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multi 08-06-08 10:31 PM

DUMB? STUPID? look no further than your own nose ,albed

Originally Posted by albed (Post 261973)
And "every indication" would be what? That your favorite blogger always calls him McBush?

I haven't seen knife say 'McBush' once in this thread so it is anyones guess what are you on about there.

and before you chuck a spaz about foreigners posting in Mazer's 'For those Napsterites in the USA' thread ...

fuck you

Ðiego 09-06-08 12:46 AM

I was born an American and an American I shall be all of my days. Got any real replies or just more ignorance? I think I'll start calling you Harby.

I like a good debate, too bad you lack the intellect. Seems to me you just like masturbating in public. I'm not surprised, seeing as you're Republican.

Ð :S:

albed 09-06-08 03:33 AM

I didn't say you weren't american you lying shitstain, I said this wasn't your government. The U.K. government is now. You can't discuss even a simple thing like that without lying your ass off so your opinions aren't worth a fucking thing because you don't have any respect for truth, and debating anything with you would be like talking to a stinking pile of shit.

Ðiego 09-06-08 03:40 AM

And all you have is all your party has: insults and an "I'm okay, fuck everyone else" agenda. Well, that's not what America was founded on and it's not going to solve any issues. You're as out of touch with America as your party. Enjoy your rage, you'll have more soon. Maybe you'll make the news when you snap.

From what I can see of your replies you don't even follow politics, but only post in an attempt to piss people off. I pity you and wish you all the luck, but you're hardly getting my goat.

Ð :S:

albed 09-06-08 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by multi (Post 261982)
I haven't seen knife say 'McBush' once in this thread so it is anyones guess what are you on about there.

And we're back to stupid. Reread the thread and concentrate on the word "blog".


Originally Posted by multi (Post 261982)
and before you chuck a spaz about foreigners posting in Mazer's 'For those Napsterites in the USA' thread ...

fuck you

I don't expect liberals to respect other people's wishes any more than the truth.

albed 20-06-08 03:40 AM

A New Kind Of Politician Indeed

Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, announced this morning that he will not enter into the public financing system, despite a previous pledge to do so.
As usual, wave money under a politicians nose and his true character is revealed.

"Promises? I don't need to keep my steenking promises.

Both spoken and in writing: Obama promised to forego big money politics and use public financing if his republican opponent did.

In November 2007, Obama answered "Yes" to Common Cause when asked "If you are nominated for President in 2008 and your major opponents agree to forgo private funding in the general election campaign, will you participate in the presidential public financing system?"

Obama wrote: "In February 2007, I proposed a novel way to preserve the strength of the public financing system in the 2008 election. My plan requires both major party candidates to agree on a fundraising truce,....If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election."
"Now get those damn muslims out of my photo-op"


theknife 20-06-08 05:21 AM

actually, very smart move on his part. his primary campaign fundraising operation was nothing short of amazing: over 1.4 million donors, donating more than $200 million dollars...and 94% of his donations are less than $200. he has moblized a grass-roots army - no need to to make Kerry's mistake and tie his hands with public funding of his campaign.

Ðiego 20-06-08 08:41 AM

An extremely smart move for Obama. Where he has told his supporters and the Democratic party to not fund 527s, McCain has said he will not. Not only that, but neither he nor the Democratic party will accept financing from lobbyists and special interests, where McCain's entire campaign is made up of them. Obama would be a fool to limit himself to the public finance program in the face of the GOP's 527s and lobbyists, and Obama is no fool.

As for your 'quote', it isn't. Surely you could make up something better? Oh wait. You're Republican and so have no imagination, unless you're imagining the money your party will make, and you will never see a penny of, by pushing the agenda of special interests. The GOP is bought and paid for, but it went at fire sale prices due to your candidate having the appeal of a warm piss on a hot day.

Did you get the GOP memo on how McCain's campaign manager has been working against America's interests for 4 years, and how McCain has known about it for 3 of those years? Oh, and that Airbus deal looks to be going south. More bad news for McCain and his lobbyist campaign, eh?

Ð :S:

albed 20-06-08 04:38 PM

What's smart about breaking a promise that's been often repeated and well publicized? Kind of ruins one's reputation doesn't it?

An election with financial equality, based solely on issues and character, would have been a welcome relief from big money politics and endless campaign commercials, but Obama seems to have decided that his character and positions wouldn't get him elected despite his criticism of the alternative.

A new kind of politician my ass; he sells out as readily as any old politician.

Ðiego 20-06-08 05:18 PM

McCain's idea of public financing is a sham. His special interest PACs and 527's adhere to no code. Obama said he would try to work it out with McCain and McCain wasn't interested, but he called off MoveOn anyways just to show your boy up.

I notice Black has been called out yet again. This time for lobbying for the TelCo's to get their amnesty deal. And from McCain's 'Straight-Talk Express' none the less.

Repubs just not having a good year of it are they? The trick to operating a good puppet is to not let the public see the strings.

Ð :S:

albed 26-06-08 04:33 PM

Obama's not big on constitutional rights
The Supreme Court today ruled americans have a constitutional right to own guns.


John McCain welcomed a Supreme Court decision invalidating a District of Columbia handgun ban. Barack Obama sought to straddle the subject by saying he favors an individual's right to bear firearms as well as a government's right to regulate them.
A little odd that Obama can "favor" a constitutional right and the governments "right" to violate it. But I guess to liberals that just makes him "cool", not hypocritical.

Ðiego 27-06-08 01:01 AM

The government does have the right to regulate guns. That is why those with a criminal history and the mentally ill can't have guns. Are you trying to say that isn't 'regulating guns', or are you against that regulation? Owning a gun and/or supporting the publics right to own guns isn't 'cool' and supporting regulations against them being in the hands of gang bangers and crazy people isn't 'hypocritical'.

Ð :S:

albed 27-06-08 03:20 AM

Obama's history on the issue is clear, though the will to openly state his opinion is weak.


Obama has voted to leave gun-makers and dealers open to lawsuits. He also took largely liberal positions on gun laws while in the Illinois Legislature, including backing a ban on all forms of semiautomatic weapons and tighter state restrictions generally on firearms.

The Democrat's campaign said a spokesman made an "inartful" statement when he said in November that Obama believed the D.C. law was constitutional. But Obama himself did not correct a debate moderator who repeated the position in February.

"You said in Idaho recently, I'm quoting here, 'I have no intention of taking away folks' guns.' But you support the D.C. handgun ban and you've said that it's constitutional," said the moderator, Leon Harris of Washington television station WJLA. Obama nodded as Harris spoke and said: "Right, right."

In other instances, Obama refused to articulate a position when asked whether he thought the D.C. ban was constitutional.

The campaign would not answer directly Thursday when asked whether the candidate agreed with the court that the D.C. ban was unconstitutional, simply pointing back to his statement.
Pretty obvious he doesn't support the constitutional right to own guns but is afraid to say so.

Ðiego 27-06-08 04:57 AM

He's been working in the South side of Chicago for the last 10+ years dude. He supports the rights of citizens to own guns, but not the right of citizens who shoot other citizens; which he has seen a lot of.

Is that not the same stance you yourself hold?

Ð :S:

albed 27-06-08 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ðiego (Post 262160)
He's been working in the South side of Chicago for the last 10+ years dude. He supports the rights of citizens to own guns, but not the right of citizens who shoot other citizens; which he has seen a lot of.

Is that not the same stance you yourself hold?

Hmmm, Obama's never mentioned all the shootings he's seen. How many were there?

You're not lying again, are you? I'm smelling shit for some reason.

Ðiego 28-06-08 02:32 AM

Well I dunno m8, I guess I could be. Why don't you stroll down the streets of South Chicago some night and find out for yourself. Wear your sheet.

Ð :S:

malvachat 28-06-08 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Ðiego (Post 262167)
Well I dunno m8, I guess I could be. Why don't you stroll down the streets of South Chicago some night and find out for yourself. Wear your sheet.

Ð :S:

And don't forget your medal??

albed 28-06-08 02:26 PM

Well you should at least know when you're lying. Just how fucked up are you?

Obama's voted for laws restricting gun ownership for all the common citizens in his jurisdiction; I'm sure the police are exempt because they protect him. It's a simple and honest fact that lowlife scum like you just can't acknowledge.

And I'm a little too mature for toga parties now.

Ðiego 28-06-08 03:36 PM

By 'common citizens' you mean gang bangers. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with McCain's views on guns, if you can get him to stop 'changing his mind' (ie pandering to whomever he's talking to) long enough to have a clue what his views are. Nice to see you still can't string together a coherent argument supporting your views, back up your words, or talk to people without your questionable upbringing shining through.

On a side note, Obama douched McCain today at the NALEO conference. Sí Se Puede!

Ð :S:

Mazer 29-06-08 09:24 PM

Oh hell you guys, the Supreme Court's ruling is final and nobody's gonna change their vote based on Obama's reaction to the decision. It's unlikely that congress would ever send a gun control bill to his desk anyway.

albed 30-06-08 04:30 PM


nobody's gonna change their vote based on Obama's reaction

It's unlikely that congress would ever send a gun control bill to his desk anyway.
Just what do you base these statements on?

I'd like to hook you on a contract where you'd have to pay serious cash if your statements are false; would you sign?

Mazer 01-07-08 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by albed (Post 262188)
I'd like to hook you on a contract where you'd have to pay serious cash if your statements are false; would you sign?

You're like John McLaughlin the way you're always asking for predictions, and now you're asking for wagers, too? This isn't Las Vegas you know.

Originally Posted by albed (Post 262188)
Just what do you base these statements on?

This ain't Wikipedia neither.

albed 01-07-08 04:02 PM

Another typical two-bit liar; but you wouldn't even put two bits on your bullshit so you must know full well your statements are false, but you make them anyway.

I'll bet you big money that some voters will change their votes based on Obama's gun rights opinion. But I place value on my words and my integrity, unlike you. You're worthless scum and you don't even care.

Ðiego 01-07-08 04:29 PM

Integrity? You woldn't know integrity if it were tapping it's foot in the next stall :BL:

Ð :S:

Mazer 02-07-08 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by albed (Post 262199)
I'll bet you big money that some voters will change their votes based on Obama's gun rights opinion.

If you can prove that even one person changed their vote then I'll make a donation to the charity of your choice. Start googling, son. You'll be hard pressed to find an Obama supporter who didn't already know where the man stood on gun control before the SCOTUS decision.

JackSpratts 02-07-08 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Mazer (Post 262208)
the SCOTUS decision.

which recognised the government's right to regulate firearms.

Mazer 03-07-08 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts (Post 262210)
which recognised the government's right to regulate firearms.

But not to disarm the public.

albed 03-07-08 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer (Post 262208)
If you can prove that even one person changed their vote then I'll make a donation to the charity of your choice. Start googling, son. You'll be hard pressed to find an Obama supporter who didn't already know where the man stood on gun control before the SCOTUS decision.

I never mentioned "Obama supporters" so give the slimey twisting of my words a break; it doesn't make you clever, just disgusting. There are plenty of independents and even some republicans who dislike McCain and would consider voting for Obama if he supported their second amendment right.

My favorite charity is me and your "donation" will be $1,000 if you want me to start combing forums. That should be enough to discourage you from lying.

Your move.

Mazer 03-07-08 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by albed (Post 262223)
I never mentioned "Obama supporters" so give the slimey twisting of my words a break; it doesn't make you clever, just disgusting. There are plenty of independents and even some republicans who dislike McCain and would consider voting for Obama if he supported their second amendment right.

My favorite charity is me and your "donation" will be $1,000 if you want me to start combing forums. That should be enough to discourage you from lying.

Your move.

As the donor I get to decide the size of the donation and the charity must be a not-for-profit organization. Those are my terms. Nothing is at stake for you, you don't have to put up any money if you can't come up with proof. You'll just have to live with the fact that your statements are as baseless as mine.

And don't misread, I was referring to new Obama supporters, those who were finally convinced to vote for him based on his reaction to the DC gun ban decision. My claim is that there aren't any, that people knew where Obama stood on gun rights long before this occurred, that "nobody's gonna change their vote based on Obama's reaction" to quote myself. My words are plain and you're twisting them around.

albed 03-07-08 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Mazer (Post 262182)
Oh hell you guys, the Supreme Court's ruling is final and nobody's gonna change their vote based on Obama's reaction to the decision. It's unlikely that congress would ever send a gun control bill to his desk anyway.

Well at least try to make an acronym out of "nobody": New Obama _ _ _ _ , if you're going to try that route you pathetic, unimaginative sleazebag.

Mazer 05-07-08 08:53 AM

You resort to name calling and then you try to tell me that I'm unimaginative? You're such a hypocrite.

albed 10-07-08 07:25 AM

Castrate Obama
1 Attachment(s)
Jesse Jackson was recorded on video expressing his desire to castrate Obama, complete with hand gestures; "See, Barack's been talking down to black people on this faith-based—,I want to cut his nuts out."


If a white man said that it'd be screamed across the U.S. by the liberal media but headlines only state the apology from Jackson and skip right over the original remark.

Don Imus must be heading for the tanning salon."Extra dark please"

Ðiego 10-07-08 08:02 AM

Why bring 'white' and Imus into it? It wasn't a racist remark.

Jackson is a tool, and this, including the statement itself, which you have misquoted slightly, has been covered heavily by the MSM.

Ð :S:

albed 10-07-08 08:41 AM

OMG, I don't post what Diego wants!

What is wrong with me?

I only post what I want!



hmmm? deja vu

Ðiego 10-07-08 12:49 PM

It's not a matter of what I want or don't want.

You attempted, unsuccessfully, to link his comments to someone who has made racist remarks. Like all republicans, you can't have an honest discussion, you have to make links which are not there to support arguments which hold no water.

Ð :S:

albed 24-07-08 04:53 PM

Obama in Berlin:

"I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality...we've made our share of mistakes."
What a perfect place to badmouth the U.S. - Berlin - heart of Nazi atrocities and later America's Berlin Airlift. Not that the stupid fucks cheering him would have a clue, or a lot of the imbeciles here, but the irony is just so immense. :uu:

Ðiego 24-07-08 05:07 PM

Being honest is never 'bad mouthing', it's admitting to the mistakes of our nation.

Like electing a moron to the Presidency, twice. Obama will be a welcome relief.

A bit of contrast for you:

Obama gives a speech in front of 200,000 Europeans chanting 'Obama' and 'USA USA USA!'

McCain gives a press conference in front of the cheese display bantering blatant bullshit..

Ð :S:

multi 25-07-08 09:24 AM

I don't think Obama is going to win so easy , if at all
by all accounts he looks like he should win and win easily

The big butt is, Hillary's butt actually :)
if he doesn't choose her as a running mate it could open up a big hole for McCain
I wonder who else would he choose. Edwards?

Even if he does choose her.. I still have this feeling the Republicans have an ace up their sleeve or something.. that what looks like should be a romp in... will become too close to call ,and with more clever manipulation like the past elections they will somehow pull off the impossible. It's because he is such a cardboard cutout.. he is somewhat a perfect replacement for Bush and there's something about the neoconservative/military complex's agenda that reeks of unfinished business ;)

I hate to be a pessimist because I hope Obama will win..
I just get the impression the whole system is so corrupt ,a genuine candidate that would bring about real change would never be allowed to win.

Ðiego 25-07-08 09:47 AM

Clinton would be a massive mistake, but one he may take against my better judgement.

The main reason it would be such a mistake: the Republicans want him to choose her.

he should stay VERY well clear of her and her baggage and her husband.

Ð :S:

multi 25-07-08 09:51 AM

I think so too.. I dislike her because she is a obviously a sell out to big money..but distancing himself from the Clinton admin legacy will give voters the sense of the 'unknown' and the Republicans will play it for everything they have got.

Ðiego 25-07-08 10:12 AM

That's fine by me. Most of the country, when asked what they want from this election cycle, replied 'change'. Hillary isn't change any more than McCain is.

The people of the US believe, rightly [sic], that the country is headed in the wrong direction, and that isn't solved with an order of McSame w/cheese.

Ð :S:

Ðiego 25-07-08 10:49 AM

Ben Smith at Politico has a good story on McCain -v- Clinton:


Dept. of fake news: McCain defeats Clinton

A sharp-eyed Democrat sends in a rather surprising page from John McCain's site (screengrab here),which, in the form of a news story, offers quite a bit of detail about how McCain beat the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.

In fact, it's from an email the McCain camp sent supporters last year.

Still, it's fun to read, if only for a reminder of how unpredictable this season has been.


the McCain campaign has now removed it from the site :BL:

Ð :S:

multi 25-07-08 11:43 AM

wow, that is bizarre :BL:

it reads a bit like one of those Christian pamphlets



John McCain is still playing catch up to Barack Obama.

As the Illinois Democrat speaks before the picturesque Victory Column in Berlin today, the Arizona Republican is doing a slightly less exciting form of German outreach. He is having a lunch meeting with small business leaders at a German restaurant in German Village, Columbus, Ohio.

The presidential race, it seems has boiled down to who has the greatest German appeal. McCain's appearance at Schmidts' restaurant, a "Sausage Haus" comes after the RNC launched several advertisements in towns named Berlin.


And it came to pass, in the eighth year of the reign of the evil Bush the Younger (The Ignorant), when the whole land from the Arabian desert to the shores of the Great Lakes had been laid barren, that a Child appeared in the wilderness.

The Child was blessed in looks and intellect. Scion of a simple family, offspring of a miraculous union, grandson of a typical white person and an African peasant. And yea, as he grew, the Child walked in the path of righteousness, with only the occasional detour into the odd weed and a little blow.

When he was twelve years old, they found him in the temple in the City of Chicago, arguing the finer points of community organisation with the Prophet Jeremiah and the Elders. And the Elders were astonished at what they heard and said among themselves: “Verily, who is this Child that he opens our hearts and minds to the audacity of hope?”

In the great Battles of Caucus and Primary he smote the conniving Hillary, wife of the deposed King Bill the Priapic and their barbarian hordes of Working Class Whites.

And so it was, in the fullness of time, before the harvest month of the appointed year, the Child ventured forth - for the first time - to bring the light unto all the world.

He travelled fleet of foot and light of camel, with a small retinue that consisted only of his loyal disciples from the tribe of the Media. He ventured first to the land of the Hindu Kush, where the Taleban had harboured the viper of al-Qaeda in their bosom, raining terror on all the world.

And the Child spake and the tribes of Nato immediately loosed the Caveats that had previously bound them. And in the great battle that ensued the forces of the light were triumphant. For as long as the Child stood with his arms raised aloft, the enemy suffered great blows and the threat of terror was no more.

From there he went forth to Mesopotamia where he was received by the great ruler al-Maliki, and al-Maliki spake unto him and blessed his Sixteen Month Troop Withdrawal Plan even as the imperial warrior Petraeus tried to destroy it.

And lo, in Mesopotamia, a miracle occurred. Even though the Great Surge of Armour that the evil Bush had ordered had been a terrible mistake, a waste of vital military resources and doomed to end in disaster, the Child's very presence suddenly brought forth a great victory for the forces of the light.



And so now that Senator Obama's Berlin address is in the can, get ready for the backlash from the very serious corporate media. Get ready for profuse around-the-clock praise of Senator McCain and/or unfair, invented criticism of Senator Obama. Because reporting the news, however accurate, about Senator Obama's successful trip to the Middle East and Europe isn't news. It's obviously biased reporting against the McCain campaign.

That's all we've heard from the McBush Republicans this week: griping about the press coverage of Senator Obama's trip, as if such an epic event isn't newsworthy. Although I'm sure the McBush camp would've been thrilled about such wall-to-wall coverage if Reverend Wright had been spazzing out on the wing of the Obama campaign jet, ripping it to shreds Twilight Zone style -- Rezko and Ayers running around in turbans spray-painting "clinging to guns" on the side of General Petraeus' helicopter.

JackSpratts 25-07-08 03:58 PM

an apparently bitter ben stein is all but calling obama hitler for drawing big crowds in germany. gee ben, but aren't you just the brilliant one? he must be thrilled with barbra streisand.:CE:

Ðiego 25-07-08 06:21 PM

Ben Stein sucked as an actor - why is he still on my TV??

Shouldn't he be teaching 'creationism' as science somewhere in Louisiana??

Ð :S:

albed 25-07-08 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts (Post 262526)
an apparently bitter ben stein is all but calling obama hitler for drawing big crowds in germany. gee ben, but aren't you just the brilliant one? he must be thrilled with barbra streisand.:CE:

Awww, Ben Stein didn't call Obama Hitler so the liberals favorite parrot squawk has to be dredged up and pasted on him.

And it's Streisand-blaa blaa blaa, Hillary-blaa blaa blaa, anonymous quotes-blaa blaa blaa, anonymous farcical writings-blaa blaa blaa. I wonder if the zoned out potheads can even pay attention to the candidates.

JackSpratts 25-07-08 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by albed (Post 262530)
Awww, Ben Stein didn't call Obama Hitler so the liberals favorite parrot squawk has to be dredged up and pasted on him.

so you don't know what "all but calling" means do you. or even perhaps who the fuhrer was.

Seventy-five-thousand people at an outdoor sports palace, well, that's something the Fuehrer would have done. - Ben Stein

heh heh. we get it ben. you're scared about obama on israel so you drolly compare his actions to a guy with spectacular jewish issues. aren't you the clever little one.

- js.

Ðiego 26-07-08 03:57 AM


or even perhaps who the fuhrer was
You kidding? He has his picture on the wall..

Ð :S:

malvachat 26-07-08 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Ðiego (Post 262534)
You kidding? He has his picture on the wall..

Ð :S:

He's took his medal down.

Listening to: Morrissey - Hold on to your friends
via FoxyTunes

Ðiego 26-07-08 06:00 AM

The 'medal' (it's actually just a Faux & Fiends badge, but don't tell him) is hanging on it..

Ð :S:

albed 26-07-08 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by JackSpratts (Post 262526)
an apparently bitter ben stein is all but calling obama hitler for drawing big crowds in germany. gee ben, but aren't you just the brilliant one? he must be thrilled with barbra streisand.:CE:

In context:

I'm glad you brought up this Denver thing. I don't like the idea of Senator Obama giving his acceptance speech in front of 75,000 wildly cheering people. That is not the way we do things in political parties in the United States of America. We have a contained number of people in an arena. Seventy-five-thousand people at an outdoor sports palace, well, that's something the Fuehrer would have done.
I guess someone has to explain that Denver isn't in Germany. But it's a very interesting observation that he's adopting Hitlers method of holding massive outdoor political rallies and I'd add, how his brainless idolizers are like Hitlers fanatical followers.

Does "cult of personality" ring a bell?

JackSpratts 26-07-08 07:46 AM

ben's just jealous. his geezer boy mccain can only get a few jars of applesauce excited.

albed 26-07-08 07:54 AM

Way to deal with the point Jack. Using all your intellectual resources of course and that's what you come up with.

But that's just another item in the media's glaring bias in covering the candidates; replay an Obama speech and then counterpoint it with falling applesauce. I've been watching them struggle with excuses for their conduct and there just aren't any. They've simply become a propaganda agency.

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers."

multi 26-07-08 08:29 AM


HE didn't post


Ðiego 26-07-08 09:01 AM

The media's glaring bias in covering the candidates? Yes, there is bias and it is glaring, but you're wrong about the recipient.

McCain has made mistake after mistake after mistake and they hardly get any mention in the press.

Then there are the times McCain is covered up in his screw-ups, like the CBS interview where they edit out his reply to a question, which blatantly showed that he didn't have a clue about Iraq yet again, and replaced it with an answer from a different question, which I covered here: http://www.p2p-zone.com/underground/...ad.php?t=24589

Not to leave out that they cut entirely from the interview the fact that he called the war in Iraq the first major conflict following 911.

Then you have Faux News showing footage of McCain on the campaign trail looking oh so young and energetic. Naturally, it was footage from 8 years ago during his 2000 Presidential campaign: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=dc3_1217017818

Yes, there is media bias. No, it's not in favor of Obama. Obama does make the news more often, but because he is doing things which are news worthy. He is held to a much higher standard than McCain and his statements to a lot more scrutiny than McCain.

McCain said 'bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb iran' and that selling IranIran cigarettes is 'one way to kill them'; and it's just McCain being McCain. He says Social Security is a disgrace, and it doesn't make much press. He doesn't know the difference between Shiite and Sunni and thinks they have gotten along for 1000's of years. He makes mistake after mistake and they are just glossed over in the media. McCain said he didn't love America until he was a POW ("oops, did I mention I was a POW again? You know I don't like talking about that") and no one bats an eye.

Had Obama said any of these things he would have been crucified by the press and the public, but McCain gets a free ride.

McCain isn't someone I want running the country, but that hardly matters because if he won he wouldn't be running the country any more than Bush has been.

America is electing a President, not a Neo-Con puppet.

Albed, you're nothing more than a Faux News Talking Point.

Ð :S:

Nicobie 27-07-08 06:12 PM


Quoted from Diego:

McCain isn't someone I want running the country, but that hardly matters because if he won he wouldn't be running the country any more than Bush has been.

/end quote

Maybe you can take the Concord back to America in time to vote.

You haven't lived here for years.

Me thinks U have U're head ^ U're ass about the USA.

I'd prolly pay more attention to you if U restricted yourself to rude boy comments about the UK where you have lived for many years.


Ðiego 27-07-08 07:44 PM

Oh that's right, because you stop being American or being allowed to care about it when you don't live within it's borders? You're a laugh.

And the Concorde stopped flying in 2003, not that I expect some people to be up with 'current' events. :BL:

Ð :S:

Mazer 27-07-08 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Nicobie (Post 262548)
I'd prolly pay more attention to you if U restricted yourself to rude boy comments about the UK where you have lived for many years.

We would discuss British politics in this forum but nobody here cares, not even Deigo.

albed 28-07-08 07:22 AM

Deigo would much rather discuss...........Diego. :bc:

Ðiego 28-07-08 10:00 AM

Why yes, because I only ever talk about me.

Oh and Albed, I think I've found a pen-pal for you:


Police found right-wing political books, brass knuckles, empty shotgun shell boxes and a handgun in the Powell home of a man who said he attacked a church in order to kill liberals "who are ruining the country," court records show.

Adkisson told Still that "he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement that he would then target those that had voted them in to office."

Adkisson told officers he left the house unlocked for them because "he expected to be killed during the assault."

Inside the house, officers found "Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder" by radio talk show host Michael Savage, "Let Freedom Ring" by talk show host Sean Hannity, and "The O'Reilly Factor," by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly.

The shotgun-wielding suspect in Sunday's mass shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church was motivated by a hatred of "the liberal movement," and he planned to shoot until police shot him, Knoxville Police Chief Sterling P. Owen IV said this morning.
I think the two of you have a lot in common and could become very good friends. It might even lead to conjugal visits for you if you play your hatred right.

Ð :S:

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