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malvachat 27-09-08 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts (Post 263261)
miss teen palin on her foreign policy experience. :D


Is this a double take.


Is this for real??
Is this women really up for vice President.
Or is it a piss-take.
At least "TBW" could put a coherent sentence together.

Listening to: Echo and the Bunnymen - Bed Bugs and Ballyhoo
via FoxyTunes

JackSpratts 27-09-08 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by malvachat (Post 263267)
Is this a double take.


Is this for real??
Is this women really up for vice President.
Or is it a piss-take.
At least "TBW" could put a coherent sentence together.

it is for real unfortunately. it's a cynical attempt by mccain to cleave off hilary voters by substituting a woman - any woman obviously - for his preferred choice of lieberman for vp. liberals were horrified and rightly so at the thought of this uneducated, simplistic pretty face a heartbeat away from the presidency. the right was the opposite naturally, ecstatic with the hope of an outsider coming in to save mccain and the republicans from themselves and his numbers shot up. finally, they had their own media star. the crowds roared.

not any more. conservatives are abandoning palin in droves, angry at her startling ignorance and getting bitchy, demanding she resign to save the mccain campaign. not just behind the scenes in whispers but out loud. in print.

in the conservative national review, kathleen parker writes "she’s out of her league":


It was fun while it lasted.

Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.

If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.

If Palin were a man, we’d all be guffawing, just as we do every time Joe Biden tickles the back of his throat with his toes. But because she’s a woman — and the first ever on a Republican presidential ticket — we are reluctant to say what is painfully true.

What to do?

McCain can’t repudiate his choice for running mate. He not only risks the wrath of the GOP’s unforgiving base, but he invites others to second-guess his executive decision-making ability. Barack Obama faces the same problem with Biden.

Only Palin can save McCain, her party, and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons, perhaps because she wants to spend more time with her newborn. No one would criticize a mother who puts her family first.

Do it for your country.
for your country indeed.

still, she'll always have nic. :love:

- js.

jcmd62 27-09-08 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by AFJROTC_c/SSgt (Post 262875)
I don't quite think having experience with Firearms up to M4's, M16's, Mother of 5 Children (one of which is challenged), is NOT at ALL typical to the middle-class, hard working American woman. That's the exact reason WHY those middle-class, hardworking women are so turned OFF by her. You could say they are intimidated by her. Seriously?
How can any "decent" mother leave the side of her 5 month old baby - a special needs baby, especially - to follow her political aspirations?

Yea that fukin bitch should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchin fixin suppa for her husband. What the fuk is she thinkin wantin a career like a MAN. I guess next the bitch'll want to be paid like a man too. Somebody needs to slap the fuk outta this bitch and put her in her place.

Fuk all them "decent" fathers that take off every day and leave them "special need" babys at home to follow their aspirations, hell they got them bitches to take care of them babys fer em.

Sorry AFJROTC_c/SSgt I don't think your quite experiened enough to wipe your redneck ass by yourself. I'm sure that fat assed 400lb bitch you married takes care of that for you.

God help us if our military is full of giant pussies like this idiot.

Nicobie 04-10-08 06:05 PM


god help us all.

We will need it.

floydian slip 05-10-08 12:44 AM


theknife 05-10-08 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by jcmd62 (Post 263273)
Sorry AFJROTC_c/SSgt I don't think your quite experiened enough to wipe your redneck ass by yourself. I'm sure that fat assed 400lb bitch you married takes care of that for you.

God help us if our military is full of giant pussies like this idiot.

you have no idea what a dumb-ass comment that is - you've actually surpassed yourself, jc - congrats! :beer:

theknife 05-10-08 06:55 AM

...and Sarah Palin continues a pattern of outright lies:


Record Refutes Palin's Sudan Claim
Palin Administration Against Sudan Divestment Before It Was For It, Documents Show
October 3, 2008
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin fought to protest atrocities in Sudan by dropping assets tied to the country's brutal regime from the state's multi-billion-dollar investment fund, she claimed during Thursday's vice presidential debate.

Not quite, according to a review of the public record – and according to the recollections of a legislator and others who pushed a measure to divest Alaskan holdings in Sudan-linked investments.

"The [Palin] administration killed our bill," said Alaska state representative Les Gara, D-Anchorage. Gara and state Rep. Bob Lynn, R-Anchorage, co-sponsored a resolution early this year to force the Alaska Permanent Fund – a $40 billion investment fund, a portion of whose dividends are distributed annually to state residents – to divest millions of dollars in holdings tied to the Sudanese government.

In Thursday's debate, Palin said she had advocated the state divest from Sudan. "When I and others in the legislature found out that we had some millions of dollars [of Permanent Fund investments] in Sudan, we called for divestment through legislation of those dollars," Palin said.

But a search of news clips and transcripts from the first three months of this year did not turn up an instance in which Palin mentioned the Sudanese crisis or concerns about Alaska's investments tied to the ruling regime. Moreover, Palin's administration openly opposed the bill, and stated its opposition in a public hearing on the measure.

RDixon 05-10-08 02:02 PM

off the track
1 Attachment(s)

Nicobie 05-10-08 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by RDixon (Post 263327)


Too bad oBama doesn't have the balls to decide anything.

The guy has been around for only a couple of years and doesn't seem to have the balls to vote on anything that could piss a few off.

PAY attention dillweeds...

He comes from the most corrupt city in America. Anything else said is just BS.

Never had a job other than political. He has been a suck up since he started.

JackSpratts 05-10-08 08:26 PM

righto. based on his voting record obama's a chicago stud compared to mccain. mccain's about due for a hysterectomy: he's missed 50% more votes than obama. this makes mccain's attendence the worst in the senate.

and it ain't just this presidential year...


In fact, McCain has been in the bottom ten in attendance in four of the last five sessions of Congress going back 10 years: the 110th (worst), the 109th (5th worst), the 107th (10th worst), and the 106th (worst).
wtf, worst? twice?


In the past ten years, McCain has missed more votes than any current member of the Senate.

Ðiego 06-10-08 03:34 AM


Never had a job other than political
You're an uninformed, low-information voter. I love it when you show off how little you know.

Just admit it: you don't like Obama because he's 1/2 black. There can be no other reason you've not bothered to look up the facts of his life for yourself.

Pissed off that a black man has done better in life, and more with his life, than you, dillweed? Aww, poor baby..

but this thread is about Sarah 'End Times' Palin.

Here is Sarah Palin's view on The Press and The First Amendment, expressed on Faux News:


"As we send our young men and women overseas in a war zone to fight for democracy and freedoms, including freedom of the press, we've really got to have a mutually beneficial relationship here with those fighting the freedom of the press, and then the press, though not taking advantage and exploiting a situation, perhaps they would want to capture and abuse the privilege. We just want truth, we want fairness, we want balance."
The press are 'abusing' the 'privilege'?? You're in America, honey. Freedom of the press isn't a privilege to be abused, it's a right to be exercised. And oddly enough, you make such a claim on Faux 'Fairly Unbalanced' News. Go figure..

Ð :S:

multi 06-10-08 04:11 AM

Ifill: Palin "Blew Me Off"

jcmd62 06-10-08 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ðiego (Post 263334)
Just admit it: you don't like Obama because he's 1/2 black.

Right about the time you admit that you don't like McCain because your 1/2 white. You racist piece of shit.

"Racism" It's not just for black folks anymore.

Ðiego 06-10-08 04:52 PM

First, it's "you're". Education shouldn't be avoided. Second, I'm 1/2 white? I guess illiteracy isn't your only problem.

What, exactly, is 'alpha' about you again? it's a mystery to be solved..

Ð :S:

Ðiego 07-10-08 02:27 AM


Press kept under a watchful eye

Constantly under the watchful eyes of security, the media wasn't permitted to wander around inside Coachman Park to talk to Sarah Palin supporters. When reporters tried to leave the designated press area and head toward the bleachers where the crowd was seated, an escort would dart out of nowhere and confront him or her and say, "Can I help you?'' and turn the person around.

When one reporter asked an escort, who would not give her name, why the press wasn't allowed to mingle, she said that in the past, negative things had been written. The campaign wanted to avoid that possibility Monday.

First the press can't talk to the candidate, and now tgey can't talk to the supporters?

Is Palin running for Vice President of the United States of America, or China??


Palin's routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric's questions for her "less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media." At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, "Sit down, boy."


Palin, speaking to a sea of "Palin Power" and "Sarahcuda" T-shirts, tried to link Obama to the 1960s Weather Underground. "One of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers," she said. ("Boooo!" said the crowd.) "And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,' " she continued. ("Boooo!" the crowd repeated.)

"Kill him!" proposed one man in the audience.



McCain was speaking today in New Mexico, doing his usual personal attack on Barack Obama, as the stock market plummeted (you can see the ticker next to McCain on the screen, an apt reminder of what McCain and his fellow Republicans represent), and McCain asked the crowd "who is Barack Obama?" Immediately you hear someone yell "terrorist." McCain pauses, the audience laughs, and McCain continues on..

I wonder how far off they are from 'Hang the nigger!'

How pathetic can McCain get? I guess we'll see..

Ð :S:

Nicobie 07-10-08 08:13 PM


Diego (with the ego -) you really are a rude little PRICK

Are you still or ever been an American? How long has it been since you lived or even visited in the USA?

Obamwama will most likely win this election. Will the tax payers carry his water like he has for the corrupt Chicago power brokers? CNN says they will.

This guy won't make it two terms and I'm pretty sure because of him the Democrats will lose their majority in the congress two years from now. They might even lose it this time seeing as how their approval rating is less than 1/2 of what Bush's is. Hahahahahahaahaaa

He is just too chicken shit to make even the simple decisions.

And U are just too wrapped up in your self and your selfish wants/needs? to care about anybody else. Especially ones who will have to pay your bills for what you feel U are entitled to.

Ðiego 07-10-08 09:21 PM

I'm rude? Catch yourself on. I'm not the one running about the country calling a sitting US Senator a terrorist sympathizer and getting the racist 'base' riled up.

And I pay my own bills. If you want to talk 'entitlement', look to the Republicans who feel only they are entitled to vote, have a job and go to college.

Ð :S:

jcmd62 08-10-08 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Ðiego (Post 263353)
First, it's "you're". Education shouldn't be avoided. Second, I'm 1/2 white? I guess illiteracy isn't your only problem.

What, exactly, is 'alpha' about you again? it's a mystery to be solved..

Ð :S:

Once again I point out what an ignorant racist America hating prick you are for making such an unintelligent and factless comment, and the best you can do is correct my grammer you useless grammer nazi.

Furthermore, unlike you and your out of control ego I don't edit EVERY one of my fukin posts like you do when I make a minor mistake as simple as the one you so pathetically had to point out since most posters realize what desperate losers those who do are.

You can't rebut the moronic drivel that spews forth from your incoherent stoner mouth so you're reduced to whining about some minor grammatical mistake.

Thanks for once again proving that the only thing alpha about you is YOUR brain damage from years of drug abuse.

Nicobie 08-10-08 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Ðiego (Post 263368)

If you want to talk 'entitlement', look to the Republicans who feel only they are entitled to vote, have a job and go to college.

Ð :S:

U are too full of shit to even answer. I will not even trade jabs with an ignorant blowhard who only talks out his arse.

I'm starting to believe Jc that you are are always fucked up.

Me thinks U need religion. Hahahahahahahhahaaaa :bdance: :bdance: :bdance:

JackSpratts 09-10-08 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by jcmd62 (Post 263371)
Once again I point out what an ignorant racist America hating prick you are for making such an unintelligent and factless comment, and the best you can do is correct my grammer you useless grammer nazi.

people are walking up to reporters, giving their names, making sure the reporter spells them correctly and announcing "i'm not voting for obama because he's black." if that's what ignorant racists are saying in print, it's beyond naivety to think they're not using courser language in private. of course they're calling him a nigger, and worse.

and people here are outraged diego points this out? where's the outrage that this is happening?

there is one bright spot if you can call it that. a reporter said tuesday a guy told him he hates blacks but in spite of that sad fact he's voting for obama anyway for the good of the country.

it's a start i suppose.

- js.

multi 09-10-08 10:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Analysis: Palin's words carry racial tinge

WASHINGTON (AP) - By claiming that Democrat Barack Obama is "palling around with terrorists" and doesn't see the U.S. like other Americans, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin targeted key goals for a faltering campaign.
And though she may have scored a political hit each time, her attack was unsubstantiated and carried a racially tinged subtext that John McCain himself may come to regret.
First, Palin's attack shows that her energetic debate with rival Joe Biden may be just the beginning, not the end, of a sharpened role in the battle to win the presidency......

......With her criticism, Palin is taking on the running mate's traditional role of attacker, said Rich Galen, a Republican strategist.
"There appears to be a newfound sense of confidence in Sarah Palin as a candidate, given her performance the other night," Galen said. "I think that they are comfortable enough with her now that she's got the standing with the electorate to take off after Obama."
Second, Palin's incendiary charge draws media and voter attention away from the worsening economy. It also comes after McCain supported a pork-laden Wall Street bailout plan in spite of conservative anger and his own misgivings.
Washington Times

WT isn't alone in drawing this conclusion ..either and in several threads I have seen the wingnuts are going slightly spastic with more fake indignation.. (they are good at that).. that it should be suggested and oh ,we can't say anything now because Obama is black ..

poor ol' alpha puppy can't get his head around it and is calling Ð racist?

multi 09-10-08 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by jcmd62 (Post 263371)
Once again I point out what an ignorant racist America hating prick you are

posters realize what desperate losers those who do are.

You can't rebut the moronic drivel that spews forth from your incoherent stoner mouth

brain damage from years of drug abuse.

I think I am starting to see a pattern here..

Someone has brain damage but I don't think it is Diego.I smoked pot and it damaged my brain and turned me liberal apparently according to our holy fuck the beloved JC. I also hate America because I don't live there which is just not right. If I didn't care about the place I would hardly be bothered typing anything about it. Anyway he does offer a little more substance to his posts than albed.. who seems to have disappeared within the a few weeks before the Wall St problems.. Did he leave the country with suitcases of money perhaps?

Nicobie 09-10-08 06:32 PM

[quote=multi;263386]I think I am starting to see a pattern here..


Me too.

Vote for socialism if U can't take of yourself.

Vote for socialism if you don't care about your grandkids and feel comfortable saddling them with your debts.

Vote for socialism if you are a Govm't worker looking for a raise and more power.

Vote for socialism if you want to screw the self employed (aka job creators)even more.

It IS U're choice. :beer:

Ðiego 09-10-08 06:48 PM

And yet, oddly enough, the only candidate calling for socialism is...McCain..

But then he chose Palin, so.....

Ð :S:

Nicobie 13-10-08 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Ðiego (Post 263395)
And yet, oddly enough, the only candidate calling for socialism is...McCain..

Ð :S:

U really are a dorko, dillweed.

Pay attention.

multi 14-10-08 08:09 AM


Palin Accidentally Reprimands Her Own Supporters

JackSpratts 16-10-08 10:36 AM

red-blooded palin supporters speak their mind to al-jazeera. just your average small town country folk. nice.

jcmd62 20-10-08 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by multi (Post 263386)

Someone has brain damage but I don't think it is Diego.I smoked pot and it damaged my brain I also hate America because I don't live there

Ok so you fried your brain too. Tell us something we don't already know. Hows your liver?????

Yea your just a freakin patriot. Probably why you post any factless biased bullshit piece of internet gossip you can find that trashes the US.

Your an alcoholic doper, a US hater, and a fukin dillweed that really needs to concentrate more on getting laid than hating the US. Of course that would mean actually spending money on something other than your monthly internet, porn, dope and alcohol purchases.

Good luck with that.

multi 20-10-08 09:10 PM

The only problem I see with the US is there are too many fucknuts like you JC

by the looks of things the next week or so should interesting see you bigoted idiots bring yourselves undone..

floydian slip 22-10-08 03:04 AM

America has never been so polarized and it is because the media causes it.

The mainstream media is pwnd by who?

The Federal Reserve creates depressions and recessions then solve it by "influencing" unconstitutional/authoritarian laws.

There is no difference between McCain or Obama. They do not represent change one bit. They are members of the Council on Foreign Relations which was created by the same banksters that created the Federal Reserve.


we are in these revolution's around the sun together

how do we stop the manipulation?

:hflag: :pflag:

floydian slip 22-10-08 03:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Nicobie 24-10-08 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by multi (Post 263494)

by the looks of things the next week or so should interesting see you bigoted idiots bring yourselves undone..

Yes. So true.

And the next year will show what our wonderfull media has acomplished.

When you throw a stick into the spokes it's reasonable to expect a crash.

:dhorse: :dhorse: :dhorse:

multi 28-10-08 09:10 AM

Sarah Palin's War on Science

Nicobie 28-10-08 05:28 PM

Who the fuc is talking about blacks other than the ones SCREAMING racist.

U peeps should be ashamed of yourself even bringing it up..

Stupid is as stupid does...........:bcow: :bcow: :bcow:

vernarial 28-10-08 10:39 PM

The fact remains that there are racist people still in America and they would never vote for Obama.

malvachat 29-10-08 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by multi (Post 263560)

If it wasn't so serious,I'd be laughing at her ignorance.
The only thing I can think of,is she's shoring up the ignorant vote.We have it here as well.
Hence Boris (What a Pratt) Johnson mayor of London


Now playing: Morrissey - November Spawned a Monster
via FoxyTunes

multi 31-10-08 10:22 PM



Somehow, in Sarah Palin's brain, it's a threat to the First Amendment when newspapers criticize her negative attacks on Barack Obama. This is actually so dumb that it hurts:

In a conservative radio interview that aired in Washington, D.C. Friday morning, Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin said she fears her First Amendment rights may be threatened by "attacks" from reporters who suggest she is engaging in a negative campaign against Barack Obama.
Palin told WMAL-AM that her criticism of Obama's associations, like those with 1960s radical Bill Ayers and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, should not be considered negative attacks. Rather, for reporters or columnists to suggest that it is going negative may constitute an attack that threatens a candidate's free speech rights under the Constitution, Palin said.
"If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations," Palin told host Chris Plante, "then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media."

Maureen Dowd recently made an equally stupid comment when she complained that her First Amendment rights were being violated by the McCain campaign's refusal to allow her on their campaign plane.
The First Amendment is actually not that complicated. It can be read from start to finish in about 10 seconds. It bars the Government from abridging free speech rights. It doesn't have anything to do with whether you're free to say things without being criticized, or whether you can comment on blogs without being edited, or whether people can bar you from their private planes because they don't like what you've said.
If anything, Palin has this exactly backwards, since one thing that the First Amendment does actually guarantee is a free press. Thus, when the press criticizes a political candidate and a Governor such as Palin, that is a classic example of First Amendment rights being exercised, not abridged.

This isn't only about profound ignorance regarding our basic liberties, though it is obviously that. Palin here is also giving voice to the standard right-wing grievance instinct: that it's inherently unfair when they're criticized. And now, apparently, it's even unconstitutional.
According to Palin, what the Founders intended with the First Amendment was that political candidates for the most powerful offices in the country and Governors of states would be free to say whatever they want without being criticized in the newspapers. In the Palin worldview, the First Amendment was meant to ensure that powerful political officials such as herself would not be "attacked" in the papers. Is it even possible to imagine more breathtaking ignorance from someone holding high office and running for even higher office?

UPDATE: The Constitution also guarantees freedom of association. Thus, by Palin's "reasoning," when newspapers -- or Palin herself -- criticize Obama for his associations, they're threatening his constitutional rights.

UPDATE II: Brian Beutler says that Palin has a "third grader's understanding of Constitutional rights" and asks:
If the conservative media convinces enough voters that Barack Obama is a Muslim, does that violate his right to freedom of religion?
And: isn't Palin violating the First Amendment right to a free press by criticizing the media and convincing her followers that newspapers are biased and corrupt? For the last eight years, we've had an administration that has had pure contempt for the Constitution. Would it be worse to replace them with people who seem never to have read it?

UPDATE III: Jonathan Schwarz has the audio of Palin, issuing her constitutional warning, here. It's actually more painful to hear it than read it, because you can hear her thinking about the analysis she's making as it leaves her mouth, and she clearly believes she's actually making an important and profound point about First Amendment rights.
-- Glenn Greenwald
She has been at least a constant source of amusement.


SP Assist: This is Betsy.
MA: Hello, Betsy. This is Frank l’ouvrier (Frank the worker], I’m with President Sarkozy, on the line for Governor Palin.

SP Assist: One second please, can you hold on one second please?
MA: No problem.

SP Assist: Hi, I’m going to hand the phone over to her.
MA: Okay thank you very much I’m going to put the president on the line.
SP Assist: Ok he’s coming to the line.

SP: This is Sarah.
MA: Okay, Governor Palin?

SP: Hellloooo...(long drawn out, like Well, hellooooo)
MA: Just hold on for President Sarkozy, one moment.
SP [To someone in the room]: Oh, it’s not him yet, I always do that. I’ll just have people hand it to me right when it’s them.

FNS: Yes, hello, Governor Palin? Yes, hello, Mrs. Governor?
SP: Hello this is Sarah., how are you?

FNS: Fine, and you, this is Nicolas Sarkozy speaking, how are you?
SP: Oh...so good, it’s so good to hear you. Thank you for calling us.

FNS: Oh, it’s a pleasure.
SP: Thank you sir, we have such great respect for you, John McCain and I, we love you and thank you for spending a few minutes to talk to me.

FNS: I follow your campaigns closely with my special American Advisor Johnny Hallyday (the most famous French singer, looks like and sings like Elvis), you know?
SP: Yes! Good!

FNS: Excellent! Are you confident?
SP: Very confident and we’re thankful that the polls are showing that the race is tightening and--

FNS: Well I know very well that the campaign can be exhausting. How do you feel right now my dear?
SP: Ah, I feel so good. I feel like we’re in a marathon and at the very end of the marathon, you get your second wind and you plow to the finish—

FNS: You see, I got elected in France because I’m real and you seem to be someone who’s real as well.
SP: Yes, yeah, Nicolas, we so appreciate this opportunity.

FNS: You know, I see you as a president, one day, you too.
SP: [Muahaaa...weird laugh], maybe in 8 years. Haha

FNS: Well, ah, I hope for you. You know we have a lot in common because personally one of my favorite activities is to hunt too.
SP: [Giggle]o h very good, we should go hunting together.

FNS: Exactly! We could go try hunting by helicopter, like you did, I never did that.
SP: [Giggle]

FNS: Like we say in France, "on pourrait tuer des bébés phoques aussi" [Translation: We could also kill some baby seals.]
SP: [Giggle] Well I think we could have a lot of fun together as we’re getting work done, we can kill two birds with one stone that way.

FNS: I just love killing those animals. Mm, mm. Take away a life, that is so fun!
SP: [Hahahaha]

FNS: I’d really love to go as long as we don’t bring your Vice president Cheney, hahaha.
SP: No, I’ll be a careful shot, yes.

FNS: You know we have a lot in common also except that from my ass I can see Belgium. That’s kind of less interesting than you.
SP: Well, see, we’re right next door to other countries that we all need to be working with, yes.

FNS: Some people said in the last days, and I thought that was mean, that you weren’t experienced enough in foreign relations, and you know, that’s completely false, that’s the thing I said to my great friend, the Prime Minister of Canada, Stef Carse [Stephen Harper is the PM and Stef Carse is a Quebecois country singer who covered Billy Ray Cyrus' Achy Breaky Heart in French in the 90s].
SP: Well, he’s doing fine, too, and yeah when you come into a position underestimated, it gives you the opportunity to prove the pundits and the critics wrong. You work that much harder-

FNS: I, I was wondering because you are also next to him, one of my good friends, also, the prime minister of Quebec, Mr. Richard Z. Sirois [a famous Quebec radio host], have you met him recently? Did he come to one of your rallies?
SP: Uh, haven’t seen him at one of the rallies, but it’s been great working with the Canadian officials in my role as governor; we have a great cooperative effort there as we work on all of our resource development projects. You know I look forward to working with you and getting to meet you personally and your beautiful wife, oh my goodness, you’ve added a lot of energy to your country, even, with that beautiful family of yours.

FNS: Thank you very much. You know my wife, Carla, would love to meet you. You know even though she was a bit jealous that I was supposed to speak to you today. [Hahahaha]
SP: [Hahahha] Well give her a big hug from me.

FNS: You know my wife is a popular singer and a former top model and she’s so hot in bed. She even wrote a song for you.
SP: Oh my goodness! I didn’t know that.

FNS: Yes, in French, it’s called "Du rouge à lèvres sur une cochonne" [Translate: Lipstick for a sow literally (but not properly) but it actually means an uninhibited girl] or if you prefer in English Joe the Plumber, [sings] It’s his life, Joe the Plumber..."
SP: Maybe she understands some of the unfair criticism but I bet you she is such a hard worker, too, and she realizes you just plow through that criticism like

FNS: I just want to be sure, I don’t’ quite understand the phenomenon "Joe the Plumber," that’s not your husband, right?
SP: Mmhmm, that’s into my husband but he’s a normal American who just works hard and doesn’t want government to take his money.

FNS: Yes, yes, I understand, we have the equivalent of Joe the Plumber in France, it’s called, "Marcel, the guy with bread under his armpit, oui."
SP: Right. That’s what it’s all about, is the middle class, and government needing to work for them. You’re a very good example for us here.

FNS: I seen a bit about NBC even Fox News wasn’t an ally, an ally, sorry, about as much as usual.
SP: Yeah that’s what we’re up against.

FNS: I must say, Governor Palin, I love the documentary they made on your life, you know, Hustler’s "Nailin Palin."
SP: Oh, good, thank you. Yes.

FNS: That was really edgy.
SP: [Laughs] Well good.

FNS: I really love you. And I must say something, so, Governor, you’ve been pranked.
By the Master Avengers. We’re two comedians from Montreal
SP: Oohhh have we been pranked? And what radio station is this? [tries to force herself to sound nice but you can tell she’s pissed]

FNS: This is for CKOI in Montreal.
SP: In Montreal? Tell me the radio station call letters
[SP leaves phone, continuous griping in background, sounds like, "For chrissakes...that was ??? Just a radio station prank...chrissakes..."]

MA: Hello? If one voice can change the world for Obama, one Viagra can change the world for McCain.
[Man’s voice in background: hang up, hang up.]
SP Assist: Hi, I’m sorry, I have to let you go. Um, thank you.

Nicobie 02-11-08 06:26 PM


:W: :W: :W: :W: :W: :W: :W: :W: :W: :W: :W: :W: :W:

Did U get it?

malvachat 03-11-08 03:16 AM

Here's the Youtube of the prank.
Oh my dear God,the women is a idiot.


Nicobie 03-11-08 07:00 PM

Beats the shit out of 'dat Bitch' hillary.

Most likely would do a better job too. (a chicken/moose in every pot)

:hyper: :bc: :hyper: :bc:


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