highlights of this entire night is a rare live performance of "Les Brers In A Minor." This monumental tune clocks in at almost half an hour, including drum solos; this is where the band begins really stretching out and venturing into unknown territory.

Shortly before the half hour point in this song, the first two guests wander out on stage. Much to the audience's pleasure, two Grateful Dead members, drummer Bill Kreutzmann and guitarist Jerry Garcia, join in on the festivities with no fanfare or announcement. Tentatively feeling his way into the jam, Garcia's distinctive guitar begins blending in and before you know it the familiar sound of "Whipping Post" morphs out of "Les Brers" and they are off into another great jam, now with Garcia and Betts intertwining leads over the rest of the ensemble. They are having so much fun that Gregg never bothers singing the verses and they continue to jam on "Whipping Post" instrumentally. At this point, Boz Scaggs plugs in and as he steps up to the microphone, the musicians let him lead the jam into a relaxed groove into "Linda Lou/Mary Lou" before ending this incredible sequence.

Boz leads this amazing conglomeration of musicians through another 50 minutes of jamming, based loosely on the classic "Hideaway" and then "Bo Diddley" but venturing in and out of many themes within. Garcia in particular is loving every minute, and his playing is thoughtful and quite a delicious compliment to Betts' more aggressive style."


ittybitty 11-11-07 12:24 AM


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