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Nicobie 10-03-09 06:48 PM

So what da~ya think?
Is The Obama thing gonna stick?

I'm not too sure about BIGGER gov'mt.

theknife 10-03-09 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Nicobie (Post 264379)
Is The Obama thing gonna stick?

I'm not too sure about BIGGER gov'mt.

the stimulus thing makes sense - there's already anticipation in my area for funds that's creating an expectation of increased business. so how much stimulus is enough? who the fuck knows?

on a related subject, the banking system appears to be hanging by a thread. all last fall, the problem was presented as a lack of available credit...now, it seems obvious that many of these banks (B of A, for one) are basically insolvent. i don't see how anyone's gonna save them.

edit: this is nationalized citibank

zombywoof 11-03-09 10:19 PM

The stimulus makes if you work in government or the public sector because the money will stimulate government growth and government jobs. It won't stimulate growth for those who don't work in government. It'll do little to stimulate the economy as far as getting people to spend because jobs are still going away. Once the states get their money, they'll pay down debt with it but will still be left with a huge debt because the next generations are gonna be stuck with the tab anyway.

His home stimulus gives money to those who bought houses and took out mortgages they had no business taking on so those who live in smaller homes that took on mortgages they can afford now has to shell out money to pay the mortgages of those who bought the MacMansions they couldn't afford in the first place.

What about refinancing those families who do pay their mortgages on time so that they can afford to send their kids to college.

The hard working middle class who tried to live within their means are once again screwed because they can pay their bills. Of course if they lose their jobs, then that will be a problem but there will be no help for them.

At the same time, corporate greed at the top has damaged numerous corporations over the years and while they got their golden parachutes and bail out of their company the workers are left with shrinking pensions and job losses.

Plenty of blame to go around.

I will give Obama credit in that he promised change and he is delivering.

theknife 12-03-09 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by zombywoof (Post 264394)
The stimulus makes if you work in government or the public sector because the money will stimulate government growth and government jobs. It won't stimulate growth for those who don't work in government. It'll do little to stimulate the economy as far as getting people to spend because jobs are still going away.

au contraire, mon frer........when my state starts work on newly-funded infrastructure projects, that creates all kinds of work for local construction companies, architects, supply companies, realtors, engineers etc ect etc - because a lot of this stuff gets contracted and subcontracted out to the private sector. when my city hires 20 new cops because they just got a million in stimulus funding, a lot of that million will ripple through the local economy as 20 new cops go out and spend thier paychecks. of course, whether it will be sufficient stimulus is another matter entirely. your actual mileage may vary :W:

At the same time, corporate greed at the top has damaged numerous corporations over the years and while they got their golden parachutes and bail out of their company the workers are left with shrinking pensions and job losses.
you must mean the Axis of Weasels

Nicobie 13-03-09 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by theknife (Post 264380)
the stimulus thing - there's already anticipation

edit: this is nationalized citibank

silly people ....

:pflag: :pflag:

albed 17-03-09 09:15 AM

stimulus yourself
If you're already buried under huge debts just borrow a lot more and throw a big party.

That'll make it alllllll better, yup. :tu:

Nicobie 18-03-09 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by albed (Post 264417)
If you're already buried under huge debts just borrow a lot more and throw a big party.

That'll make it alllllll better, yup. :tu:

well it seems to make ones on the dole happy.

albed 21-03-09 04:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The fuhrer over corporate conduct.

Reminds me of how Hitler started out with the jews.

theknife 22-03-09 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by albed (Post 264445)
The fuhrer over corporate conduct.

Reminds me of how Hitler started out with the jews.

no, actually it's spelled "furor". see what happens when you listen to talk radio?

JackSpratts 22-03-09 07:21 AM

i can see it now, all those incorporation papers marching off to the shredders. oh the lingin!

albed 22-03-09 10:45 AM

"AIG executives told to keep quiet about company, ditch logo on clothes"


The government might have to make them wear a special patch or something so they can be identified.

JackSpratts 22-03-09 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by albed (Post 264454)
The government might have to make them wear a special patch or something so they can be identified.

stop being so paranoid grasshopper. internal aig fud memos notwithstanding, such uncouth behavior bespeaks poor breeding and is rarely tolerated in the rarified air of the fairfield county exurbs, where even my befuddled conservative neighbors are tentatively taking to the streets.

during one protest outside the homes of several top aig executives, activists were not only unfailingly civil, they were planning on thanking the bastards:


“It was never the intent to have any sort of mob action,” said Jon Green, the director of the Connecticut Working Families Party.

Mr. Dziubek said that if either Mr. Poling or Mr. Haas had come to the door, he would have thanked them, not berated them. Mr. Poling, who received the largest single bonus check, for $6.4 million, said he was returning it, according to an A.I.G. spokesman. Mr. Haas told a reporter in his driveway on Thursday that he had rescinded his retention contract.

“It has been reported that you intend to return your bonus,” the letter left at both men’s homes read. “This is a good start, and we applaud this step. Most of us will never know what it feels like to turn down millions of dollars.”
but wait, it gets better:


The letters also contained an invitation, suggesting to the executives that they come visit the advocates in their neighborhoods.
hitler and the jews? as if. adolf would be rolling over in his grave.

- js.

malvachat 23-03-09 03:28 AM

What a strange world we live in.
When even albeds heroes get visits.
Wherever have you been?
Have you been out earning a real living??
You don't seem to have had a lot to say about all what's been going on.
Been frightend a little bit have we?? ahh
Your poor little shares took a hiding.
Maybe you should eat cake.

multi 23-03-09 11:05 PM

beautiful people everywhere, look at the way they comb their hair
makes me want to say...

malvachat 24-03-09 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by multi (Post 264458)
beautiful people everywhere, look at the way they comb their hair
makes me want to say...

:tu: :tu: :AP: :AP: :beer:

Now playing: The Prodigy - Take Me to the Hospital
via FoxyTunes

multi 24-03-09 07:09 AM

heh.. :D
The 'Strange' attractor?

Nicobie 28-03-09 06:49 PM

I'll eat cake as long as I can.


floydian slip 28-03-09 10:39 PM

Stimulus = Inflation

The Fed buying Treasury bonds = Hyper Inflation

the dollar has been very volatile since the middle of last year

did you see what happened on 3/18?

see china and russia calling for a new world currency?

gold and silver should be even shinier soon

malvachat 29-03-09 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Nicobie (Post 264469)
I'll eat cake as long as I can.


Qu'ils mangent de la brioche.
:BL: :BL: :BL:


Now playing: Morrissey - This Charming Man
via FoxyTunes

Nicobie 05-04-09 06:22 PM

Yes, yes....

now I understand.

albed 10-04-09 05:05 AM

An Awkward Misunderstanding
1 Attachment(s)
Obama wasn't actually bowing to king abdullah;

the Saudi king was expected to turn around so Obama could kiss his ass.

albed 10-04-09 07:46 PM

Presidential Dialog Condensed
I want to be your friend
Iran: Fuck you.

Launch that missile and I'll kick your ass.
N.Korea: Fuck you.

I'm sending more troops to Afganistan and if you guys would pitch in...
Nato Members: Fuck you.

Merchant Captain: Scare those pirates off so I can finish my swim.
Fuck you.

Gullible Fools: You said you'd get the U.S. out of Iraq.
Fuck you.

Cute Little Kids: Daddy you keep promising us a puppy.

The praise singing morons are getting quieter and quieter as the obamanation progresses.

malvachat 11-04-09 12:53 AM

Get back to the wood the worms are lonely.

Nicobie 11-04-09 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by malvachat (Post 264544)
Get back to the wood the worms are lonely.

Was that directed to me ?


Nicobie 11-04-09 06:35 PM

silly boi


albed 13-04-09 08:32 AM

Baby's bottle is out of beer.


theknife 13-04-09 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by albed (Post 264558)
Baby's bottle is out of beer.


they let you breed?

multi 13-04-09 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by theknife (Post 264559)
they let you breed?


Nicobie 21-04-09 06:11 PM

You people are just too angry.

It's a skill letting chit slide up U're pucker part,

and I suggest U get Uus to it.

theknife 21-04-09 06:28 PM

did a member of the House Intelligence Committee get wiretapped by the Bushies, get caught cutting a deal for the Chairmanship, and then enter into some kind of a deal to keep it quiet, which then enabled said Bushies to continue illegally wiretapping? i think i'm gonna overdose on the irony of it all:

Congress: The Harman bombshell

The New York Times, following up on a report by CQ, alleges that Democratic Rep. Jane Harman was “overheard on telephone calls intercepted by the National Security Agency agreeing to seek lenient treatment from the Bush administration for two pro-Israel lobbyists who were under investigation for espionage, current and former government officials say… One official who has seen transcripts of several wiretapped calls said she appeared to agree to intercede in exchange for help in persuading party leaders to give her” chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee, a post she did not get.

Roll Call adds that the original CQ story “not only targeted Harman, but carried a stinging charge against a top Republican: that then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales stopped a federal probe of Harman’s actions so she could remain a credible ally in the Bush administration’s defense of its warrantless wiretapping program, which was about to be made public by the New York Times."

Nicobie 22-04-09 06:43 PM

[quote=theknife;264573] I think i'm gonna overdose on the irony of it all: [quote]

Be strong TK.

Ðiego 23-04-09 04:00 AM

<Republicans> We spent billions in Iraq, how DARE you spend billions in the US! Why, you're..you're..YOU'RE HITLER!

They have nothing left. Nothing.

Ð 8)

Nicobie 23-04-09 06:29 PM

et tu Diego ( with a -)


albed 28-04-09 09:06 AM

Gotta keep 'em scared:


Obama's jumbo jet terrorizes new yorkers as it flies around the city at low altitude.

albed 01-06-09 09:43 PM

How dare those wasteful auto execs fly personal jets to DC!!! Obama shows them how to splurge the right way with three government aircraft to take his wife out on a date at taxpayer expense.



Two martinis, a swank restaurant, a Broadway show -- President Obama really knows how to treat a First Lady.

Taxpayers footed the bill for the big night on the town, which included a total of at least $24,000 for the three aircraft used to ferry the Obamas, aides and reporters to New York and back. Dinner costs and orchestra seat tickets -- at $96.50 apiece -- were paid by the Obamas.
Almost makes me miss Clinton, all he needed to get laid was some sweet talk and an old cigar.

Ðiego 02-06-09 01:29 PM


Taxpayers footed the bill for the big night on the town, which included a total of at least $24,000 for the three aircraft used to ferry the Obamas, aides and reporters to New York and back. Dinner costs and orchestra seat tickets -- at $96.50 apiece -- were paid by the Obamas.
Socialist! Communist! Extravigist!!! THE NERVE OF THE GUY! HOW DARE HE!!!!!!1112

Oh, wait a second. I seem to remember someone else doing something like this. Hmm, who was it.....




This report assumes that flight operating costs are $56,518 per hour for Air Force One and $14,552 per hour for Air Force Two. These figures are based on the per hour cost figures cited by GAO for fiscal year 2000, adjusted for inflation.7

According to the Congressional Research Service, the President’s domestic travel also involves the use of accompanying cargo planes.8 This report assumes one cargo plane accompanies the President on each trip at an operating cost per hour of $6,960. This figure is based on the per-hour cost cited by GAO for fiscal year 2000 for the C-17 cargo plane, adjusted for inflation.


The distance from Crawford to Washington DC is 1295 miles.



Speed: 630 miles per hour


George W. Bush is today making his final visit to Camp David as president.

He will likely miss the place: According to CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller, today's trip marks Mr. Bush's 149th visit to the presidential retreat. The planned three-day stay, during which the president is being joined by family and former and current aides, will bring his total time spent at Camp David to all or part of 487 days.

Yes, that's 487 days. And Camp David is not even where the president has spent the most time when not at the White House: Knoller reports that Mr. Bush has made 77 visits to his ranch in Crawford during his presidency, and spent all or part of 490 days there.
Wow! 997 days. Almost 3 years of his 8 years in office..NOT IN OFFICE! AND AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE! Even if you round down in a major way, that's 1/4 of his time 'in office' spend fucking around at home. The very same home where he got reports that Al Qaeda was planning to attack America by flying planes into buildings AND DID NOTHING ABOUT, and so the case that he was still 'working' while there hardly holds water.

So, about $226,000 (minimum!) for each of his 77 trips to Crawford TX. That's the estimated cost of flying Air Force One round trip - about two hours of flight time each way - at $56,518 per hour. It doesn't count security costs or his pay for being home rather an 'on the job'. And there's no telling how much his time at Camp David cost.

Where was your moral outrage then? Hmm?

Blow it out your ass, hypocrite! :BL:

Ð :S:

Nicobie 03-06-09 05:56 PM

Too funny Diego (with a -)

I can't wait to see what oBama's record will be.

Nicobie 14-07-09 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Nicobie (Post 264716)
Too funny Diego (with a -)

I can't wait to see what oBama's record will be.

I'm scared...

Maybe ire land can save us...



Ðiego 15-07-09 12:30 AM

You should be happy, not scared. The Governator is slashing programs all over the place, even the education budget! Horay!

Ð :S:

multi 15-07-09 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Nicobie (Post 264851)
I'm scared...

Maybe ire land can save us...



Don't be economic girly man :rofl4:

Nicobie 04-08-09 06:11 PM


He is cutting govm'nt workers tho

4 thumbs-up :PE: ^^^^ :PE:

Nicobie 14-08-09 06:32 PM


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