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-   -   The Mystery of the Bulge in the President's Jacket (http://www.p2p-zone.com/underground/showthread.php?t=20423)

malvachat 15-10-04 11:21 AM

He's there again
Once again Alex has got the goods.
The evidence keeps pilling up.

multi 15-10-04 11:34 PM


"I think it was his battery," a grinning Edwards told Jay Leno on "The Tonight Show" on Tuesday. more..

multi 16-10-04 06:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
gallery of bush bulges

multi 20-10-04 02:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
maybe theyr'e right...

esteeaz 20-10-04 07:51 PM

thats awsome...
hahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahah thats so great!!!!!! i went to the kerry edwards rally and it was amazing my mom and i had a blast!!!! great pic - im printing now ahahahahahahaahahah!!!!!!! :BGA:


Originally Posted by multi

schmooky007 21-10-04 10:47 PM

i think it's a bulletproof vest.

theknife 05-11-04 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by schmooky007
i think it's a bulletproof vest.

give that man a cigar:


The last word on Bush’s bulge

Call off the conspiracy freaks. Now it can be told: That mysterious bulge on President Bush’s back during the first presidential debate was not an electronic device feeding him answers, but a strap holding his bulletproof vest in place.

Speculation about the bulge on the Internet only increased since Georges de Paris, the Washington tailor who makes Bush’s suits, told The Hill last month that it was nothing more than a pucker on the back of Bush’s coat caused when he crossed his arms.

But sources in the Secret Service told The Hill that Bush was wearing a bulletproof vest, as he does most of the time when appearing in public. The president’s handlers did not want to admit as much during the campaign, for fear of disclosing information related to his personal security while he was on the campaign trail.

The suspicion that Bush was, indeed, wearing something under his coat was given further credence by Dr. Robert M. Nelson, a senior research scientist for NASA and Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and an international authority on image analysis, who conducted tests while working at home on his own computers.

“I am willing to stake my scientific reputation to the statement that Bush was wearing something under his jacket during the debate,” Nelson told Salon.com. “This is not about a bad suit. And there’s no way the bulge can be described as a wrinkled shirt.”


"The president’s handlers...."
this president doesn't have aides or security - he has handlers. do you think they feed him, too?

jcmd62 08-11-04 09:40 AM

Jeez you liberal yucks were grasping at every pitiful excuse for a conspiracy those last days before the big "rock the vote" was supposed to happen.

OMFG there is a bulge in the presidents jacket what could it be? Actually its an Alien controller that the Beta-zeds from Arubis 9 control our leader with.

Cospiracy...transmitters..positronic brain....you idiots.....you bet your ass the prez. wears a damn vest in public, and not some lightweight handgun only vest...Hell no that is a state of the art fully armoured concealed vest with steel plates protecting as much as possible vital areas from high powered rifles. Presidents have been wearing vests exclusively since Reagan was shot. Obviously short of wearing a steel/kevlar helmet, his head is always vulnerable and Secret Service is his firstline of defense against threats, the vest is worn strictly for the "just in case", last line of defense safety it provides if some lunatic liberal gets off a pot shot, the President has as much protection as possible short of full body Armour including head protection.

Whay is it ok for your liberal media to use transmitters during live T.V. and your precious little Ashlee Simpson to lip sync on a T.V. program that used to be popular for the fact it was "LIVE". NOT just the skits, but the musicians were always playing live on Saturday Night LIVE. So what if the President was getting help from an advisor. I'm not just voting him into office I'm also voting in his advisors also. The presidency is as much a TEAM effort as any job is. We all depend on others at some time to aid us in our jobs.

As John MCcain said recently "the election is over, Its time to stop the bickering and arguing and for us to pull together as a TEAM not just as a government, but as a Nation."

JackSpratts 08-11-04 10:23 AM

ah jc, ever since i lost my subscription to the weekly world news and the wacky editorials of "ed anger" i can't tell you how much i look forward to your madcap interpretations of world events. you're not quite in ed's league but by golly for the price you'll sure as hell do. :ND:

- js.

Ramona_A_Stone 08-11-04 01:44 PM

"Your precious little Ashlee Simpson"--beloved icon of liberals nationwide, destroyer of the conservative bastion of taste and morality that used to be SNL.


Thanks for the official inside disclosure on the bulletproof vest btw Jughead. It's nice to see at least one of you republican yucks on the TEAM come clean, even though everyone in the administration, including Bush denied it outright.


"There was nothing under his suit jacket," said Nicolle Devenish, a campaign spokeswoman.
...apparently not even a human being.


Nor was the bulge from a bulletproof vest, according to campaign and White House officials; they said Mr. Bush was not wearing one.

"I don't know what that is," Mr. Bush said. "I mean, it is — I'm embarrassed to say it's a poorly tailored shirt."
But we'll forgive this concerted LIE since it's in the interest of security, and since LYING to us about what's in the best interest of our security in general is the new black in the party's line of Emperor's Clothing.


Sources in the Secret Service told The Hill that Bush "was wearing a bulletproof vest, as he does most of the time when appearing in public. The president’s handlers did not want to admit as much during the campaign, for fear of disclosing information related to his personal security while he was on the campaign trail."
Obviously this lie could save his life, as they wouldn't want any would-be liberal yuck assassin to be wise to a bulletproof vest, clueing them into the crazy idea of trying a head-shot.


It's kind of the same theory that attacking Iraq is making New York safer right now.

Thank god for four more years of consistency.

albed 08-11-04 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by VWguy
It is most likely a low profile bullet proof vest, probably semi custom. The lump looks like one of the velcro closures, moved further to the back to make it less obvious. As to why it was denied that it is a vest, that would be for security reasons, it is a "nusciance" quality vest for handgun type attacks. An attacker who would jump out of a crowd (think Regan) and started shooting would go for the largest target, the center of mass, in essence the chest or back as it would be easy to hit. If one knew in advance the target was wearing a vest then they might choose a scoped rifle from a distance, which could easily penitrate a vest, or aim for the head.

Looks like you inherited Rodney Dangerfield's position VW.


Originally Posted by theknife
Originally Posted by schmooky007
i think it's a bulletproof vest.

give that man a cigar:

Give that liberal a clue.


Originally Posted by jcmd62
Hell no that is a state of the art fully armoured concealed vest with steel plates protecting as much as possible vital areas from high powered rifles.

You're not impressing anyone with your high powered bs jc. State of the art is ceramic plates and that vest sure as hell doesn't have them. VW seems to know what he's talking about.

jcmd62 08-11-04 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
"Your precious little Ashlee Simpson"--beloved icon of liberals nationwide, destroyer of the conservative bastion of taste and morality that used to be SNL.


Wait a minute........according to liberals, if your "Young", then you are automatically a liberal. The Democrats basically ran their whole campaign on this belief. Besides I figured someone would jump on that one. Actually coaxed moana out from unda his rock.


Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
Thanks for the official inside disclosure on the bulletproof vest btw Jughead. It's nice to see at least one of you republican yucks on the TEAM come clean, even though everyone in the administration, including Bush denied it outright.

Ok so what the heck was all the whining about the bulge for? Didn't know it was anybody's business what the President wears under his jacket.

As you answered your own rhetoric, the bulge whatever it was, was none of your concern. Too bad as usual the media in its infinite arrogance and ignorance in that it even comes close to dispelling truth had already well saturated the public with its dramatic and untrue reporting/a.k.a. RUMOURS, that once again in order to stop the rumour mill and lies, any speck of saftey or benefit that the rest of thre WORLD not knowing about the Presidents vest may have given him has to be lost completely. Not for the "truth" or "justice" or anything remotely important, no just for ratings and the almighty dollar.

jcmd62 08-11-04 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by albed
You're not impressing anyone with your high powered bs jc. State of the art is ceramic plates and that vest sure as hell doesn't have them. VW seems to know what he's talking about.

Since when did you get top secret clearance as to the exact type of vest the president wears you trolling fuck. Truth is carbon fiber plates made with kevlar is state of the art also. You can have a custom vest made with steel, ceramic or carbon fiber trauma inserts. Fuck you and your anal knit picking, Your the one not impressing anyone. VW can believe he's wearing some handgun vest and maybe he's right, I believe differently. When I said state of the art I meant "body armour" that is now concealable, not some everyday wear concealed handgun vest worn by duty cops. If my choice of inserts wasn't your particular choice then too bad asswipe.

Prove your claims.. You are claiming first hand knowledge that the president was not ony wearing a vest but what type. Whether it did or didn't have trauma plates over vital areas.....So tell us how do you KNOW that the Presidents vest had no trauma/rifle inserts! How do you know that bulge wasn't a rifle insert? Prove your not just a troll looking to disagree with every anal thing you can find. Show us the means to this superior knowledge you claim yet can't prove.

Ramona_A_Stone 08-11-04 04:34 PM


blah blah blah... any speck of saftey or benefit that the rest of thre WORLD not knowing about the Presidents vest may have given him has to be lost completely. Not for the "truth" or "justice" or anything remotely important, no just for acting like a big-shot at a bulletin board.
You're a regular one man circus aren't ya?

We crazy liberals never said it was bulletproof vest, at least I never did and neither did the administration or Bush himself (I believe we may have established they were lying, but you continue to cloud the issue) and the crazy liberal media simply reported the official denials...

....so I guess only you ARMCHAIR TACTICAL EXPERTS are to BLAME for this GREVIOUS BREECH OF SECURITY and endangering the president's big fat naked smirking head, which now, because of your irresponsible rumor-milling, EVERYONE REALIZES IS TOTALLY UNPROTECTED!!!

Anne Coulter will probably want you hanged, right up there next to Geraldo Rivera.


Since when did you get top secret clearance as to the exact type of vest the president wears you trolling fuck.

Prove your claims.. You are claiming first hand knowledge that the president was not ony wearing a vest but what type.

Show us the means to this superior knowledge you claim yet can't prove.
And now, we watch, with great amusement, as the conservative republican TEAM, secure in their collective triumph over the evil liberals, begin to turn on themselves over a completely moot issue.

jcmd62 08-11-04 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Ramona_A_Stone
You're a regular one man circus aren't ya?

We crazy liberals never said it was bulletproof vest, at least I never did and neither did the administration or Bush himself (I believe we may have established they were lying, but you continue to cloud the issue) and the crazy liberal media simply reported the official denials...

....so I guess only you ARMCHAIR TACTICAL EXPERTS are to BLAME for this GREVIOUS BREECH OF SECURITY and endangering the president's big fat naked smirking head, which now, because of your irresponsible rumor-milling, EVERYONE REALIZES IS TOTALLY UNPROTECTED!!!

Anne Coulter will probably want you hanged, right up there next to Geraldo Rivera.

And now, we watch, with great amusement, as the conservative republican TEAM, secure in their collective triumph over the evil liberals, begin to turn on themselves over a completely moot issue.

Thats right!!!!!!!!! You and your liberal whiny partners NEVER said it was a vest. No you just pissed and moaned about this moot fucking issue, then made false accusations and ridiculous fictional claims to all kinds of bullshit devices until someone had to stop the rumors from getting out of control and pacify your inane infantile whining with what the damn bulge actually was.

Sanity is starting to slip from you faster and faster, your posts are practically incoherent. Moot Issue???? Its all this BB offers..

Ramona_A_Stone 08-11-04 08:09 PM

You know I can't argue that it's a shame that not everyone can keep their heads as firmly buried up their asses as you do, things would certainly go more smoothly. Basic perception is just a bitch ain't it?


someone had to stop the rumors from getting out of control and pacify your inane infantile whining with what the damn bulge actually was.

Since when did you get top secret clearance as to the exact type of vest the president wears you trolling fuck...
Prove your claims.. You are claiming first hand knowledge that the president was not ony wearing a vest but what type...
Show us the means to this superior knowledge you claim yet can't prove...

malvachat 09-11-04 03:28 AM

So it was a bullet proof vest.
Was it really?
Is that the truth?
Are you sure?
Are you positive?
I wish,I wish I could be so trusting.
"There's no place like home,there's no place like home"
"Home on the range"
That is.

multi 09-11-04 04:32 AM

it sort of outlived its entertainment value..:hmm:
whatever it was it didnt make the top 10

The Ten Worst Media Distortions of Campaign 2004

1. Dan Rather’s Forgery Fiasco
2. Ignoring, Then Attacking, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
3. Pounding the Bush National Guard Story
4. Spinning a Good Economy into Bad News
5. The Networks’ Outrageous Convention Double-Standard
6. Swooning Over Edwards’ Image, Ignoring His Liberalism
7. CBS’s Byron Pitts Promotional Kerry Coverage
8. CBS Promotes Fears of a New Military Draft
9. Misrepresenting the 9/11 Commission on Iraq/al-Qaeda Links
10. Equating New Terrorism Warning to LBJ’s “Gulf of Tonkin”



a troll looking to disagree with every anal thing you can find.

albed 09-11-04 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by jcmd62
the prez. wears a damn vest in public, and not some lightweight handgun only vest...Hell no that is a state of the art fully armoured concealed vest with steel plates protecting as much as possible vital areas from high powered rifles.


Originally Posted by jcmd62
Since when did you get top secret clearance as to the exact type of vest the president wears you trolling fuck.


Originally Posted by jcmd62

Prove your claims.. You are claiming first hand knowledge that the president was not ony wearing a vest but what type. Whether it did or didn't have trauma plates over vital areas.....

I've never seen even Ramona create so much bullshit out of thin air. It seems you splash most of it back on your own ass. Can you make even more and answer yourself?

RoBoBoy 09-11-04 08:05 AM

I find it odd that the questions were not addressed during the campaign. I think the notion that the secret service didn't want people to know GW wore a vest is invalid. Who wouldn't consider or believe he wears a vest in public.

It might be a vest but if you look at the pictures, you'll notice a distinct line running from the top right, up an over the shoulder. It looks a lot like a chord of sorts to me rather than a strap. And if it's a vest, shouldn't there or wouldn't there be that same strap running over the left shoulder. All vests I've seen fit much higher on the back. This particular "vest" leaves the most critical area of the spinal.


Maybe some of you "in the know" about vests could provide us theorists with a link to the vest that has a single corded strap like the one worn bY GW in these pictures.

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