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-   -   Bush's ratings drop from 42% to 34% in one month (http://www.p2p-zone.com/underground/showthread.php?t=22483)

pisser 01-03-06 03:45 PM

Bush's ratings drop from 42% to 34% in one month
due to the political fallout from the UAE controversy.

What happened to Albed's boy?

He's burying himself, that's what!


Fukin Titanic, going down to the bottom of the ocean!

Burn Baby Burn!

Mayday! Mayday!

What's the frequency, Kenneth????

Your goin, down..down..down...down.....


Bottom feeder!!!!! :EB:

:toi: :toi: :toi: :toi: :toi: :toi: :toi: :toi: :toi: :toi:

:TC: :TC: :TC: :TC: :TC: :TC: :TC: :TC: :TC: :TC:


Dawn 01-03-06 05:49 PM

I'd say you're having fun. :D

pisser 01-03-06 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dawn
I'd say you're having fun. :D

I drank too much Red bull today! :encore: :encore: :encore:

Nicobie 03-03-06 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by pisser
I drank too much Red bull today! :encore: :encore: :encore:

Why should he care about your chit. You didn't vote for him last time and now there is no other vote needed to keep him in office.

Nothing lame about that.

JackSpratts 10-03-06 09:56 AM

Is to. Is not. Is to. Is not.

Bush's Approval Rating Falls To New Low. – AP

Then there's this:

“Stung by criticism, senior officials at the White House and the RNC are reminding GOP members of Congress that Bush's approval ratings may be low, but theirs is lower.”

Now that’s Presidential leadership lol.

- js.

albed 10-03-06 10:26 AM

I expect congress to be chanting "arab-lover" while they burn a cross on the whitehouse lawn soon. Senator Robert Byrd leading the rally of course.

theknife 15-03-06 04:28 PM

so just how low can the Prez fall? the latest Pew poll has him at 33%. here's the fun part:

President Bush's declining image also is reflected in the single-word descriptions people use to describe their impression of the president. Three years ago, positive one-word descriptions of Bush far outnumbered negative ones. Over the past two years, the positive-negative balance has been roughly equal. But the one-word characterizations have turned decidedly negative since last July.

Currently, 48% use a negative word to describe Bush compared with just 28% who use a positive term, and 10% who use neutral language.

The changing impressions of the president can best be viewed by tracking over time how often words come up in these top-of-the-mind associations. Until now, the most frequently offered word to describe the president was "honest," but this comes up far less often today than in the past. Other positive traits such as "integrity" are also cited less, and virtually no respondent used superlatives such as "excellent" or "great" # terms that came up fairly often in previous surveys.

The single word most frequently associated with George W. Bush today is "incompetent,"and close behind are two other increasingly mentioned descriptors: "idiot" and "liar." All three are mentioned far more often today than a year ago.

Nicobie 15-03-06 07:24 PM

u dillweeds deserve the gov'ment u voted for. quite complaining Dillweed.

JackSpratts 15-03-06 08:37 PM

the mob turns...

Hegemonic 19-03-06 05:14 PM

oh dear, if this keeps up he'll never get re-elected in 2008! :RE:

how about this poll?

miss_silver 19-03-06 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Hegemonic
oh dear, if this keeps up he'll never get re-elected in 2008! :RE:

how about this poll?

I'm afraid your poll has nothing to do with Bush rating dropping since it clearly says "Do you believe dems in congress have a clear plan for Iraq" 25% yes, 68% no.

Sure hope as hell he will not be reelected in 2008 or else they will be some major :KA: if it's the case!

Hegemonic 19-03-06 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by miss_silver
I'm afraid your poll has nothing to do with Bush rating dropping since it clearly says "Do you believe dems in congress have a clear plan for Iraq" 25% yes, 68% no.

Sure hope as hell he will not be reelected in 2008 or else they will be some major :KA: if it's the case!

No, but shows that the electorate, while currently not too fond of Bush, isn't particularly enamored with Democrats either, a reality much more dangerous to them considering they're up for re-election and he is not.

Of course all that hinges on whether you believe these polls or not, the bias evident in them has been proven a number of times.

albed 19-03-06 11:05 PM

You don't need a poll to figure out the liberal plan for Iraq:

Plan A: support Bush when it's popular

Plan B: turn against Bush when it's popular


Originally Posted by miss_silver
Sure hope as hell he will not be reelected in 2008 or else they will be some major :KA: if it's the case!

Bush is not elegible for reelection after two terms. Hegemonic was being sarcastic, as emphasized by the roll eyes smilie.

Hegemonic 19-03-06 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by albed
You don't need a poll to figure out the liberal plan for Iraq:

Plan A: support Bush when it's popular

Plan B: turn against Bush when it's popular

Bush is not elegible for reelection after two terms. Hegemonic was being sarcastic, as emphasized by the roll eyes smilie.

While their plan for Iraq is indeed 2 parts, it more like;

Plan A: Cut

Plan B: RUN!

albed 22-03-06 11:20 AM

But they're only saying that because it's popular now.

If it was popular to pretend to have courage and determination like before, they'd fake it again.

They have no interest at all in the well being of the United States, only in their own selfish gain.

theknife 22-03-06 04:57 PM

^back-to-back bush bots^ - they must be in season :hyper:

Hegemonic 22-03-06 06:25 PM

Wow a Bush hater, you're insanely trendy and hip, can I subscribe to your newsletter?

albed 22-03-06 07:11 PM

If one of you liberal propaganda parrots would turn around you could be 'back-to-back' too.

Just one now; if you both do it you'll be in the same position again.

theknife 20-04-06 05:41 PM

so how low can he go? geez, even the Fox News crowd is swimming away from the ship:


04/20/06 FOX Poll: Gloomy Economic Views; Bush Approval at New Low

President Bush’s job approval rating slipped this week and stands at a new low of 33 percent approve, down from 36 percent two weeks ago and 39 percent in mid-March. A year ago this time, 47 percent approved and two years ago 50 percent approved (April 2004).

Approval among Republicans is below 70 percent for the first time of Bush’s presidency. Two-thirds (66 percent) approve of Bush’s job performance today, down almost 20 percentage points from this time last year when 84 percent of Republicans approved. Among Democrats, 11 percent approve today, while 14 percent approved last April.
so, will the upcoming Rove indictment will knock him into the 20's?


Drakonix 20-04-06 06:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
During the Clinton administration I had an extremely good and well-paying job.

I took numerous vacations and had several vacation homes.

Since President Bush took office, I have watched my entire life change for the worse.

I lost my job.

I lost my two sons in that terrible Iraqi War.

I lost my homes.

I lost my health insurance.

As a matter of fact, I lost virtually everything and became homeless.

Adding insult to injury, when the authorities found me living like an animal, instead of helping me, they arrested me.

I will do anything that Senator Kerry and Senator Kennedy want to ensure that a Democrat is back in the White House come next election.

Bush has to go.


Saddam Hussein

albed 20-04-06 06:34 PM

Lol...excellent. :tu:

theknife 02-05-06 05:26 PM

slip-sliding away...Bush is the GOP's very own Jimmy Carter :CG:


Sour news for GOP in poll
By David Jackson, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Six months before Republicans try to hold on to control of Congress in the fall elections, a new poll shows President Bush has slid to the lowest approval rating of his presidency, and a majority of voters say they'll vote for Democrats in November.

A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday found Bush's approval rating at 34%, two points under his previous low. He also received the lowest ratings of his presidency on his handling of the economy, energy and foreign affairs. He tied his previous low on Iraq: 32%.

Hegemonic 02-05-06 05:32 PM

According to the thread title it was 34% 2 months ago so now you're reporting that...it hasn't changed?

Edit: Your silence speaks volumes, moron.

theknife 05-05-06 01:00 PM

and here's yet another record low for the Prez, this one from the AP:


Conservatives Drive Bush's Approval Down

Fri May 5, 10:54 AM ET
WASHINGTON - Angry conservatives are driving the approval ratings of President Bush and the GOP-led Congress to dismal new lows, according to an AP-Ipsos poll that underscores why Republicans fear an Election Day massacre.

Six months out, the intensity of opposition to Bush and Congress has risen sharply, along with the percentage of Americans who believe the nation is on the wrong track..

• Just 33 percent of the public approves of Bush's job performance, the lowest of his presidency. That compares with 36 percent approval in early April. Forty-five percent of self-described conservatives now disapprove of the president.

• Just one-fourth of the public approves of the job Congress is doing, a new low in AP-Ipsos polling and down 5 percentage points since last month. A whopping 65 percent of conservatives disapprove of Congress.

• A majority of Americans say they want Democrats rather than Republicans to control Congress (51 percent to 34 percent). That's the largest gap recorded by AP-Ipsos since Bush took office. Even 31 percent of conservatives want Republicans out of power.

• The souring of the nation's mood has accelerated the past three months, with the percentage of people describing the nation on the wrong track rising 12 points to a new high of 73 percent. Six of 10 conservatives say America is headed in the wrong direction.

Hegemonic 05-05-06 02:03 PM

I know I'm defintely not voting for Bush in 08, no way, not with poll numbers like these!

theknife 12-05-06 04:42 AM

...and down into the '20s we go - pretty soon, our very own little Bush bots Hegebed will be the last two standing :to3:


May 11, 2006, 9:12 pm
Bush Dips Into the 20s

President Bush’s job-approval rating has fallen to its lowest mark of his presidency, according to a new Harris Interactive poll. Of 1,003 U.S. adults surveyed in a telephone poll, 29% think Mr. Bush is doing an “excellent or pretty good” job as president, down from 35% in April and significantly lower than 43% in January. Approval ratings for Congress overall also sank, and now stand at 18%.

Roughly one-quarter of U.S. adults say “things in the country are going in the right direction,” while 69% say “things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track.” This has been the trend since January, when 33% said the nation was heading in the right direction. Iraq remains a key concern for the general public, as 28% of Americans said they consider Iraq to be one of the top two most important issues the government should address, up from 23% in April. The immigration debate also prompted 16% of Americans to consider it a top issue, down from 19% last month, but still sharply higher from 4% in March.

The Harris poll comes two days after a downbeat assessement of Bush in a New York Times/CBS News poll. The Times, in analyzing the results, said “Americans have a bleaker view of the country’s direction than at any time in more than two decades.”

Hegemonic 12-05-06 05:00 AM

Who cares really? It's not like he's trying to get re-elected. Do you think if they get low enough he'll quit?

RoBoBoy 12-05-06 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Hegemonic
Who cares really? It's not like he's trying to get re-elected.

That's a rather nonchalant attitude, isn't it? Perhaps that's the mindset of the masses and one reason the corruption's allowed to go on.

Mazer 12-05-06 08:12 AM

Maybe Bush should be campaigning. This low approval rating has every thing to do with the president's lack of communication to the public. As a result the media has an information monopoly. Basically all these polls tell us is that Americans believe what they're told on TV.

Hegemonic 12-05-06 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer
Maybe Bush should be campaigning. This low approval rating has every thing to do with the president's lack of communication to the public. As a result the media has an information monopoly. Basically all these polls tell us is that Americans believe what they're told on TV.

Bingo. And it's not that he's losing support with his base, we're just disappointed that he's not in any way fighting back against a press that is clearly adversarial and simply refuses to report things like the absoultely booming economy we're having and any good news from Iraq. If either are even reported on at all they're usually regulated to page 15 and get the "but" treatment (the economy is the best in 5 years, but....Iraq had their first free elections in 30 years, but...).

theknife 12-05-06 09:46 AM

you guys are living in a dream world. it's about competence and the administration's lack thereof. period.

JackSpratts 12-05-06 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer
...the media has an information monopoly. Basically all these polls tell us is that Americans believe what they're told on TV.

yep. while a stand-up president has to take responsibility for his own image, plenty of the warped views this country has stem from fox broadcasting.

btw, a president whose low approval ratings continue to stay low, is news.

- js.

albed 12-05-06 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by theknife
you guys are living in a dream world. it's about competence and the administration's lack thereof. period.

And you people are living in a media world. If you didn't have a constant stream of biased liberal media influencing you and just had your own life in the real world to go by you'd know things are doing just fine.

Hegemonic 12-05-06 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts
yep. while a stand-up president has to take responsibility for his own image, plenty of the warped views this country has stem from fox broadcasting.

btw, a president whose low approval ratings continue to stay low, is news.

- js.

God, can a discussion about news ever be had without some moron liberal raging about FAUX NEWS?

I can assure they have more liberal guests than other networks have conservative guests. You people are so used to seeing one side of the news that when someone actually presents a balanced view of the news you can't fathom seeing news with like that so you instantly deride it. It's sad, the little echo chamber you looney liberals have constructed around yourselves and you're fiercely trying to ensure it stays whole.

Mazer 12-05-06 11:53 AM

I'm certain that, if you took a few minutes of your time, you could find dozens if not hundreds of positive current news stories about Iraq, the economy, and even the president. But since the media isn't actively bringing these stories to the public's attention it's no wonder that most people believe we're doing lousy as a country.

Every night, on every local evening news show, they start their reporting with a 20 minute block of bad news. Murders, rapes, car accidents, burglarys, house fires, and after the first five minutes I loose my taste for it and change the channel. By the time the local news has started reporting the stories they've been teasing all day, I've found something else worth watching. But I must be in the minority, because if everyone was turned off by the news like I am then ratings would drop and they'd change their reporting to suit. In other words, people love bad news, and the ratings are capturing that morbid obsession.

You'll notice that most polls are commissioned by news agencies. Polls of this magnitude aren't cheap, so if the news agencies only used poll results to fill 25 seconds of air time or 15 lines of print, they'd stop commissioning them. Remember, they're trying to sell advertising here, and anything that doesn't increase circulation or ratings gets the boot. Obviously, polls serve an other purpose. My guess is that polls tell news agencies how effective their reporting is, and that in turn tells them how much repeat business they can expect. This knowledge equips them to tell people what they want to hear, to say the words that will have the greatest emotional impact, and to get more of their aucience to come back for more.

You can probably see where I'm going with this. I'm suggesting that the news that gets on national TV or in nationally circulated newspapers is custom taylored to fit its audience, and if that means omiting or distorting vital facts then so be it. Usually the whole, objective Truth just isn't entertaining enough to keep the masses interested in current events. But when the ratings tell you that people love hearing bad news, and the polls tell you that people relate to bad news, then what do you think will happen?

JackSpratts 12-05-06 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Hegemonic
God, can a discussion about news ever be had without some moron liberal raging about FAUX NEWS?

I can assure they have more liberal guests than other networks have conservative guests. You people are so used to seeing one side of the news that when someone actually presents a balanced view of the news you can't fathom seeing news with like that so you instantly deride it. It's sad, the little echo chamber you looney liberals have constructed around yourselves and you're fiercely trying to ensure it stays whole.

so that's balanced eh? i'm glad you're not weighing my lettuce. i'd be broke after the first bag.

but this isn't about me, or even you. it's about conservative america's disillusionment with a president and congress they voted for and believed in, but do so in ever decreasing numbers.

hardly a liberal echo chamber. certainly not small.

- js.

Mazer 12-05-06 01:37 PM

I wouldn't go so far as equating a general disillusionment with the government with a specific disillusionment with Repbulicans. It's not a monarchy or a dictatorship, there will be alternatives to the current majority up for vote in November. But people don't seem to like Deomcrats much either, and that's why I call it general disillusionment. See if you can point out one public figure that everyone, both liberal and conservative, can support, and good luck doing so. The problem isn't Republicans or Deomcrats, the problem is Republicans and Democrats. They won't work together, they simply refuse. It doesn't matter which side wins the majority this year, the result will be the same. The animosity among our elected officials is tangible and I think it's clear that neither side represents us anymore. So when you, JackSpratts, tout "conservative america's disillusionment with a president and congress they voted for and believed in," I wonder how you can be so pleased to report such news. The Deomcrats will certainly take as much advantage of this situation as they can, but I will damn them for celebrating these unhappy circumstances while I damn the Republicans for causing them, or in this instance, for allowing the media to create such a negative perception of them.

RoBoBoy 14-05-06 08:28 PM


Bush has lost an average of one percentage point in popularity each month since February 2005

Most worrisome for Bush, his latest approval figures are among the lowest measured for any president in the past 50 years

With congressional mid-term elections less than six months away, Republicans increasingly fear Bush's unpopularity could drag them down

Barring some huge changes or demonstrations of success, it's hard to imagine this president pulling a rabbit out of a hat

Unabated violence in Iraq is seen inside and outside the White House as Bush's biggest problem. On the home front, high gasoline prices and rising health care costs have stirred anxiety and pessimism among working Americans, overshadowing good news about the broad state of the economy

Another worry within the White House is that Bush, who has two-and-a-half years left in office, is heading rapidly toward "lame duck" status in which he will have limited leverage to influence the domestic debate in Congress, especially if Democrats win control of Congress in November


The all-time low in presidency approval was Harry Truman's 22 percent in February 1952. Truman is now seen as one of the country's great presidents.
There's a good chance GWB will beat Truman, with 2 1/2 years to go and no quick way out of the Iraq snafu and potentially a war with Iran, he might even break the record low

Hegemonic 14-05-06 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by RoBoBoy

There's a good chance GWB will beat Truman, with 2 1/2 years to go and no quick way out of the Iraq snafu and potentially a war with Iran, he might even break the record low

If you think we are going to war with Iran you're not very smart.

RoBoBoy 14-05-06 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Hegemonic
If you think we are going to war with Iran you're not very smart.

I don't recall stating I thought we would go to war with Iraq, I stated the potential's there for Cowboy George.

One thing's for sure, he has a mind of his own and doesn't pay much attention to his advisors, or public opinion.

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